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In a Nutshell - There are no fabrications in Bukhari's hadith collection

The question of the presence of fabricated hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari has been a topic of discussion among Islamic scholars. Sahih al-Bukhari, compiled by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari, is widely regarded as the most authentic collection of hadiths in Islamic tradition due to its stringent criteria for authenticity. The general consensus among mainstream Islamic scholars is that Sahih al-Bukhari is devoid of fabricated hadiths - some classical scholars like Daraqutni estimate there are around 70 weak hadith in Bukhari's collection.

Background and Compilation Process

Imam Bukhari's methodology in compiling Sahih al-Bukhari was extraordinarily meticulous. He reportedly scrutinized approximately 600,000 hadiths over 16 years, only accepting those that met his strict criteria for authenticity. His criteria included ensuring the reliability and credibility of the narrators and the consistency of the hadiths across various sources.

Examination of Authenticity

  • Stringent Criteria: Imam Bukhari's criteria for including a hadith were among the most rigorous of all hadith scholars.
  • Reliability of Narrators: He carefully examined the chain of narrators (isnad) for each hadith, accepting only those transmitted by the most reliable and trustworthy narrators.
  • Consistency and Cross-Referencing: Each hadith was cross-referenced for consistency in narration, and any discrepancies led to exclusion from his collection.

Misconceptions about Sahih Al-Bukhari

  1. Presence of Fabricated Hadiths: Some believe that Sahih al-Bukhari contains fabricated narrations. However, given Imam Bukhari's strict compilation criteria, scholars widely regard all hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari as authentic.
  2. Infallibility: While Sahih al-Bukhari is highly revered for its authenticity, it is a scholarly work subject to interpretation and is not considered infallible, as is the Quran.
  3. Use by Laypeople: There’s a misconception that Sahih al-Bukhari is only for scholarly interpretation. While scholarly guidance enhances understanding, it is also accessible for general Muslims seeking knowledge.


The discussion surrounding the presence of potentially weak or controversial hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari, one of the most revered collections in Islamic tradition, involves various scholarly viewpoints and detailed examinations of specific hadiths.

One key figure in the criticism of certain hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari is Al-Daraqutni. In his work "Kitab al-Tatabbu'", Al-Daraqutni argues for the weakness of 78 hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari (and 100 in Sahih al-Muslim) based on criticisms of their isnad (chain of narrators) and matn (text). One has to remember It contains Bukhari contains approximately 7,275 hadiths when including repetitions and about 4,000 hadiths without repetitions (whilst Muslim contains around 7,190 hadiths).This perspective indicates that while the overall compilation of Sahih al-Bukhari is highly esteemed for its authenticity, some individual hadiths have been subject to critical examination by scholars like Al-Daraqutni.

However, this perspective is not universally accepted among Islamic scholars. Many continue to hold that all hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari are authentic. For instance, Al-Nawawi, a prominent Shafi'i scholar, has stated that both Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih al-Muslim are considered the soundest of all hadith compilations and that their content does not require further investigation for authenticity. This view is shared by numerous other scholars who regard the entirety of Sahih al-Bukhari as authentic.

The debate often centers around whether the hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari reach the highest degree of authenticity. Some scholars, like Ibn al-Salah and Ibn Kathir, acknowledge that while most hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari are of the highest degree of authenticity, a few have been the subject of scholarly objection. Al-Dhahabi, another eminent scholar, concluded that the narration of certain questioned narrators in Sahih al-Bukhari does not fall below the rank of hasan, which is considered the lowest rank of sahih (authentic) hadiths.

While Sahih al-Bukhari is universally recognized for its authenticity, some specific hadiths within the collection have been the subjects of scholarly debate and criticism. These discussions, however, typically revolve around a relatively small number of narrations and do not generally call into question the overall authenticity of Sahih al-Bukhari as a fundamental Islamic text.


It is generally accepted that Sahih al-Bukhari is a reliable and trustworthy collection of hadith. However, it is important to note that no collection of hadith is considered to be completely free of fabricated or forged hadith. Fabricated or forged hadith are those that have been falsely attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) or that contain false or misleading information. These types of hadith are considered to be unreliable and are generally not accepted by scholars as authentic. There have been instances where hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari or other hadith collections have been questioned or rejected by scholars due to concerns about their authenticity. However, it is difficult to provide specific examples of fabricated hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari, as the vast majority of hadith in this collection are considered reliable by scholars. Overall, it is important for Muslims to approach all hadith with a critical and open-minded attitude and to evaluate them based on their content, context, and the credibility of their narrators.

Sahih al-Bukhari's reputation as the most authentic hadith collection is well-established in Islamic scholarship. While Imam Bukhari’s methodology was rigorous, ensuring the authenticity of each hadith, discussions and scholarly debates continue on the interpretation and context of some narrations.

FAQs about Sahih Al-Bukhari

  1. Are there any fabricated hadiths in Sahih Al-Bukhari?

    • The consensus among mainstream Islamic scholars is that there are no fabricated hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari, due to Imam Bukhari's strict authenticity criteria.
  2. How reliable are the hadiths in Sahih Al-Bukhari?

    • The hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari are considered highly reliable and form the basis of many Islamic teachings and laws.
  3. Has modern scholarship impacted the authenticity of Sahih Al-Bukhari?

    • Modern scholarship has re-examined some hadiths for context and interpretation, but the overall authenticity of Sahih al-Bukhari remains recognized.
  4. Can Sahih Al-Bukhari be questioned or critiqued?

    • Intellectual inquiry and scholarly debate are part of Islamic tradition. While the authenticity of Sahih al-Bukhari is widely accepted, its interpretations and applications can be discussed and critiqued.
  5. Is Sahih Al-Bukhari infallible?

    • No, Sahih al-Bukhari, like all hadith collections, is a scholarly work and not considered infallible. It is highly respected for its authenticity but is distinct from the Quran, which is considered the literal word of God in Islam.

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