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Who has the nisab but insufficient salary is receiving zakat permissible?

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In a Nutshell:

While possessing the Nisab (minimum wealth threshold for Zakat obligation), someone with an insufficient salary to meet basic needs may still be eligible to receive Zakat. Determining eligibility depends on their overall financial situation.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Zakat for low income exceeding nisab
  • Misconceptions
  • Objections
  • FAQs (Zakat Eligibility for Insufficient Salary)
  • Conclusion


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, a mandatory act of charity that purifies wealth and benefits the underprivileged. Muslims who reach the Nisab, a specific amount of wealth, are obligated to donate a fixed percentage annually. This answer explores a specific scenario: Can someone with the Nisab but an insufficient salary to meet basic needs still receive Zakat?

Background and Context

Defining Nisab and its Significance in Zakat

The Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must possess for one lunar year to be obligated to pay Zakat. It is usually calculated in the value of gold or silver. Reaching the Nisab indicates financial security and Zakat serves as a form of social responsibility for those who have been blessed with abundance.

Understanding Financial Hardship

Financial hardship can arise due to various reasons, such as job loss, medical bills, or supporting dependents. When a Muslim's income falls short of meeting their basic necessities, like food, shelter and clothing, they may experience financial hardship.


The Quran emphasizes the importance of Zakat in purifying wealth and helping those in need (e.g., Al-Baqarah 2:143, At-Tawbah 9:103). These verses highlight the social welfare aspect of Zakat, aiming to alleviate poverty and create a more just society.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) emphasized the importance of Zakat reaching those who are truly deserving. He instructed Muslims to distribute Zakat to eight categories of people, including the poor and the indebted (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith: 1475).

Islamic scholars generally agree that possessing the Nisab creates the obligation to pay Zakat. However, some scholars consider a person's overall financial situation when determining Zakat eligibility for those with insufficient salaries. Imam Abu Hanifah (ra), for instance, viewed financial hardship as a justification for delaying Zakat obligations.

Zakat Eligibility for Insufficient Salary

While possessing the Nisab is a prerequisite for Zakat obligation, scholars have explored nuances regarding those with insufficient salaries. Here's a breakdown of key considerations:

Exploring the Concept of Basic Needs in Zakat Eligibility

The concept of basic needs is central to this discussion fuqara the Arabic term for the poor who qualify for Zakat, refers to those whose possessions fall below the level of meeting essential needs. Scholars have differed slightly on the exact definition of basic needs. However, they generally encompass essential requirements for survival and a dignified life, including:

  • Food: Sufficient and nutritious sustenance for oneself and dependents.
  • Shelter: Safe and secure housing.
  • Clothing: Adequate clothing to protect from the elements.
  • Healthcare: Access to basic medical care.

The Role of Discretion in Zakat Distribution by the Giver

The Quran and hadiths emphasize the importance of distributing Zakat to those who are most deserving (Al-Tawbah 9:60). This leaves some discretion for the Zakat giver (muzakki) to consider the specific circumstances of potential recipients. If someone possesses the Nisab but has an insufficient salary to meet basic needs, the muzakki may be justified in considering them for Zakat, even if their wealth technically reaches the Nisab threshold.

Balancing Self-Sufficiency with Temporary Hardships

Islam promotes self-sufficiency and encourages Muslims to strive for financial independence. However, temporary hardships are a reality of life. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself said, It is better for one of you to go out and collect firewood (for his living) than to beg from people (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith: 1468). This Hadith emphasizes the importance of seeking work and avoiding unnecessary dependence on others. Zakat should not be a disincentive to work, but rather a temporary support system during times of hardship.

Considering Alternative Sources of Income and Debts

A person's overall financial situation should be considered. If someone has the Nisab due to accumulated savings or assets that could be sold but has a low income, they might not be eligible for Zakat. Similarly, outstanding debts that can be repaid from existing wealth would affect their eligibility. The focus should be on those whose essential needs are unmet despite their available resources.


Here are a few common misconceptions about this topic:

Having the Nisab Automatically Disqualifies from Zakat This is incorrect. Possessing the Nisab creates the obligation to pay Zakat, but it does not automatically disqualify one from receiving Zakat in the case of financial hardship.

Salary Alone Determines Zakat Eligibility Solely looking at salary is misleading. A person's overall financial situation, including potential debts, assets and genuine hardship in meeting basic needs, must be considered along with the Nisab requirement.

Potential Discouragement from Seeking EmploymentReceiving Zakat should be a temporary support during severe hardship, not a permanent income replacement. A person receiving Zakat should actively seek better employment opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency and fulfill the Islamic ethos of work.

Abuse of the system by Those with SavingsThe discretion of the Zakat giver plays a crucial role here. A thorough assessment of the recipient's actual need and financial situation is necessary to determine genuine eligibility and minimize abuse of the system.

FAQs: Zakat Eligibility for Insufficient Salary

What constitutes basic needs in the context of Zakat?Basic needs generally include food, shelter, clothing and essential healthcare. These needs are essential for a dignified life and take priority when determining Zakat eligibility.

How can a Zakat recipient ensure they are using the funds appropriately?A Zakat recipient has a moral responsibility to ensure that the funds are used to alleviate their immediate needs and assist them in achieving self-sufficiency. Spending Zakat on unnecessary or extravagant items would go against the very spirit and purpose of this pillar of Islam.


Someone possessing the Nisab but having an insufficient salary for basic needs may be eligible to receive Zakat. Determining eligibility requires a nuanced understanding, considering their overall financial situation, the severity of hardship faced and other factors like debts or alternative sources of income. The role of discretion by the Zakat giver and the recipient's obligation to prioritize self-sufficiency are also critical. It is essential to recognize the purpose of Zakat: a social welfare mechanism to assist the most vulnerable within the ummah by enabling them to meet their basic needs and regain stability. Ultimately, it calls for both compassion and responsible evaluation on behalf of both the Zakat giver and recipient.

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