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Why do some Muslims think taweez is haram?

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In a Nutshell:

The use of taweez (amulets) in Islam is a complex topic with diverse opinions. Some Muslims believe specific types of taweez are permissible while others consider them completely haram (forbidden). This divergence stems from concerns about potential shirk (associating partners with Allah swt), superstition and reliance on objects instead of Allah swt for protection.


A taweez is an amulet or locket containing verses from the Quran, duas (supplications), or the names of Allah swt. Historically they were worn for protection, healing, or to invite blessings. In some cultural contexts, taweez became intertwined with superstition and even magical practices. This has led to debate and confusion amongst Muslims about whether any form of taweez is permissible in Islam.


Quranic Verses

  • Surah Yunus: 106- And do not invoke besides Allah that which neither benefits you nor harms you, for if you did, then indeed you would be of the wrongdoers.
  • Surah Al-A'raf 7: 196- Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah are servants like you. So call upon them and let them respond to you, if you should be truthful.
  • Surah Al-Jinn 72: 18- And the masajid are for Allah [alone], so do not invoke with Allah anyone.
  • Surah Az-Zumar 39: 3- Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. And those who take protectors besides Him [say], We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to Allah in position. Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ. Indeed, Allah does not guideone who is a liar and [confirmed] disbeliever.


  • Sahih al-Bukhari- Whoever wears an amulet has committed shirk. (Narrated by Imran bin Husain ra)
  • Sunan Abi Dawud- "Whoever hangs up amulets will be entrusted to them."
  • Musnad Ahmad- "Whoever wears an amulet, may Allah not fulfill his need and whoever wears a seashell, may Allah not give him peace."
  • Sunan Ibn Majah- "Whoever brings something new into this matter of ours that is not from it will have it rejected."
  • Musnad Ahmad- The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Ruqya, amulets and tiwala [a form of love charm] are shirk."

Companions' Opinions

  • Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra): I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say, 'Indeed, incantations, amulets and love charms are shirk.'
  • Uqbah ibn Amir (ra): A group came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) to pledge their allegiance to him. He accepted the allegiance of nine of them but not of one. They said, 'O Messenger of Allah, you accepted the allegiance of nine but not of this one.' He said, 'He is wearing an amulet.' (Musnad Ahmad)

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

  • Ibn Taymiyyah: Amulets are generally forbidden.
  • Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah: If the taweez consists of anything other than the words of Allah or His Names, or contains corrupt beliefs, then it is haram.
  • Imam ash-Shafi'i: If the amulet consists of the words of Allah, His names, or supplications from the Sunnah, there is nothing wrong with it.
  • Imam an-Nawawi: It is permissible to hang up the Quran as a means of seeking blessings and for protection, on the condition that it is treated with respect.
  • Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: Permissible forms of taweez are those which exclusively contain words of Allah swt or His attributes.

Why Do Some Muslims Think Taweez is Haram?

The evidence presented demonstrates a strong emphasis on the dangers of shirk and the importance of placing reliance solely on Allah swt for protection, blessings and healing. Let's break down the key arguments against taweez:

Associating Power with the Object: A core concern is attributing any beneficial power to the taweez itself rather than recognizing it merely as a means through which the words of Allah swt and dua might offer protection. Taweez can become a focus, leading to a subtle form of shirk if wearers believe the object itself holds independent power.

Superstitious Practices: In some cases, taweez have been associated with superstitious practices such as obtaining them from fortune tellers or belief in their magical powers. Such practices are undeniably incompatible with Islamic teachings.

Reliance on Objects over Allah (swt): Islam teaches unwavering reliance on Allah (swt), called tawakkul. Some scholars argue taweez can weaken one's tawakkul and lead a person astray from sincerely seeking Allah's (swt) aid.

Innovation (Bid'ah): Certain types of taweez, particularly those involving strange symbols, incantations, or un-Islamic rituals, are deemed bid'ah (innovation) and therefore prohibited.

Similarity to Pre-Islamic Practices: The origins of some amulets might be linked to pre-Islamic customs, making them even more problematic from the perspective of preserving Islamic purity.

Important Many contemporary scholars distinguish between types of taweez. If the taweez contains only Quranic verses, duas, or the names of Allah swt, written in a respectful manner, it is more likely to be seen as permissible. However, any taweez accompanied by incorrect beliefs or practices will be seen as impermissible and potentially leading to shirk.

Misconceptions about Taweez

It's important to address some widespread misconceptions that often fuel the belief that all forms of taweez are inherently haram.

All Taweez are Shirk: While some types of taweez can lead to shirk, those containing only Allah's (swt) words, His names, or permissible duas are not automatically considered shirk. The intention and beliefs surrounding the taweez are crucial.

Taweez Replace Dua: A taweez should never be a substitute for sincere dua and supplication to Allah (swt). It can be a physical reminder, but the true act of seeking protection and blessings comes directly from the heart.

Taweez Guarantee Results: Some people mistakenly believe a taweez ensures a certain outcome. This is incorrect. Nothing can override Allah's (swt) will and decree. A taweez might be a means, but the results remain in Allah's (swt) hands.

Taweez are a Form of Magic: While some corrupt practices have blurred the lines, permissible taweez are not akin to magic. They carry the power of Allah's (swt) words, not supernatural entities or charms.

Only Certain People Can Make Taweez: There's no requirement that only specific scholars or spiritual figures can write Quranic verses or duas within a taweez. Respectful preparation is important, but there's no inherent spiritual power within the person who makes it.

Taweez Can Never Be Removed: The idea that once you wear a taweez, you must keep it forever is incorrect. If there is any concern about its contents, or if it becomes a source of superstition or misplaced reliance, it can be removed.

Taweez Are Essential for Protection: Allah (swt) is the ultimate Protector. While permissible taweez can be a tool, believing they are the only way to be safe is a misunderstanding that undermines true belief in Allah (swt).

Common Objections to Taweez

Let's consider the most frequent reasons, beyond the potential for shirk, for why some Muslims strongly oppose the use of taweez:

The Prophet (pbuh) Didn't Wear Them: Some argue that because the Prophet (pbuh) himself didn't wear a taweez, the practice deviates from the perfect example of the Sunnah.

Risk of Abuse: Even when intentions start out pure, there is a danger that taweez can be misused or misinterpreted over time, leading to superstitious behaviors and beliefs.

Slippery Slope: There's concern that even if permissible taweez are allowed, it opens a door that could eventually lead to problematic and un-Islamic forms of amulets.

Better Alternatives: Many argue that focusing on strengthening duas, increasing one's reliance on Allah (swt) and seeking ruqya (Quranic healing) are spiritually superior and safer alternatives.

Focus on the Root Cause: Some object that taweez only address surface-level concerns, while deeper issues of faith, connection to Allah (swt), or dealing with spiritual afflictions require a different approach.

FAQs: Why Do Some Muslims Think Taweez is Haram?

Can any verses of the Quran be written in a taweez? Yes, generally speaking, any verse of the Quran can be included, as it's the word of Allah (swt). However, using verses in the correct context and with deep understanding is crucial.

What about wearing a taweez in the bathroom? There is a difference of opinion on this. Some scholars recommend removing taweez with Quranic verses before entering impure places like the bathroom, while others find it permissible as long as it's treated with respect.

Can taweez be worn during menstruation? Similarly, there are varied opinions. Some scholars advise removing them out of respect for the Quranic verses, while others see no issue if it is properly secured and covered.

What should I do with a taweez I no longer want? If the taweez contained only Quranic verses, Allah's names, or duas, it should be disposed of respectfully - buried in clean ground or submerged in flowing water.

What if I find the contents of a taweez suspicious? If unsure of the contents, or if it includes strange symbols or incantations, it's safest to consult a knowledgeable scholar and consider properly disposing of the taweez.

Can ruqya replace wearing a taweez? Ruqya, the Islamic practice of reciting Quran for healing, is considered a powerful and spiritually preferable form of seeking protection and blessings. It involves direct engagement with Allah's (swt) words.


The issue of taweez within Islam is complex, with sincere and valid arguments existing on both sides of the discussion. Ultimately, individual Muslims must make informed decisions based on a sound understanding of Islamic principles and their own level of spiritual comfort.

It's good to remember that protection and blessings come from Allah (swt) alone. A taweez, at best, can be a physical reminder of His words and a means to focus one's supplications. True reliance means placing our trust entirely in Allah (swt).

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