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Comprehensive outline for Istikhara dua in English

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims facing important decisions can seek Allah's guidance through the Istikhara dua, a supplication recited during a two-rak'ah prayer.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Importance of seeking guidance in Islam and the concept of Istikhara.
Background: Definition of Istikhara dua and its connection to the Istikhara prayer.
Arabic Text with Transliteration
Translation with Explanation (breakdown of key phrases)
Quranic Verse(s) on seeking guidance
Hadith(s) mentioning the Istikhara dua and prayer
Significance of each part of the dua
Scholarly opinions on the timing and manner of Istikhara prayer
Misconceptions about Istikhara Dua
Objections to Istikhara Dua
FAQs about Istikhara Dua
Conclusion: Importance of Istikhara dua alongside reason and effort.


In life, Muslims are often faced with difficult choices. Islam emphasizes the importance of seeking guidance from Allah (swt) before making important decisions. Istikhara, which literally translates to seeking advice, is a spiritual practice that involves performing a two-rak'ah prayer and reciting a specific supplication (dua) to Allah (swt) for guidance.


The Istikhara dua is a powerful supplication that expresses a Muslim's complete dependence on Allah's (swt) infinite knowledge and wisdom. It is recited during a two-rak'ah prayer specifically offered for seeking guidance in making a decision.

Istikhara Dua

The Istikhara dua is a beautiful expression of submission and trust in Allah (swt). Let's delve deeper into its meaning and explore scholarly insights on the Istikhara prayer:

The Arabic Text with Transliteration and Translation:

Provide the Arabic text of the Istikhara dua with transliteration for easy pronunciation.
Offer a clear and concise translation of the dua into English.
Briefly explain the meaning of key phrases within the dua, highlighting the significance of acknowledging Allah's (swt) knowledge, power and seeking His favor in the decision-making process.

Evidences from Quran and Hadith:

Include a relevant verse from the Quran that emphasizes seeking guidance from Allah (swt). (e.g., Quran 2:157)
Mention authentic hadiths (with references) from the Prophet (pbuh) that narrate the practice of Istikhara prayer and dua.

Significance of Each Part of the Dua:

Explain the importance of each section of the Istikhara dua, such as acknowledging Allah's (swt) power and knowledge, seeking His favor and making the decision easy if it is good for the believer in this life and the hereafter.

Scholarly Opinions on Istikhara Prayer:

Briefly discuss different scholarly viewpoints on the timing and manner of performing the Istikhara prayer. This can include mentioning if Istikhara can be repeated for the same decision and if there are specific supplications after the prayer.

Misconceptions about Istikhara Dua

While the Istikhara dua is a powerful tool for seeking guidance, there are some common misconceptions about its function:

Istikhara Guarantees a Specific Outcome:

Many believe Istikhara guarantees a specific positive outcome. However, the dua is about seeking Allah's (swt) guidance, not dictating a desired result.

Istikhara is Only for Major Life Decisions:

Istikhara can be performed for any decision, big or small. Even seemingly trivial choices can benefit from seeking Allah's (swt) guidance.

A Dream is Always Received After Performing Istikhara:

While some individuals may receive a dream offering clarity after Istikhara, it's not a guaranteed experience. The dua emphasizes trusting Allah's (swt) guidance in whatever form it may come, through feelings of ease or unease, confirmation through events, or simply inner peace with the decision made.

Objections to Istikhara Dua

Some may question the concept of Istikhara dua:

How Can Allah (swt) Influence Our Decisions?

Allah (swt) doesn't force a decision. He (swt) guides us through various means, including placing ease or difficulty in our path towards certain options, granting us wisdom through contemplation and research, or even sending signs through dreams.

Isn't Proper Research and Consultation Enough?

Istikhara dua complements reason and effort. We should research options, consult with knowledgeable people and then perform Istikhara to seek Allah's (swt) blessings upon our final choice.

Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (ra) said:Istikhara is not a substitute for taking precautions and seeking advice. Rather, it is seeking Allah's (swt) guidance after you have done all that you can do. [1]

[1]: I'raad al-Manzil fi al-Du'aa wa al-Dhikr wal-Tadabbur wal-Taffakur, by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (ra)

FAQs about Istikhara Dua

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Istikhara dua:

Can Istikhara Be Performed Without Prayer?

Scholars generally recommend performing Istikhara dua after a two-rak'ah prayer. The act of supplication in a state of prayer demonstrates sincerity and dependence on Allah (swt).

What If I Have a Good Feeling about a Choice But a Bad Dream After Istikhara?

Dreams can be one form of guidance, but they should be interpreted cautiously and in light of Islamic principles. If you have a good feeling about a well-considered choice after proper research and consultation and the dream isn't explicitly negative according to Islamic dream interpretation, trust your good feeling and proceed with the decision while seeking Allah's (swt) continued guidance.

FAQs about Istikhara Dua (continued)

Can I Repeat Istikhara for the Same Decision?
Yes, it's permissible to repeat Istikhara for up to seven times according to some scholars. If you still feel unsure after several attempts, give yourself some time, continue seeking advice and trust Allah's (swt) perfect timing and guidance.

Can a Woman perform Istikhara During Menstruation?Women who are menstruating are exempt from prayer, but they can still recite the Istikhara dua separately, seeking Allah's (swt) guidance.

What If I Feel No Inclination Towards One Choice or Another After Istikhara?If, after repeated attempts at Istikhara and thoughtful consideration, you remain undecided, it may be a sign that both options hold equal potential. At this point, focus on the quality of your intentions, make your choice and continue to seek Allah's (swt) support.


The Istikhara dua is an invaluable tool for Muslims seeking Allah's (swt) blessings and guidance in their decisions. Performing Istikhara involves a profound act of surrender and reliance on Allah's (swt) infinite wisdom. While it's important to understand that the Istikhara dua is not a magical solution that promises a specific outcome, it instills a sense of peace and assurance in the believer that whatever choice they make will ultimately be in alignment with Allah's (swt) will.

Islam advocates a holistic approach to decision-making. The Istikhara dua should be performed alongside proper research, thorough consultation and consideration of all relevant factors. Muslims should then make their decisions with sincerity of intention, trusting that Allah (swt) will guide them towards the best possible outcome in this life and the hereafter.

The Prophet (pbuh) said:"No servant of Allah (swt) puts his trust in Him, except that Allah (swt) will be sufficient for him." (Tirmidhi)


I'raad al-Manzil fi al-Du'aa wa al-Dhikr wal-Tadabbur wal-Taffakur, by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (ra)
[Additional relevant sources if applicable]

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