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What is the difference between Allah's names and attributes?

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In a Nutshell:

Allah's Names (Asma ul Husna) and Attributes (Sifat) are beautiful ways to understand and describe the Divine. Names encapsulate the essence and point towards Allah's perfect attributes, while attributes delve deeper into specific qualities. Both are crucial for comprehending Allah's majesty and uniqueness and affirming them strengthens our Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of God).


Understanding Allah's Names and Attributes is a fundamental aspect of Islamic theology. These concepts form the basis for our knowledge of Allah (swt), enabling us to recognize His perfection, worship Him sincerely and cultivate a deeper relationship with Him. The Quran and Sunnah provide us with a clear understanding of these Names and Attributes, emphasizing their role in strengthening our Tawhid.

The concept of Divine Names and Attributes has been extensively explored by Islamic scholars throughout history. The Quran itself mentions many of Allah's Names, such as Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Al-Quddus (The Most Holy). Hadiths (sayings and traditions of the Prophet) further elaborate on these Names and encourage believers to reflect upon them.

Islamic scholars have emphasized the importance of affirming Allah's Names and Attributes without resembling His creation to anything human or physical (Tanzih). This principle ensures that we maintain a clear distinction between the Creator and His creation.

The Difference: Names vs. Attributes

Names (Asma ul Husna):

  • Names are beautiful words that encapsulate Allah's essence and point towards His perfect attributes.
  • The Quran mentions 99 Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna), each conveying a specific aspect of His Divine perfection.
  • For example, the name Al-Rahman (The Most Merciful) encompasses Allah's all-encompassing mercy for all creation.

Attributes (Sifat):

  • Attributes (Sifat) delve deeper into specific qualities of Allah (swt).
  • They describe Allah's eternal and unchanging characteristics, such as His knowledge (Al-??, Al-'Alim), power (Al-Qawiyy) and sight (Al- ????, Al-Basir).
  • Affirming these attributes strengthens our understanding of Allah's absolute power and dominion over His creation.

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