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What does the Quran say about Maryam (as)?

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In a Nutshell:

The Quran portrays Maryam (as), the mother of Prophet Isa (as), as a woman of exceptional piety chosen by Allah (swt) for a miraculous purpose. The Quran emphasizes her unwavering faith, resilience in the face of societal judgment and her role as a model for all believers.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Quran's Portrayal of Maryam (as)
  • Misconceptions about Maryam (as) in the Quran
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Maryam (as), the mother of Prophet Isa (as), holds a special place in Islamic reverence. The Quran dedicates an entire chapter, Surah Maryam, to her story, highlighting her exceptional piety, unwavering faith and the miraculous birth of Prophet Isa (as). Unlike other Abrahamic religions, the Quran offers a unique perspective on Maryam's (as) life, emphasizing her chosen status and the divine nature of Jesus's (as) birth.

This answer look into the Quran's portrayal of Maryam (as), exploring the evidences, historical context and various interpretations surrounding this important figure.

Evidences from the Quran

The Quran mentions Maryam (as) by name in over thirty verses, spread across various surahs. Here are some key passages that illuminate her story:

Selection and Favor of Allah (swt):

And mention in the Book [the Quran] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. And she took a screen to conceal herself from them. Then We sent to her Our angel [Gabriel] and he appeared before her as a well- proportioned man. (Quran 19:16-17) This verse establishes Maryam's (as) dedication to worship and her separation from worldly distractions. Allah (swt) selects her for a special purpose, sending Angel Gabriel to announce the imminent birth of Prophet Isa (as).

The Annunciation and Miraculous Conception:

Do not grieve, indeed your Lord has been of you good. Strike the earth with your foot. A spring will flow from it and drink and eat. Do not grieve over this matter. And We will convey to you from him a word from Us and a mercy from Us. And it will be a boy, famous (throughout the world) and righteous. (Quran 19:24-26) This passage narrates the miraculous annunciation and the promise of a son. The Quran emphasizes that Isa (as) will be born without the intervention of a man, a sign of Allah's (swt) extraordinary power.

Challenges and Steadfast Faith:

So she came to her people carrying it [the child]. They said, 'O Mary, you have indeed come with an astonishing thing. O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil nor was your mother unchaste.' (Quran 19:27-28) Maryam's (as) return with a newborn son sparked societal disapproval. Yet, the Quran highlights her unwavering faith, trusting in Allah's (swt) plan and avoiding unnecessary justifications.

These are just a few examples and the Quran offers a richer tapestry of verses detailing the struggles, resilience and unwavering faith of Maryam (as).

the Quran's Portrayal of Maryam (as)

The Quran's portrayal of Maryam (as) offers a multifaceted understanding of her character, her spiritual significance and her role as a model for believers. Here are some key aspects:

Chosen Vessel and Role Model:

The Quran emphasizes the selection of Maryam (as) by Allah (swt), demonstrating her special status and highlighting her piety, submission and trust in the divine plan. As a model for believers, she exemplifies steadfastness in the face of adversity and teaches us the importance of complete reliance on Allah (swt).

Miraculous Conception and the Sign from Allah (swt):

The virgin birth of Prophet Isa (as) serves as a powerful sign of Allah's (swt) omnipotence and the sanctity of Maryam (as). The Islamic perspective acknowledges Jesus (as) as a prophet but rejects the concept of divine sonship, ensuring the oneness of God.

Historical and Interfaith Context:

The story of Maryam (as) has parallels in other Abrahamic traditions, indicating a continuity of divine revelation. However, the Quran offers a distinct perspective, focusing on the absolute power of Allah (swt), the significance of miracles and emphasizing the message of monotheism.

Scholarly Interpretations:

Over centuries, Islamic scholars have provided nuanced insights into the Quranic verses related to Maryam (as). Their interpretations have enriched the understanding of her character, the miraculous conception and the symbolic significance of her story in the context of divine power and spiritual guidance.


The Quran's portrayal of Maryam (as) highlights her exceptional status as a righteous woman, chosen by Allah (swt). Her unwavering faith and strength in the face of immense societal pressure make her a role model for all believers. Through her story, the Quran emphasizes core Islamic concepts such as the absolute power of Allah (swt), the importance of submission to the divine will and the unwavering belief in the oneness of God. Maryam's (as) significance extends beyond religious boundaries; her story transcends cultures and inspires individuals of all faiths to embrace piety, resilience and steadfast trust in the face of life's challenges.


  • Asad, Muhammad (1980). The Message of the Quran. Gibraltar: Dar al-Andalus.
  • Ali, Ahmed (2001). Al-Qur'an: A Contemporary Translation. Princeton University Press.
  • Esack, Farid (1997). The Qur'an: A User's Guide. Oxford: Oneworld Press.
  • Stowasser, Barbara Freyer (1994). Women in the Qur'an: Traditions and Interpretation. New York: Oxford University Press.

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