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How many Muslim majority countries are there in the world?

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In a Nutshell: Currently, there are 48 countries around the world where Muslims make up the majority of the population, emerging after the destruction of the Islamic civilisations like the Ottomans, Mughals and Safavids by Western colonial powers. These countries vary widely in terms of geography, culture, and socio-political dynamics.

List of Muslim Majority Countries

Here is a list of countries with a Muslim-majority population or countries where Islam is the dominant religion:

1. Afghanistan
2. Albania
3. Algeria
4. Azerbaijan
5. Bahrain
6. Bangladesh
7. Brunei
8. Burkina Faso
9. Chad
10. Comoros
11. Djibouti
12. Egypt
13. Gambia
14. Guinea
15. Guinea-Bissau
16. Indonesia
17. Iran
18. Iraq
19. Jordan
20. Kazakhstan
21. Kuwait
22. Kyrgyzstan
23. Lebanon
24. Libya
25. Malaysia
26. Maldives
27. Mali
28. Mauritania
29. Morocco
30. Niger
31. Nigeria
32. Oman
33. Pakistan
34. Palestine
35. Qatar
36. Saudi Arabia
37. Senegal
38. Sierra Leone
39. Somalia
40. Sudan
41. Syria
42. Tajikistan
43. Tunisia
44. Turkey
45. Turkmenistan
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Uzbekistan
48. Yemen


The emergence of Muslim-majority countries is rooted in various historical and cultural contexts. Many of these nations were formed as a result of decolonization movements in the 20th century, following the decline of European colonial empires. Prior to colonial rule, several regions were part of Islamic empires or governed by Muslim rulers. The process of decolonization led to the establishment of independent states, with Islam often playing a significant role in shaping national identity and governance structures.

Colonial history has had a profound impact on the development of Muslim-majority countries. Countries like Algeria, Indonesia and Pakistan for example, were formerly colonized by European powers and underwent struggles for independence. The legacies of colonialism, including borders drawn without regard for ethnic or religious divisions, continue to influence politics and social dynamics in these nations.

The post-World War II era saw a shift in the global order, with the emergence of new power dynamics dominated by the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Muslim-majority countries found themselves navigating this new geopolitical landscape, often aligning with one of the superpowers or pursuing non-aligned positions. The Cold War rivalry had significant implications for the internal politics and external relations of these nations.

Contemporary Muslim States

Today, Muslim-majority countries face a range of economic, military, security, and political challenges. Economically, some countries have experienced rapid development and growth, fueled by natural resources, while others grapple with poverty, unemployment, and underdevelopment. Militarily, several nations have modernized their armed forces and play important roles in regional security dynamics, while others face internal conflicts and security threats.

Politically, Muslim-majority countries exhibit a diverse range of governance systems, from democratic to authoritarian regimes. Issues such as human rights, political stability, and religious freedom often feature prominently in domestic and international discourse. Additionally, geopolitical tensions, regional conflicts, and the influence of external actors further shape the political landscapes of these nations.

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