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Can a woman ask for a divorce due to her husband's addiction?

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In a Nutshell - 'Can a Woman Ask for a Divorce Due to Her Husband's Addiction?'

Yes, a woman can ask for a divorce due to her husband's addiction in Islam. This is based on the principle that marriage should be a source of tranquility and protection. If addiction leads to harm, neglect, or violation of marital rights, it becomes a valid ground for seeking divorce. Islamic jurisprudence empowers women to protect their well-being and dignity in such circumstances.

Analysis of Divorce Addiction Entitlement

The issue of divorce due to a spouse's addiction is a significant one in Islamic jurisprudence. It involves understanding the rights and responsibilities within a marriage, the concept of harm (darar), and the provisions for divorce (talaq) in Islam.

Quranic Verses

The Quran addresses the sanctity of marriage and the importance of mutual respect and kindness. Surah An-Nisa (4:19) states, "O you who have believed, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion. And do not make difficulties for them in order to take [back] part of what you gave them unless they commit a clear immorality. And live with them in kindness." This verse emphasizes the obligation of kind treatment in marriage.

Hadith Interpretations

In Sahih Bukhari, it is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "The best of you are those who are best to their wives, and I am the best of you to my wives" (Sahih Bukhari, 5197). This Hadith highlights the Prophet's (pbuh) emphasis on kind and just treatment of wives.

Companion's Perspective

Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra), known for his justice, is reported to have dealt with cases of marital discord with great sensitivity, considering harm and neglect as valid reasons for granting divorce.

Classical Scholarly Quotes

Imam Al-Ghazali, in his work "Ihya Ulum al-Din," discusses the importance of marital harmony and the permissibility of seeking divorce in case of harm. Ibn Qudamah in "Al-Mughni" elaborates on the rights of women to seek divorce in cases of harm or neglect.

Misconceptions and Pitfalls

Misconception 1: Divorce is Discouraged Under All Circumstances

A common misconception is that Islam discourages divorce under all circumstances. However, Islam permits divorce as a last resort, especially in situations where harm or neglect is present.

Misconception 2: Addiction is Not a Valid Reason for Divorce

Some believe that addiction is not a valid reason for divorce in Islam. However, if addiction leads to harm, neglect, or violation of marital rights, it is considered a valid ground.

Misconception 3: Women Have Limited Grounds for Divorce

There's a misconception that women have limited grounds for seeking divorce in Islam. In reality, Islamic jurisprudence provides various grounds, including harm and neglect, for women to seek divorce.


In Islam, a woman's right to seek divorce due to her husband's addiction is recognized, especially when it leads to harm, neglect, or violation of marital rights. This stance is rooted in the Islamic principles of justice, kindness, and the preservation of dignity within marriage. The decision to seek divorce in such situations aligns with the broader objectives of Islamic law to protect the well-being and rights of individuals.

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