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Is wudu (ablution) a prerequisite for wiping over socks?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, wudu (ablution) is a prerequisite for wiping over socks (masah al-khuffayn) during wudu for prayer. For socks to be eligible for wiping over later, they must be worn while in a state of wudu.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Is Wudu a Prerequisite for Wiping Over Socks
  • Misconceptions about Wiping Over Socks
  • FAQs about Wiping Over Socks
  • Conclusion


Wudu, the Islamic ritual of ablution, is a fundamental act of purification required before performing obligatory prayers (salat). It involves washing specific parts of the body, including the face, hands, forearms, head and feet (Quran 5:6).

While washing the feet is an essential part of wudu, Islam offers a concession (rukhsa) for travelers (musafir) and those experiencing hardship. This concession allows them to wipe over clean socks (khuffayn) instead of washing their feet during wudu under specific conditions. This answer explores the requirement of wudu as a prerequisite for wiping over socks and clarifies common misconceptions surrounding this practice.


Quranic Verses:

The Quran emphasizes the importance of cleanliness for prayer but doesn't explicitly mention wiping over socks. However, it lays the foundation for concessions based on situations of hardship:

"...But if you are sick or on a journey or any one of you comes from the privy or you have touched women and you find no water - then wipe yourselves with clean earth (tayammum) and wipe your faces and your hands [with it]..." (Quran 5:6)


The practice of wiping over socks finds its basis in the teachings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (saw). Several hadiths narrate instances where the Prophet himself and his companions (Sahaba) wiped over their leather socks during travel:

Prophet (saw) said, On a journey, wiping over the khuffayn (socks) for three days and nights is permissible, as long as they are not broken. (Sahih Muslim)

Scholarly Consensus:

There is scholarly consensus (ijma') among Islamic jurists on the permissibility of wiping over socks during wudu under specific conditions. However, minor differences exist amongst the four major Sunni schools of jurisprudence (madhhabs) regarding details like the duration and material of the socks.

Is Wudu a Prerequisite for Wiping Over Socks?

Yes, wudu is a prerequisite for wiping over socks during wudu. The core concept lies in the idea that the socks themselves become a form of purification when worn during a state of wudu.

Here's a breakdown of the connection:

  • Wudu establishes a state of taharah (ritual purity).
  • Socks worn while in this state of purity become extensions of that purification.
  • As long as the socks remain clean and unbroken, wiping over them during subsequent wudu acts as a form of maintaining that purity.

This concession allows practicality for travelers and those facing difficulty without compromising cleanliness. It's important to remember that wiping over socks does not replace washing the feet during regular wudu.

There are also debates among scholars regarding the exact timing of putting on the socks (before or after wudu) within different madhhabs. Consulting with a qualified scholar from your chosen madhhab is recommended for specific guidance on details and situations.

Misconceptions about Wiping Over Socks

Wiping over socks is permissible anytime, regardless of having performed wudu.

  • Socks must have been put on in a state of wudu to act as a barrier for wiping. This ensures that the feet have already been ritually purified.

Wiping over any footwear is allowed.

  • The concession specifically applies to socks that meet specific criteria. They must be thick enough to stand on their own, cover the ankle and be free from holes that expose the skin.

Doesn't this practice contradict the emphasis on cleanliness in wudu?

  • The concept of ruksa (divine concessions) balances practicality with maintaining a state of ritual purity. Wiping over socks accommodates situations of difficulty without neglecting hygiene.

Doesn't this create a loophole for neglecting proper foot hygiene?

  • A prerequisite for this practice is clean socks and an overall emphasis on cleanliness in Islam. In case socks become unclean (najis), washing the feet becomes necessary.

FAQs: Is Wudu a Prerequisite for Wiping Over Socks?

What if my socks become unclean (najis)?

  • If socks acquire any form of impurity, full wudu must be repeated with washing of the feet.

Can I wipe over socks during ghusl (ritual bath)?

  • Wiping over socks is specific to wudu. Ghusl requires washing the entire body, including the feet.


Wudu is a prerequisite for wiping over socks during purification for prayer. This concession reflects the practicality and balance of Islamic law, accommodating situations of travel and difficulty without compromising cleanliness.

While there is scholarly consensus on permissibility, details regarding the duration, material and timing of putting on the socks might vary slightly according to different schools of jurisprudence (madhhabs).


  • Al-Kafi by Ibn Qudamah (Hanbali fiqh reference)
  • Al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra by Imam Malik (Maliki fiqh reference)

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