in category Prior Revelations

Why did Allah make the Islamic holy day Friday, the Jewish holy day Saturday and the Christian holy day Sunday?

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The Wisdom Behind Different Holy Days in Islam, Judaism, and Christianity


According to Islamic teachings, God (Allah) designated different holy days for Muslims (Friday), Jews (Saturday), and Christians (Sunday) to promote diversity, individuality, and prevent blind conformity. This arrangement also accommodates the cultural practices and traditions of these respective faith communities, fostering a harmonious coexistence while preserving their distinct identities.


One of the remarkable aspects of the Abrahamic faiths – Islam, Judaism, and Christianity – is the designation of different holy days for their respective communities. While Muslims observe Friday as their weekly holy day, Jews observe Saturday (Shabbat), and Christians observe Sunday. This deliberate arrangement raises an intriguing question: Why did God (Allah) ordain distinct holy days for these religious communities? Islamic teachings offer profound insights into this matter, highlighting the divine wisdom and purpose behind this diversity.

The Quranic Perspective

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, provides guidance on the significance of different holy days:

- "For every nation, We have appointed rites they must follow." (Quran 22:67)
- "And to every community, We have appointed a rite that they observe." (Quran 22:34)

These verses indicate that God has prescribed specific rites and observances for different communities, reflecting His divine wisdom and plan.

Promoting Diversity and Individuality

One of the primary reasons for designating different holy days is to foster diversity and individuality among faith communities. Islam teaches that blind conformity and imitation without understanding are discouraged. By having distinct holy days, Muslims, Jews, and Christians are encouraged to develop a unique identity and understanding of their faith, rather than merely following others blindly.

Accommodating Cultural Practices

The designation of different holy days also takes into account the cultural practices and traditions of these communities. For example, Christians have traditionally observed Sunday as a day of rest and worship, while Jews have observed Saturday (Shabbat) as their holy day. By accommodating these established practices, God's wisdom ensures a harmonious coexistence and prevents unnecessary disruptions to deeply-rooted cultural norms.

Fostering Mutual Respect and Coexistence

The diversity of holy days serves as a reminder of the need for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence among different faith communities. It encourages individuals to appreciate and respect the beliefs and practices of others, promoting a spirit of tolerance and understanding. This arrangement also allows each community to fulfill its religious obligations without interference or conflict with others.

Scholarly Perspectives

Islamic scholars have expounded on the wisdom behind the designation of different holy days:

- Imam Al-Ghazali (d. 1111 CE) stated:

"God has appointed different rites and observances for different communities to test their obedience and commitment to the path He has ordained for them."

- Ibn Kathir (d. 1373 CE), a renowned exegete, explained:

"The diversity of holy days is a manifestation of God's wisdom, allowing each community to follow its distinct path while recognizing the common source of guidance."

- The scholar Tariq Ramadan highlights:

"The different holy days are a testament to the richness of God's creation and a reminder that diversity is a blessing, not a curse, when embraced with mutual respect and understanding."


The designation of different holy days for Muslims (Friday), Jews (Saturday), and Christians (Sunday) is a manifestation of God's infinite wisdom and His desire to promote diversity, and accommodate the cultural practices of these faith communities. This arrangement encourages each community to develop a unique understanding of their faith, while fostering mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and appreciation for the beliefs and practices of others.

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