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What are the attributes of Allah in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims believe in one God, Allah (swt), who is perfect, all-powerful and all-knowing. These perfect attributes are described in the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Understanding Allah's (swt) attributes strengthens our faith, guides our worship and cultivates love and awe for our Creator.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of What are the Attributes of Allah (swt) in Islam?
  • FAQs on the Attributes of Allah (swt)
  • Misconceptions about the Attributes of Allah (swt)
  • Conclusion


The concept of Allah (swt) is fundamental to Islam. Muslims affirm their belief in the oneness of God (Tawhid) through the declaration of faith (Kalima Tayyiba): There is no god but Allah (swt) and Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger. This foundational principle extends to understanding Allah's (swt) attributes. Muslims believe Allah (swt) is unlike any creation and possesses perfect attributes that befit His Divine Essence. Knowing and reflecting upon these attributes strengthens our faith and guides us in worshipping the Most High.

Background and Context

Importance of Divine Unity (Tawhid) in Islam:

Tawhid is the core principle of Islam, emphasizing the absolute oneness and uniqueness of Allah (swt). It negates the concept of multiple gods or associating partners with Allah (swt) in worship or divinity. Understanding Allah's (swt) attributes is integral to Tawhid, as it clarifies who Allah (swt) is and what He is not.

The Concept of Divine Attributes in Islam:

Islamic scholars have dedicated significant study to understanding Allah's (swt) attributes based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (saw). These attributes are affirmations of Allah's (swt) absolute perfection and encompass His majesty (Jalal), beauty (Jamal), power, knowledge, mercy and other qualities.

What are the Attributes of Allah (swt) in Islam?

Understanding the Terminology: Names vs. Attributes

The Quran and hadiths use both the Names (Asma ul-Husna) and attributes to describe Allah (swt). Names like al-Rahman (the Most Merciful) and al-Malik (the King) are concise descriptions of Allah's (swt) essence. Attributes, like Rahmaniyya (mercy) and Malikut (dominion), elaborate on the meanings of these Names.

The 99 Names of Allah (swt) and their Significance

The Quran mentions 99 Names of Allah (swt), each conveying a specific aspect of His Divine perfection. These Names serve as a guide for understanding Allah's (swt) nature and for invoking Him in supplication.

Scholarly Discussions on Divine Attributes

Attributes of Jalal (Majesty) and Jamal (Beauty):
Scholars discuss how Allah (swt) encompasses both awe-inspiring power (Jalal) and infinite beauty (Jamal). These attributes coexist perfectly within His Divine Essence.

Divine Transcendence and Immanence:
Allah (swt) is transcendent (far above His creation) and yet also immanent (present everywhere). These concepts, though seemingly contradictory, are both affirmed within the Islamic understanding of Allah's (swt) attributes.

The Implications of Allah's (swt) Attributes on our lives:

Understanding Allah's (swt) attributes like mercy (Rahman) and forgiveness (Ghafur) cultivates hope and motivates us to seek His forgiveness. Knowing His power (Qawi) and dominion (Malik) fosters trust and reliance on Him.


Quranic Verses on the Names and Attributes of Allah (swt):

  • Allah's (swt) Lordship and Power:Say, 'He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent.' (Quran 112:1-4)
  • Allah's (swt) Knowledge and Sight:And with Him are the keys of the unseen treasuries; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and what is in the sea. And not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darkness of the earth and no moist seed or withered stalk except that it is [written] in a clear register. (Quran 6:59)
  • Allah's (swt) Mercy and Forgiveness:Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, theMost Merciful.' (Quran 39:53)

Hadiths Describing Allah's (swt) Attributes:

  • Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:Allah (swt) is Most Kind (Rahim) and He loves kindness (Ra'fat) in His creation to a level that He has not created anything more merciful (Rahim) upon His creation than He is Himself. (Sahih al-Bukhari) This Hadith emphasizes Allah's (swt) attribute of mercy (Rahim) and how it manifests in His creation.
  • Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:Verily, Allah (swt) is Jealous and jealousy befits Him (swt). Is it not fitting for a man to be jealous for his wife and his wealth? Allah (swt) is jealous for His servants. (Sahih Muslim) This Hadith describes Allah's (swt) attribute of jealousy (???? - Ghairah), which should be understood not in a human sense but as His intolerance of anything that diminishes His right to be worshipped solely.

These are just a few examples and the Quran and hadiths provide a rich resource for understanding Allah's (swt) attributes.

FAQs on the Attributes of Allah (swt)

How can we reconcile Divine Justice with Divine Mercy?Allah (swt) is both the Most Just (Al-'Adl) and the Most Merciful (Al-Rahman). His justice necessitates accountability for deeds, while His mercy ensures that repentance is always possible. These attributes are not contradictory but complementary.

What is the significance of supplicating with Allah's (swt) Names?Invoking Allah (swt) by His Names increases understanding and closeness to Him. For example, supplicating with Ar-Rahman strengthens hope in His mercy.

How can we develop a deeper understanding of Allah's (swt) attributes?Studying the Quran, reflecting on the hadiths and contemplating the works of renowned Islamic scholars provide avenues for a deeper understanding of Allah's (swt) attributes.

What are the scholarly opinions on Divine Speech (Kalamullah)?Classical theologians affirmed the uncreated nature of God's Speech (Kalamullah), emphasizing the Quran's divine origin. They differed on whether it's an eternal attribute or consists of letters and sounds.

How does the concept of Divine Attributes relate to Angels and Jinn?Allah (swt) assigns attributes to His creation as He wills. Angels and jinn also exhibit certain qualities. However, any attributes they possess are limited and do not resemble Allah's (swt) absolute perfection.

Misconceptions about the Attributes of Allah (swt)

Allah has physical attributes like humans. Allah (swt) is transcendent and cannot be likened to His creation. Any references to bodily attributes in the Quran or hadiths are understood metaphorically.

Attributing qualities to Allah (swt) leads to polytheism (shirk). Properly understood, Allah's (swt) attributes affirm His absolute oneness and perfection and distinguish Him from all other beings.

Understanding Allah's (swt) attributes is irrelevant in daily life. Reflecting on Allah's (swt) attributes shapes our understanding of Him, cultivates our love and awe and guides our actions.

Some names of Allah (swt) seem to contradict each other. Allah's (swt) attributes are distinct yet exist harmoniously within His Divine Essence. For instance, His wrath complements His mercy.

We can fully comprehend Allah's (swt) attributes. Although we can understand the meanings of Allah's (swt) attributes, their infinite depth and reality remain beyond our limited grasp.

Objections to the Classical Understanding of Divine Attributes

Attributing qualities to Allah (swt) makes Him seem anthropomorphic (humanlike). Properly understood, the affirmation of Allah's (swt) attributes affirms His absolute otherness while maintaining He is characterized by the perfection of these qualities.

The concept of Divine Will and Predestination seems contradictory to human free will and choice. Islamic theology addresses this tension by affirming both Divine Decree (Qadr) and the element of human choice and responsibility.

Focus on Divine Attributes distracts from worshipping Allah (swt). True worship includes knowing and understanding Allah (swt) along with actions of devotion.

The classical understanding is inaccessible to ordinary Muslims. While complex theological discussions might be suited for scholars, everyday Muslims can understand the basic concept of Allah's (swt) attributes and their significance.

Modern theology offers a better approach to Divine Attributes. While some modern approaches might pose challenges to the classical understanding, they often fall short in upholding Allah's (swt) absoluteness and transcendence.


Understanding Allah's (swt) attributes strengthens faith, shapes our worship and inspires submission to Him. These attributes are revealed in the Quran, explained in the hadiths and further elaborated by centuries of Islamic scholarship. While Allah's (swt) infinite nature will forever remain beyond our comprehensive grasp, the sincere study of His attributes draws us closer to Him and fosters a life rooted in awe, love and submission.

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