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In a Nutshell:

Distributing Zakat ensures it reaches those who truly need it. While Sayyids (descendants of Prophet Muhammad saw) are traditionally revered, their eligibility for Zakat depends on their financial situation. If a Sayyid is struggling financially, they can receive Zakat.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of the Question
  • Misconceptions
  • Objections
  • FAQs on Zakat and Sayyids
  • Conclusion


Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam, a mandatory act of charity that purifies one's wealth and benefits the underprivileged. Muslims are obligated to distribute Zakat to those who qualify, ensuring it reaches those most in need. This answer explores a common question regarding Zakat recipients: Can Zakat be given to Sayyids, descendants of Prophet Muhammad saw?

Background and Context

Sayyids are individuals who trace their lineage back to Prophet Muhammad saw through his grandsons, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein (ra). They hold a special place of respect in Islamic tradition. However, respect for lineage does not negate the core principles of Zakat distribution.


The Quran establishes the categories for Zakat recipients, emphasizing need over lineage (Quran 9:60).

Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and the needy and those employed to collect [Zakat]; and for bringing hearts together [of those who have embraced Islam]; and for freeing captives; and for the indebted; and for the way of Allah (Islamic cause); and for the traveler [stranded traveler]. [This is] an obligation from Allah. And Allah is Knowing, Wise. [Quran 9:60]

Hadiths further specify eight categories eligible for Zakat, focusing on those facing financial hardship (Bukhari, Muslim).

Scholarly consensus from prominent jurists throughout Islamic history affirms that Sayyids are not automatically excluded from Zakat. If a Sayyid is experiencing financial difficulty, they can rightfully receive Zakat.

Zakat for Sayyids

The concept of Dhu al-Qaraba (kin) in Zakat distribution refers to relatives who are not obligated to maintain the recipient but are deserving of support if in need. Sayyids can fall under this category if facing financial hardship.

Historically, during the Prophet's (saw) lifetime, some Sayyids did receive Zakat assistance (Ibn Majah). This demonstrates that lineage alone doesn't disqualify someone from Zakat.

Arguments for excluding Sayyids from Zakat often stem from misinterpretations or concerns about creating a sense of entitlement. However, the core principle remains: Zakat should go to those who demonstrably need it.


There are common misconceptions surrounding Sayyids and Zakat eligibility. Let's address two key ones:

Sayyids are automatically entitled to Zakat.

Respect for Sayyids does not equate to automatic entitlement to Zakat. The Quran and Sunnah emphasize need as the primary criterion. Imam Nawawi (ra), a renowned scholar, states: It is not permissible to give Zakat to a rich Sayyid, but it is permissible to give it to a poor Sayyid (Sharh Muslim, Nawawi).

Giving Zakat to Sayyids increases their status.

Zakat is intended to alleviate financial hardship, not elevate social status. Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (ra), another prominent scholar, clarifies: If a Sayyid is poor and in need, it is obligatory to give him Zakat. Giving Zakat does not increase his nobility (Al-Mughni, Ibn Qudamah).


Some objections arise regarding Zakat distribution to Sayyids:

Won't giving Zakat to Sayyids create a sense of entitlement?

The core principle is to assess need objectively. Distributing Zakat to deserving Sayyids who meet the financial criteria does not foster entitlement. Zakat should be distributed based on a thorough investigation of the recipient's circumstances, regardless of lineage.

Shouldn't Zakat be directed towards those most in need, regardless of lineage?

Absolutely. Zakat prioritizes those in the most dire financial situations. However, if a Sayyid fulfills the criteria of need established by Islamic law, they are not excluded solely based on lineage. The neediest recipients, regardless of background, should be prioritized.

​​​​​​​FAQs on Zakat and Sayyids

Can Sayyids accept Sadaqah (charity) instead of Zakat?

Yes. While Sadaqah is a broader form of charity, Sayyids facing financial hardship are allowed to receive Sadaqah. However, they are still subject to the same eligibility criteria as Zakat.

How can one verify the lineage claim of a Sayyid requesting Zakat?

Lineage verification is important in Zakat distribution, although the primary consideration remains financial need. Inquire about proof of ancestry or consult with trusted community members who may possess such knowledge.


In accordance with Islamic Law, the distribution of Zakat prioritizes those who are financially destitute, whether they are Sayyids or not. Although it is recommended to show respect towards the Prophet's (saw) descendants, financial need remains the primary eligibility criterion for Zakat.

Zakat's purpose is to alleviate poverty and promote social justice, not perpetuate social hierarchies.


al-Mughni, Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi

Sharh Muslim, Imam Nawawi

Sunan Ibn Majah

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