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Why is Islam significant?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam offers a complete way of life, guiding us towards inner peace, social justice and submitting to Allah's (swt) will. It fosters a deep connection with the Divine and provides a framework for a moral and meaningful life.

Table of Contents:

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences from Quran and Hadith
  • Why is Islam Important? An
  • 5 Misconceptions about Islam's Importance
  • 5 Objections Addressed
  • FAQs on Why Islam is Important


Islam is more than just a religion; it's a comprehensive way of life that encompasses all aspects of human existence. Understanding why Islam is important sheds light on its profound impact on individuals and societies worldwide. This answer delves into the core reasons Islam holds immense significance, drawing upon Quranic verses, prophetic traditions and scholarly insights.


  • Quran 2:213: Mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those who came before you, so that you may become righteous. (This verse highlights Islam's role in guiding humanity towards righteousness)
  • Hadith (Sahih Bukhari): Narrated by Ibn Abbas: The Prophet (saw) said, 'Islam is built upon five pillars: The Shahadah, establishing the prayer, giving Zakah, fasting Ramadan and Hajj for those who can afford it.' (This Hadith demonstrates how Islam provides a framework for a moral and fulfilling life)
  • Quran 3:103: Hold firmly to the rope of Allah (swt) all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah (swt) upon you - you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. (This verse emphasizes Islam's role in promoting social justice and unity)
  • Hadith (Sahih Muslim): Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet (saw) said, 'The believer who mixes with people and endures their annoyance is better than the believer who does not mix with people and does not endure their annoyance.' (This Hadith highlights Islam's emphasis on social engagement and fostering positive relationships)
  • Companions' Opinions: Imam Ali (ra) said, Islam is submission to Allah (swt), adhering to His commandments and staying away from His prohibitions. (This quote by a companion emphasizes the core principle of submitting to God's will)
  • Scholarly Quotes: Imam Ghazali (ra) said, The purpose of Islam is to remove the veil from the heart so that the light of Divine knowledge may enter. (This quote by a scholar emphasizes Islam's role in achieving spiritual enlightenment)

Why is Islam Important?

The aforementioned evidences point to several reasons why Islam holds immense significance:

  • Submitting to Allah (swt): Islam offers a clear path to connect with the Divine by worshipping the one and only God. This connection brings inner peace, purpose and guidance.
  • Moral Framework: Islam provides a comprehensive moral compass through its teachings on good deeds, avoiding wrongdoings and upholding justice. This framework fosters a more ethical and meaningful life.
  • Social Cohesion: Islam promotes social responsibility, helping the poor and maintaining good relations with family and neighbors. This fosters a more just and harmonious society.
  • Spiritual Growth: Islam encourages self-reflection, prayer and acts of worship that cultivate a deeper connection with the Divine. This path leads to spiritual growth and a sense of inner peace.
  • Meaning and Purpose: Islam offers a clear understanding of life's purpose - to worship Allah (swt) and live a righteous life. This provides a sense of direction and meaning in navigating life's challenges.

5 Misconceptions about Islam's Importance

  • Islam is violent and oppressive: This stems from misunderstanding certain verses and a narrow focus on isolated events. Islam emphatically condemns violence and champions justice and peace.
  • Islam is incompatible with Western values: Many misconceptions are based on cultural differences. Islam places high importance on respect, human rights and social justice, making it compatible with democratic values.
  • Islam suppresses women's rights: While certain cultures misinterpret Islam to oppress women, genuine Islamic teachings promote women's rights, education and social and economic freedom.
  • Islam is outdated in the modern world: The core principles of justice, morality and ethics within Islam are timeless. Islam offers adaptable guidance and solutions to navigate even contemporary issues.
  • Islam is just another religion: Islam presents itself as the final and complete revelation from God, superseding previous revelations and offering guidance for all of humanity.

5 Objections

  • If Islam is so important, why isn't the Muslim world more developed? Historical factors, colonialism and internal conflicts contribute to problems in some countries with Muslim populations, not Islam itself.
  • Islam forces people to believe: Islam forbids forced belief. While it encourages belief in God and a pious life, it advocates for peaceful coexistence and freedom of belief.
  • Non-Muslims can't live fulfilling lives without Islam: While Islam provides a comprehensive guide to a spiritually and morally fulfilling life, individuals can still lead virtuous and meaningful lives through other moral or belief systems.
  • There are many bad Muslims, casting doubt on the whole religion: Individuals' actions, regardless of their religious affiliation, do not represent the ideals of an entire faith.
  • I don't need Islam; I can be a good person without it: While it's possible to be a good person outside of a religious framework, Islam adds a spiritual dimension, connecting good deeds with seeking Allah's (swt) pleasure and reward.

FAQs Why Islam is Important

How does Islam promote personal well-being?

  • Islam provides a sense of purpose and guidance, fostering inner peace in the midst of life's challenges
  • Prayer, remembrance and acts of worship strengthen one's relationship with the Divine, promoting inner peace and gratitude
  • Moral guidance helps individuals make good decisions, leading to a more fulfilling life
  • Islam promotes strong family bonds, friendships and community support - all of which contribute to well-being.

How can Islam help me through difficult times?

  • Islam reminds us Allah (swt) is always present. Turning to Him in prayer offers solace and strength during adversity
  • Patience and perseverance are virtues emphasized in Islam, providing resilience in the face of hardship
  • The belief in an afterlife provides hope and purpose, even in the most trying circumstances
  • The Islamic community offers support and encouragement during periods of difficulty.

I have a friend who is interested in Islam. Where do I start?

  • Begin by sharing the basic principles of Islam and how they guide your life.
  • Invite them to events at your local mosque or Islamic Center, as this firsthand experience can be more impactful than just lectures
  • If they show genuine interest, gift them a copy of the Quran (with translation) or some authentic introductory books about Islam.
  • Most importantly, embody the kindness, generosity and ethical behavior that reflect true Islamic values.

How does Islam benefit society as a whole?

  • The emphasis on social responsibility, charity and community building creates a more just and compassionate society
  • Islamic teachings on honesty, fairness and integrity can positively influence business and economic practices
  • Islam encourages strong family values, contributing to a more stable and cohesive societal structure
  • Promotion of peace, tolerance and interfaith cooperation helps foster a more harmonious and inclusive world

Where can I learn more about the importance of Islam?

  • Visit trusted Islamic websites and organizations for articles, resources and scholarly opinions
  • Attend lectures or classes at your local mosque, university, or Islamic Center
  • Seek guidance from certified Islamic scholars who can offer insights anchored in Islamic knowledge


The significance of Islam lies in its ability to transform lives on both the individual and societal level. It offers a comprehensive guide for achieving spiritual, moral and social fulfillment. While misconceptions and misunderstandings persist, a thorough and accurate understanding of Islam reveals its timeless guidance and potential to inspire and uplift individuals of all backgrounds.

As we explore Islam's principles and practices, we discover a path to greater meaning, purpose and a deeper connection with God and humankind. Understanding the importance of Islam is an ongoing journey of discovery, reflection and commitment.

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