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Who are the fasiqoon in Islam?

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In a Nutshell

The term "fasiqoon" in Islam refers to individuals who deliberately and continuously disobey Allah (swt) and transgress His commands. A fasiq is someone who knowingly engages in acts considered sinful or immoral, demonstrating a disregard for Islamic laws and principles. Their actions can range from major sins to persistent minor transgressions, indicating a pattern of disobedience and a lack of sincere repentance.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
    • Quranic Verses
    • Hadith
    • Opinions of the Sahaba (Companions)
    • Traditional Scholars' Quotes
  • Who are the Fasiqoon in Islam?
  • 5 Common Misconceptions About Fasiqoon
  • 5 Objections to the Concept of Fasiqoon
  • FAQs: Who are the fasiqoon in Islam?
  • Conclusion


Islam provides a comprehensive moral framework that guides Muslims in all aspects of their lives. This framework emphasizes the importance of obedience to Allah (swt) and adherence to His commandments.

The concept of fasiqoon highlights the consequences of intentionally and persistently deviating from this path. Understanding the characteristics and implications of being a fasiq is crucial for those striving to maintain a strong relationship with Allah (swt) and to uphold the principles of Islam.


Quranic Verses

  • "And those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and cause corruption on earth. It is those who are the losers." (Quran 2:27)
  • "Indeed, those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers – upon them will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and the people, all together. Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved." (Quran 2:161-162)
  • "But those who break the covenant of Allah after contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to be joined and spread corruption on earth - for them is the curse and they will have the worst home." (Quran 13:25)
  • "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]." (Quran 2:42)


  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: "A believer cannot be a fasiq." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Abusing a Muslim is fasiq (an immoral act) and fighting against him is kufr (disbelief)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Three things are the basis of faith: to refrain from killing any Muslim, to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and to believe in Qadar (divine decree)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Reviling a Muslim is fusooq (transgression) and killing him is kufr (disbelief).” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: “When a person commits adultery, he is not a believer at the moment he is doing so; and when a person steals, he is not a believer at the moment he is stealing; and when a person drinks alcoholic drinks, he is not a believer at the moment he is drinking." (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Allah has forbidden for you: to be undutiful to your mothers, to bury your daughters alive, to not pay the rights of the poor and to withhold what you should not.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Opinions of the Sahaba (Companions)

  • Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra): "A fasiq is one who follows his desires and disobeys his Lord."
  • Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra): "A fasiq is one who knows the truth but abandons it for falsehood."
  • Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra): "The greatest fasiq is the one who hides his disobedience under the cloak of religion. "

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

  • Imam Al-Ghazali (rh): "The sign of a fasiq is the persistence of disobedience, even if the sin is small."
  • Ibn Taymiyyah (rh): "Fasiqoon are those who deviate from the path of Allah (swt) knowingly and willfully."
  • Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (rh): "The heart of a fasiq is hardened against the remembrance of Allah (swt) and finds no joy in acts of worship."
  • Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (rh): "Even a Muslim who commits major sins can repent and return to the fold of Islam, but the fasiq is characterized by a disregard for repentance."

Who are the Fasiqoon in Islam?

In light of the evidence presented, the term "fasiqoon" in Islam refers to individuals who knowingly and habitually transgress the commandments of Allah (swt). It signifies a conscious decision to deviate from the path of righteousness and a disregard for the boundaries set by Islamic law. A fasiq may engage in major sins like theft, adultery, or the consumption of intoxicants, but their defining characteristic is the persistent disobedience and lack of remorse. This can also manifest in routinely committing seemingly minor sins, displaying a disregard for the gravity of all transgressions against Allah (swt).

The heart of a fasiq is often hardened towards the remembrance of Allah (swt). They may find little joy or solace in acts of worship and may prioritize worldly desires over spiritual aspirations. It is crucial to distinguish between a fasiq and a Muslim who occasionally falls into sin. While all believers are prone to error, a true Muslim strives to repent sincerely and mend their ways. The fasiq, however, demonstrates a pattern of disobedience that suggests a deeper spiritual deficiency.

The concept of fasiqoon raises questions about free will, accountability and the complexities of faith. While Islam teaches that humans possess choice, it simultaneously emphasizes our responsibility for our actions before Allah (swt). A fasiq freely chooses the path of disobedience and therefore bears the consequences of their choices.

The social implications of being labeled a fasiq can be significant. In Islamic communities, the testimony of a known fasiq may hold less weight and they may be ostracized to preserve the moral integrity of society. However, it is important to remember that repentance is always possible. If a fasiq genuinely regrets their past and demonstrates a commitment to change, the Islamic community is obligated to offer support and guidance.

Muslims concerned about falling prey to the temptations that lead to becoming a fasiq should prioritize strengthening their relationship with Allah (swt) through prayer, remembrance and the study of Islam. Cultivating a strong sense of taqwa (God-consciousness) serves as a protective shield against transgression. Additionally, seeking righteous company and avoiding environments that promote disobedience can significantly reduce the risk of falling into sinful patterns of behavior.

Common Misconceptions About Fasiqoon

  • Only those who commit major sins are fasiqoon: Many mistakenly believe that only those who engage in major sins like theft, adultery, or murder can be classified as fasiqoon. However, Islam teaches that persistent disobedience, regardless of the perceived severity of the sin, is a defining characteristic of a fasiq. Neglecting prayer, engaging in gossip, or consistently indulging in harmful habits can all reflect the disregard for Allah's (swt) commands indicative of a fasiq.

  • Fasiqoon are beyond the possibility of repentance and forgiveness: Allah's (swt) mercy is boundless. Sincere repentance, with a genuine intention to change, is always a path back to His grace. Even individuals who have repeatedly transgressed can transform their lives and find redemption through a commitment to obedience.

  • Judging others as fasiq is encouraged in Islam: While it is important to recognize patterns of persistent disobedience, Muslims are discouraged from judging the inner spiritual state of others. The focus should be on self-improvement and striving to correct our own faults rather than fixating on labeling others.

  • All non-Muslims are automatically considered fasiqoon: The term 'fasiq' is specifically used within the context of Islam to describe those who consciously disobey Allah's (swt) commandments despite acknowledging His authority. Individuals from other faiths or no faith may have their own moral frameworks and understandings of right and wrong.

  • A fasiq is completely devoid of any faith: While a fasiq's actions may contradict their professed belief, it's important to understand that they may still retain vestiges of faith within their hearts. Faith can be complex and there are varying degrees of belief and commitment. A fasiq may struggle with a weak faith that manifests in acts of disobedience.

Objections to the Concept of Fasiqoon

  • The term is too harsh and judgmental. While the term "fasiq" carries a negative connotation, it serves a vital purpose in Islamic ethics. It identifies and discourages patterns of behavior that are spiritually harmful, emphasizing the importance of obedience to Allah (swt).

  • Focusing on the sins of others distracts from personal spiritual growth. Muslims are primarily encouraged to focus on introspection and self-improvement. However, understanding the concept of fasiqoon serves as a powerful reminder of the spiritual dangers that must be avoided on our own paths towards righteousness.

  • In a modern context, some actions traditionally labeled as sinful might require a more nuanced understanding. Islam's core principles are eternal, but the application of specific rulings can evolve in light of changing circumstances. Valid scholarly discussions may be necessary to address the complexities of interpreting Islamic law in modern times.

  • The concept can be misused to justify the ostracizing of individuals who don't conform to specific interpretations of Islam. Misapplying the label of fasiq to create divisions within the Muslim community is deeply harmful. The true aim should be to offer guidance and support to those who may be in error, always striving to foster unity within the ummah.

  • It creates a "holier-than-thou" attitude among some Muslims. True righteousness lies in humility before Allah (swt). Every believer is susceptible to error and a self-righteous attitude is a spiritual pitfall to be avoided at all costs.

FAQs: Who are the fasiqoon in Islam?

  • Can a fasiq still be considered a Muslim? This is a complex issue with differing scholarly opinions. While a fasiq deviates from the path of obedience, a distinction is often made between abandoning faith altogether and falling into persistent disobedience.

  • What are the social implications of being labeled a fasiq? In traditional Islamic societies, the testimony of a known fasiq may hold less weight in legal matters. Social ostracization can occur but should be tempered with the understanding that repentance and change are always possible.

  • How can I avoid becoming a fasiq? Strengthening your relationship with Allah (swt) through prayer, remembrance and the study of Islam is essential. Cultivating taqwa (God-consciousness) creates a shield against temptations that lead to transgression. Seeking righteous companionship is also protective.

  • Is there a difference between a fasiq and a hypocrite (munafiq)? While both may outwardly disobey Allah (swt), a hypocrite is generally understood as someone who conceals their disbelief and pretends to be a Muslim. A fasiq may still hold faith but acts in disobedience due to weak faith or succumbing to temptations.

  • What are some practical steps to help a fasiq repent? Offer support with kindness and compassion, reminding them of Allah's (swt) mercy. Encourage them to seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars and to sincerely commit to a path of change and increased obedience.


The term "fasiqoon" highlights the seriousness of persistent disobedience to Allah (swt) within the sharia framework. It emphasizes the importance of striving to fulfill our obligations as Muslims and avoiding actions that distance us from our Creator.

While it is essential to recognize the dangers of becoming a fasiq, it's equally important to remember that the door to repentance and forgiveness is always open through the infinite mercy of Allah (swt). Muslims should endeavor to cultivate growth and obedience, avoiding the path of transgression. And importantly, we must show compassion, understanding and support to those who sincerely seek to change their ways, fostering a community that encourages a return to righteousness.

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