in category Beliefs

Does Allah have Hands?

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In a Nutshell:

Allah, the Exalted, possesses hands as one of His eternal attributes. However, these hands are unlike anything we can comprehend in the physical world. Understanding this concept is crucial for maintaining sound Tawhid (belief in God's oneness).

Table of Contents:

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Does Allah Have Hands?
  • 5 Misconceptions about Allah's Hands
  • 5 Objections Addressed
  • FAQs: Does Allah Have Hands?
  • Conclusion


The question of Allah's attributes is a fundamental aspect of Islamic theology. Muslims believe in Tawhid, affirming Allah's oneness and absolute uniqueness. This includes His names and attributes, which are all perfect and unlike anything created. One of the attributes mentioned in the Quran and Hadith is that Allah has hands. This answer will explore this concept, providing evidence from Islamic sources and addressing common misconceptions.


Quranic Verses:

This verse emphasizes Allah's power and creative ability, suggesting the concept of hands as a way to illustrate His action.

"Verily, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind..." (Quran 40:57)

Whilst this verse implies Allah's direct involvement in creation, which can be understood metaphorically through the concept of hands.

"And when Allah said to the angels, 'I will create a vicegerent on earth...'" (Quran 2:30)


This Hadith explicitly mentions Allah creating Adam with His Hand, signifying His unique power and action.

"Allah created Adam with His Hand and blew into him of His spirit..." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

The concept of descent suggests Allah's ability to interact with creation, which can be metaphorically understood through the attribute of hands.

"The Most Merciful has descended (to the first heaven) every night..." (Sahih Muslim)

Companions' Opinions:

This statement from a prominent companion emphasizes the unique nature of Allah's attributes, including His hands.

Imam Ali (ra) said, 'Allah's attributes are eternal and unlike anything created.'"

This companion's interpretation highlights the metaphorical understanding of Allah's hands, signifying His immense power and blessings.

Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) commented on the verse of creation, 'His Hand refers to His Power and Favor.'"

Scholarly Quotes:

This quote emphasizes the importance of accepting Allah's attributes as described in the Quran and Hadith, even if we cannot fully comprehend them. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra):

'Denying Allah's attributes based on human limitations is a form of rejecting clear textual evidence.'

This scholar clarifies that Allah's hands are not literal but represent His perfect power and control over creation. Imam Al-Ghazali (ra):

'The attribute of hands for Allah indicates His Power and Ability, not a physical limb.'

Does Allah Have Hands?

The textual evidence presented above establishes a clear basis for belief in the attribute of hands for Allah (swt). However, affirming this attribute does not equate to likening Allah to His creation. Allah's attributes are unique, eternal and utterly unlike anything in the created world. Understanding this is essential to uphold the principle of Tawhid.

Interpreting Allah's hands literally would confine Allah to the limitations of creation, contradicting His absolute perfection and transcendence. Instead, scholars agree that the attribute of hands signifies Allah's power, creative ability and control over His creation. It underscores His direct involvement in shaping the universe and bestowing blessings.

Furthermore, affirming Allah's hands does not imply a physical form or bodily resemblance to humans or other creatures. Allah is beyond any such limitations. The Quran categorically states: There is nothing similar to Him (42:11). This verse underscores Allah's absolute uniqueness, precluding any comparison between His attributes and those of His creation.

The scholarly consensus affirms the belief in Allah's hands as described in the Quran and Hadith without delving into their exact nature or modality. This approach preserves the sanctity of Allah's attributes while acknowledging the limitations of human comprehension. Attempting to rationalize or dissect the how of Allah's attributes can lead to theological errors and straying from the path of belief.

The affirmation of Allah's hands also does not contradict reason or logic. The existence of an intricate, complex universe necessitates a Creator with immense power and agency. The concept of Allah having hands metaphorically represents these attributes, providing a framework for understanding His creative acts and blessings upon His creation.

Misconceptions about Allah's Hands

Allah has hands like humans.

This is incorrect. Allah's attributes are not comparable to those of His creation.

Belief in Allah's hands promotes anthropomorphism.

Anthropomorphism is attributing human-like qualities to Allah. However, affirming His attribute of hands does not imply form or bodily resemblance.

The concept of Allah having hands is irrational.

It is perfectly rational to believe in a Creator with attributes that surpass human comprehension, as the existence of the universe itself defies limitations.

It is acceptable to interpret 'hand' figuratively to avoid any theological problems.

While the attribute is not literal, it must be affirmed as real, as described in the Quran and Hadith.

Denying Allah's hands is a sign of intellectual sophistication.

It undermines clear textual evidence from the Quran and Hadith and limits understanding of Allah's perfect attributes.


Affirming Allah's hands leads to contradictions in Islamic theology.

This belief is not contradictory when understood as an eternal attribute, distinct from anything in creation.

The concept of Allah having hands is incompatible with His transcendence.

Allah's transcendence is precisely why His attributes are qualitatively different from those of His creation.

Believing in Allah's hands is unnecessary, Allah's power can be understood without it.

The Quran and Hadith clearly mention Allah's hands, making affirmation a matter of faith and submission.

Discussing Allah's hands leads to fruitless theological debates.

Proper understanding guided by the Quran, Sunnah and scholarly consensus avoids such pitfalls.

The concept of Allah's hands is only relevant for literalists. Response: Affirming Allah's attributes as described in authentic sources is a fundamental aspect of sound Islamic belief.

FAQs: Does Allah Have Hands?

If Allah's hands are unlike ours, how should we understand them?

It's best to refrain from drawing comparisons or detailing the 'how' and instead accept them as stated in the Quran and Hadith, acknowledging their symbolic significance.

Does affirming Allah's hands imply that Allah is confined to space and time?

No, Allah's existence transcends space and time. His attributes exist eternally without any limitations.

Can we visualize Allah or imagine what His hands might look like?

No, any attempt to visualize the Divine Essence is futile and potentially harmful to one's belief. Allah is unlike anything imaginable.

Is there a specific scholarly consensus on the interpretation of Allah's hands?

Yes, the overwhelming scholarly consensus is to affirm Allah's hands as an eternal attribute as described in the Quran and Hadith without describing their modality or making comparisons to created beings.

Why is it so important to believe in Allah's hands?

Submission to everything revealed in the Quran and Hadith is an integral part of faith. It affirms Allah's absolute perfection and underscores His power and control over His creation.


The concept of Allah (swt) possessing hands exemplifies the richness of Islamic theology and the profound nature of Allah's attributes. It is crucial to avoid any comparisons of Allah's hands to anything in the created world. Allah transcends all such limitations.

Affirming Allah's hands as an eternal, unfathomable attribute signifies a deep understanding of Allah's power and action in the universe. It fosters humility and wonderment towards the Creator while preserving the purity of Tawhid.

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