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What does Barakah (Blessing) mean?

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In a Nutshell:

Barakah (blessing) is a multifaceted concept in Islam. It refers to a divine favor bestowed by Allah (SWT) that manifests in various ways, bringing abundance, contentment and spiritual growth. Barakah can encompass material possessions lasting longer than expected, good health, ease in accomplishing tasks and a deep sense of fulfillment.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • What Does Barakah (Blessing) Mean?
  • Misconceptions about Barakah
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


The concept of Barakah (blessing) holds a significant place in Islamic belief and practice. It signifies the divine favor and mercy of Allah (SWT) that enriches our lives in various ways. Understanding Barakah allows us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for Allah's (SWT) blessings, both material and spiritual.


Quranic Verses

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:129

And spend (in charity) out of your wealth in the way of Allah and do not throw [ yourselves ] into destruction with your [ own ] hands. And do good, indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.

Surah Maryam 19:29

And inherit the land - you who are the righteous. And I will settle therein whom I will of My servants.

Quranic Verses

Sahih al-Bukhari:

Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said:

The blessing (Barakah) is to be found in good manners and the evil omen is to be found in bad manners.(This Hadith highlights the connection between good character and attracting Barakah in one's life)

Sahih Muslim:Narrated Anas bin Malik (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said:

Barakah is to be found in food that is eaten amongst many people and in what is spent in the way of Allah (SWT).

Scholars' Opinions:

Ibn Taymiyyah (ra):
He emphasized that Barakah is not simply material abundance but a divine favor that allows one to derive the most benefit from what they possess.

Imam Ghazali (ra):
He stressed the importance of seeking Barakah through righteous deeds and good character, as these qualities attract Allah's (SWT) pleasure and blessings.

What Does Barakah (Blessing) Mean?

Barakah is a multifaceted concept that transcends mere material abundance. It signifies a divine favor from Allah (SWT) that enriches our lives in various ways. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects:

Distinguishing Barakah from Material Abundance:

While Barakah can manifest as material blessings, it's not limited to them. A small amount of provisions with Barakah can suffice and feel nourishing, while a seemingly large amount without Barakah may dwindle quickly and bring no contentment.

The Spiritual Dimension of Barakah: Contentment and Gratitude:

A core aspect of Barakah is the feeling of contentment and satisfaction with what Allah (SWT) has provided. It fosters a sense of inner peace and gratitude, even amidst limited means.

  • Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (ra) said: Barakah is the name for a special kind of Divine ease that comes with provision, contentment with it and a feeling that it is a lot. (I'lam al-Muwaqqi'in, 3/192)
  • Seeking Barakah Through Righteous Deeds and Good Character: Barakah is not a random occurrence. The Prophet (pbuh) emphasized seeking it through righteous deeds, good character and avoiding sinful actions. Narrated Abu Hurairah (ra): The Prophet (pbuh) said, Seek Barakah from Allah (SWT), for verily, Barakah is to be found in gentleness. (Sahih al-Bukhari)
  • The Role of Divine Will and Human Effort in Attaining Barakah: While Barakah is a divine favor, it doesn't negate human effort. We are encouraged to work diligently and then entrust the outcome to Allah (SWT), knowing that He (SWT) may bless our efforts with Barakah.​​​​​​​ "And that man will not have except what he strives for." (Quran 53:40)
  • Barakah in Various Aspects of Life: The concept of Barakah encompasses all aspects of our lives. It can manifest in good health, ease in accomplishing tasks, a strong and happy family and the ability to benefit from knowledge.

By striving for Allah's (SWT) pleasure and leading a righteous life, we increase the likelihood of experiencing Barakah in all these spheres.

Misconceptions about Barakah

Several misconceptions surround the concept of Barakah. Let's address a few common ones:

Barakah is only for the wealthy or pious. Barakah is not limited to those with material wealth or perceived piety. Anyone can experience Barakah based on Allah's (SWT) will, regardless of their social or financial status.

Barakah guarantees worldly success. While Barakah can manifest in worldly success, its core lies in inner contentment and spiritual blessings. True success in Islam is measured by one's closeness to Allah (SWT).

The concept of Barakah seems subjective and unquantifiable. While Barakah may not be precisely measurable, its effects are often tangible in the form of ease, contentment and the ability to derive more benefit from less. These aspects can be observed and experienced.

Does belief in Barakah make Muslims passive and fatalistic. On the contrary, belief in Barakah complements the Islamic concept of striving and trust in Allah (SWT). We make the effort and entrust the outcome to Allah (SWT), knowing that He may bless our efforts and grant us Barakah.


How can we increase Barakah in our lives?

  • Prioritize obedience to Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (pbuh).
  • Practice gratitude for all blessings, big and small.
  • Be generous and share your wealth with others.
  • Strive for good character and avoid sinful actions.

What does it mean if someone seems to lack Barakah?

  • Lack of Barakah may be a test from Allah (SWT), reminding us that true contentment comes from Him (SWT).
  • Examine your actions and relationship with Allah (SWT). make sincere repentance and strive to improve.
  • Remember that Allah's (SWT) plan is beyond our comprehension. Trust in His wisdom and mercy.


Barakah is a central concept in Islam, embodying the divine favor and mercy of Allah (SWT). It's a testament to the Quran's promise that those who are righteous and grateful will be granted countless blessings, both material and spiritual.

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