in category Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Do you know what the technical definition of awrah is?

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In a Nutshell: The technical definition of awrah in Islam refers to the intimate parts of the body that must be covered with clothing for reasons of modesty. For men, it generally includes the area between the navel and the knee, while for women, it encompasses the entire body except for the face, hands, and sometimes feet, depending on the context.


Awrah is an Arabic term that signifies the parts of the body that should be concealed for modesty. It is a concept deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, reflecting the values of modesty and privacy. The specifics of awrah vary between genders and different social situations, such as in the presence of mahram relatives, other women, or non-mahram men


Quranic Verses

  1. Surah An-Nur (24:31) instructs Muslim women to guard their private parts and not display their adornment except what is apparent, which includes the face and hands, and to draw their veils over their chests
  2. Surah Al-Ahzab (33:59) advises the Prophet (pbuh) to tell his wives, daughters, and the believing women to draw their cloaks over themselves as a means of better identification and prevention of harm
  3. Surah Al-A'raf (7:26) states that Allah has provided clothing to cover the awrah and as a form of adornment, emphasizing the importance of covering


  1. The Prophet (pbuh) indicated that a woman should not look at the awrah of another woman, and a man should not look at the awrah of another man, highlighting the importance of modesty for both genders.
  2. Aisha (ra) narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) advised Asma bint Abu Bakr (ra) that after reaching the age of menstruation, nothing should be seen of her except her face and hands.
  3. The Prophet (pbuh) mentioned that the thigh is awrah, indicating the need to cover it.

Traditional Scholarly Quotes

  1. Imam Al-Ghazali and other scholars have stated that the awrah of a woman in front of non-mahram men is her entire body except for her face and hands
  2. Ibn Hazm and some scholars argue that the feet are not part of a woman's awrah, based on the practices of the Prophet's (pbuh) wives
  3. Imam Ash-Shafi'i and other jurists have mentioned that the awrah of a woman in front of other Muslim women is from the navel to the knee, similar to the awrah among me.


The concept of awrah is integral to Islamic persepctives on modesty and privacy. It is not solely about clothing but also encompasses behavior and interaction. The primary sources of Islam, the Qur'an and Hadith, along with scholarly interpretations, provide guidelines for Muslims to follow while allowing for some flexibility based on context and culture.


  • The idea that awrah applies only to women is incorrect; both genders have specific guidelines for modesty.
  • Awrah is not a rigid concept; it can adapt to different cultures and times while maintaining the core principles of modesty and privacy.
  • Observing awrah is not limited to prayer; it is a comprehensive approach to modesty in daily life.
  • Focusing solely on external appearance can overshadow the importance of internal modesty and character.
  • Judging others for their observance of awrah can lead to unnecessary criticism and is not conducive to personal or communal growth.


The definition of awrah in Islam is a reflection of the religion's emphasis on modesty and privacy. It is a concept that is applied with consideration to context, culture, and individual circumstances, promoting a balanced approach to personal faith and social interaction.

FAQs - Technical definition of awrah

Is the face included in a woman's awrah?

The majority of scholars agree that the face is not included in a woman's awrah, and covering it is not obligatory except in situations of fitnah.

Are women required to cover their feet?

Scholarly opinions differ on whether women's feet are part of the awrah, with some scholars requiring them to be covered and others not.

What constitutes a woman's awrah in front of mahram men?

In front of mahram men, a woman's awrah is less strict, and she may show parts of her body that are usually uncovered, such as her hair, arms, and legs, while still maintaining modesty.

How should women dress in front of other women?

Women are allowed to show parts of the body that are typically exposed during daily tasks, such as arms and hair, but should still dress modestly.

Does the concept of awrah apply to non-Muslim women?

While Muslim women are advised to maintain their awrah in front of all women, the specifics may vary in the presence of non-Muslim women, with an emphasis on respect and modesty in all interactions.

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