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How is zakat calculated on savings in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a mandatory act of charity levied on a Muslim's accumulated wealth. Calculating Zakat on savings involves determining your total zakatable assets (including savings that meet specific criteria), deducting essential needs and debts and then paying 2.5% of the remaining amount if it surpasses the nisab threshold.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Calculating Zakat on Savings
  • FAQs - Calculating Zakat on Savings
  • Misconceptions about Zakat and Savings
  • Conclusion


Zakat is a cornerstone of Islamic social responsibility, fostering financial purification and redistribution of wealth within the Muslim community. Accurately calculating Zakat on various assets, including savings, ensures the fulfillment of this religious obligation.


Quranic Verses:

Allah (SWT) emphasizes the importance of Zakat in purifying wealth:

Take alms (Zakat) from their wealth so that you may purify them and make them grow (with Allah's blessings)(Qur'an, 9:103)


The Prophet (saw) established the nisab for Zakat on gold and silver, providing a benchmark for wealth subject to Zakat obligation (Sahih al-Bukhari).

In another hadith, the Prophet (saw) stressed the importance of not delaying Zakat payment (Sahih Muslim [reference needed]).

Scholars' Opinions:

Prominent Islamic scholars like Imam Malik and Imam Shafi'i (ra) have elaborated on calculating Zakat on various forms of wealth, including savings and other liquid assets. Their rulings provide guidance for contemporary Muslims in applying Zakat principles to modern financial instruments.

Calculating Zakat on Savings

Essential Considerations:

  • Zakatable Assets:Savings exceeding the nisab threshold qualify for Zakat. These typically include cash, bank balances, investments (shares, bonds, etc.) and other income-generating assets held for a complete lunar year.
  • Nisab Threshold:The nisab is the minimum amount of wealth obliging Zakat. It's calculated based on the current value of either gold or silver, with variations in calculations between Islamic schools of jurisprudence.
  • Debts and Essential Expenses:Legitimate debts and essential living expenses are deducted from your total wealth before calculating Zakat. This ensures that Zakat is levied only on surplus wealth.
  • Lunar Calendar:The obligation of Zakat arises after a full lunar year of your savings exceeding the nisab. This means keeping track of the date when your wealth reached the zakatable amount.

Step-by-Step Calculation

  • Asset Determination: Tally all your savings, including bank deposits, cash and readily convertible investments.
  • Debt Deduction: Deduct any permissible debts, such as loans or outstanding personal bills, from your total savings.
  • Essential Needs: Subtract essential living expenses like housing, food, clothing, education and healthcare costs for yourself and dependents.
  • Nisab Comparison: Compare the remaining amount with the current nisab threshold (based on the value of gold or silver, as per your chosen method).
  • Zakat Calculation: If your wealth exceeds nisab, calculate Zakat as 2.5% of the remaining amount.

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