in category Hadith

What books in English would you suggest for gaining a good grasp of the Science of Hadith?

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( 42.5k points):

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  1. "Introduction to the Science of Hadith" by Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami: Considered a classic in the field of hadith studies, providing a comprehensive introduction to the science of hadith and its methodology.

  2. "The Science of Hadith" by Dr. Muhammad ibn al-Salah: Introduction to the science of hadith and its methodology, with a focus on the contributions of early Muslim scholars.

  3. "The Criticism of Hadith: An Introduction to the Science of Hadith" by Dr. Mustafa Azami: This book provides an in-depth study of the principles and methodologies used in hadith criticism, and is considered a valuable resource for scholars and students of hadith.

  4. "The Collection and Classification of Hadith" by Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Shakir: A detailed study of the history and development of the science of hadith, with a focus on the collections and classifications of hadith by early Muslim scholars.

  5. "Hadith: Its Science and Criticism" by Dr. Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari: Considered a classic in the field of hadith studies, providing a comprehensive introduction to the science of hadith and its methodology, with a focus on the contributions of the famous hadith scholar al-Bukhari.

  6. "The Authority and Authenticity of Hadith" by Dr. Mustafa al-Azami: This book provides an in-depth study of the principles and methodologies used in the authentication of hadith, and is considered a valuable resource for scholars and students of hadith.

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