in category Allah (God)

Does Allah love everyone?

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In a Nutshell

The Quran and Hadith teach us that Allah's love encompasses all creation in His vast mercy (Rahman and Rahim). However, Allah's special love (hubb) is reserved for the believers who follow His path and demonstrate faith through righteous actions.


The question of whether Allah (swt) loves everyone is a profound one, touching upon the very nature of the Divine and His relationship with humanity. Islam offers a complex and nuanced understanding of Allah's love. His mercy and compassion extend to all creation. Yet, there's a special kind of love reserved for those who believe in His oneness and follow His guidance. This article will explore the concept of Allah's love through the lens of the Quran, hadith, the words of early companions (ra), and respected scholarly interpretations. We'll aim to answer the title question definitively.


Understanding the different manifestations of Allah's (swt) love requires a careful examination of key sources within Islam:

Quranic Verses

"And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate" (Quran 85:14)

"My mercy encompasses all things." (Quran 7:156)

"Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly." (Quran 49:8)

"And Allah does not love corruption." (Quran 2:205)

"And He is the Forgiving, the Affectionate" (Quran 85:14)

"My mercy encompasses all things." (Quran 7:156)

"Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly." (Quran 49:8)

"And Allah does not love corruption." (Quran 2:205)


The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah has one hundred parts of mercy, of which He has sent down one to the jinn, humankind, animals, and insects..." (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says: 'I love so-and-so; so love him.'..." (Sahih Bukhari)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children, and all mankind." (Sahih Bukhari)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah has one hundred parts of mercy, of which He has sent down one to the jinn, humankind, animals, and insects..." (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "When Allah loves a servant, He calls Gabriel and says: 'I love so-and-so; so love him.'..." (Sahih Bukhari)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children, and all mankind." (Sahih Bukhari)

Companions' Opinions

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra) said: " Allah Almighty divided tenderness into one hundred parts; He kept ninety-nine parts and distributed one part among His creation..." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

Scholarly Opinions

Imam Al-Ghazali: "Love of Allah is the ultimate goal of those who journey, the resting place of those who arrive, the ocean of the people of knowledge..." (Ihya' `Ulum al-Din)
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: "The heart cannot find rest and tranquility except by loving its Lord and Creator." (Madarij as-Salikin)

Does Allah Love Everyone?

The evidences presented make it clear that Allah (swt) possesses two primary types of love. The first is His all-encompassing mercy and compassion, referred to as rahmah. This love extends to all of creation, providing sustenance, guidance, and opportunities for redemption. It's the reason the very first verse of almost every Quranic chapter begins with, "In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."

The second type of love is a special love, known as hubb, that Allah (swt) reserves for those who believe in Him and strive to live in accordance with His commandments. This love is earned through righteous actions, sincerity, and devotion. The Quran states, "...but those who believe and do righteous deeds - the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection" (Quran 19:96).

This distinction between Allah's general mercy and His special love is crucial. It highlights that while Allah (swt) cares for all creation, He holds a unique place in His heart for those who choose the path of righteousness. This type of love is conditional—it is dependent on a person's beliefs and actions.

Some might question the concept of conditional love, arguing that true love shouldn't have prerequisites. However, in the context of Allah's divine love, conditions reflect His justice and wisdom. Allah's love is not merely an emotion but an attribute inextricably linked to His guidance. It motivates believers to uphold His laws and strive for self-improvement.

Moreover, unconditional love by Allah (swt) for all, regardless of one's beliefs, would undermine the very concept of accountability and the importance of faith. Imagine a world where one's actions had no bearing on their relationship with their Creator. Such a scenario would erode the significance of striving towards righteousness.

Therefore, understanding Allah's (swt) love necessitates recognizing its multifaceted nature. His mercy encompasses all, while His special love is a reward for those who embrace faith and virtue.

Misconceptions about Allah's Love

"Allah loves all humans equally."
Allah (swt) loves differently based on one's beliefs and actions.

"Allah's love is unconditional."
Allah's special love (hubb) is conditional on faith and good deeds.

"Allah only loves those who are perfect."
He loves the potential in His creation and extends His mercy on sincere believers.

"Only certain people are worthy of Allah's love."
Anyone can earn Allah's special love through repentance, faith, and good deeds.

"Allah loves all humans equally."
Allah (swt) loves differently based on one's beliefs and actions.

"Only certain people are worthy of Allah's love."
Anyone can earn Allah's special love through repentance, faith, and good deeds.

"Allah's love is limited."
His mercy and love are vast and ever-present for those who seek it.

FAQs: Does Allah Love Everyone?

Does Allah (swt) love those who reject Him?
Allah (swt) extends mercy to all, but His special love (hubb) is reserved for believers.

Can I earn Allah's love?
Yes, anyone can earn Allah's (swt) special love by sincerely embracing Islam, repenting for past mistakes and striving to live righteously.

What actions increase Allah's love?
Prayer, remembrance of Allah (swt), giving charity, following the Prophet's (pbuh) example, and seeking knowledge increase Allah's (swt) love.

If Allah loves me, why does He allow me to suffer?
Tests and trials can be a means of spiritual growth and a way for Allah (swt) to manifest His love through increased rewards and forgiveness.

How do I know if Allah loves me?
A feeling of closeness to Allah (swt), an inclination towards good deeds, and a sense of peace and contentment in the heart are signs of Allah's (swt) love.

Does Allah (swt) love those who reject Him?
Allah (swt) extends mercy to all, but His special love (hubb) is reserved for believers.

Can I earn Allah's love?
Yes, anyone can earn Allah's (swt) special love by sincerely embracing Islam, repenting for past mistakes and striving to live righteously.

What actions increase Allah's love?
Prayer, remembrance of Allah (swt), giving charity, following the Prophet's (pbuh) example, and seeking knowledge increase Allah's (swt) love.

If Allah loves me, why does He allow me to suffer?
Tests and trials can be a means of spiritual growth and a way for Allah (swt) to manifest His love through increased rewards and forgiveness.

How do I know if Allah loves me?
A feeling of closeness to Allah (swt), an inclination towards good deeds, and a sense of peace and contentment in the heart are signs of Allah's (swt) love.


Allah's (swt) love is a profound and complex concept that extends far beyond simplistic understandings. The Quran, the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings, and the insights of Islamic scholars reveal the nuanced ways in which Allah's (swt) love manifests in the world.

His mercy and compassion encompass all of creation, providing sustenance, guidance, and endless opportunities for forgiveness and redemption. Yet, a special, deeper love is reserved for those who actively choose to embrace faith and righteous actions. This love inspires believers to strive for excellence, strengthens their resolve in difficult times, and serves as a constant reminder of the Divine presence.

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