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Why didn't God send prophets to China, Australasia or the Americas?

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According to Islam, Allah sent prophets and messengers to every nation and community on Earth as a mercy and guidance. However, the message may have been lost, distorted, or forgotten in some regions over time. Ullama provide various perspectives on why specific details about prophets in certain areas are not explicitly mentioned in Islamic sources.


The question of why God did not send prophets to certain regions like China, Australasia, or the Americas is a topic of discussion among Islamic scholars. While the Quran and authentic hadith literature do not explicitly mention prophets being sent to these specific regions, Islamic teachings emphasize the universality of divine guidance and the presence of prophets among all nations and peoples.

Prophets Sent to All Nations

- The Quran clearly states that God has sent messengers to every nation and community throughout human history.

"And there is not a nation but a warner has gone among them." (Quran 35:24)

- The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"There is no nation to whom a warner has not been sent." (Musnad Ahmad)

- Islam teaches that God's mercy and justice necessitate providing guidance to all peoples through the sending of prophets and messengers.

Reasons for Lack of Explicit Mention

Islamic scholars have proposed various perspectives on why specific details about prophets in certain regions are not explicitly mentioned in Islamic sources:

- Loss or Distortion of Original Teachings: Over time, the original teachings brought by prophets may have been lost, distorted, or forgotten in some regions due to various factors such as migrations, wars, or cultural shifts.

- Focus on Central Prophetic Lineage: The Quran and hadith literature primarily focus on the central prophetic lineage, tracing back to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and culminating with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them). Details about other prophets may have been omitted for brevity or emphasis.

- Preservation of Essential Teachings: Islamic sources aim to preserve the essential teachings and principles of monotheism, morality, and worship, rather than providing an exhaustive historical account of every prophet sent to every region.

- Linguistic and Cultural Barriers: Linguistic and cultural barriers may have hindered the transmission and preservation of detailed accounts of prophets in certain regions, leading to a lack of explicit mention in Islamic sources.

Scholarly Perspectives

- Ibn Kathir (d. 1373 CE), a renowned exegete, stated:

"God has sent messengers to every nation, but their stories and details may have been lost or distorted over time."

- Al-Qurtubi (d. 1273 CE), a prominent scholar, emphasized:

"The absence of explicit mention does not negate the possibility of prophets being sent to those regions, for God's wisdom and mercy encompass all peoples."

- Contemporary scholars like Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Tariq Ramadan have highlighted the universality of divine guidance and the likelihood of prophets being sent to all regions, even if their specific details are not known.


While the Quran and hadith literature do not explicitly mention prophets being sent to regions like China, Australasia, or the Americas, Islam affirms the universality of divine guidance and the presence of prophets among all nations and peoples throughout history.

The lack of explicit mention may be due to factors such as the loss or distortion of original teachings, the focus on the central prophetic lineage, or linguistic and cultural barriers. Islamic scholars emphasize the universality of God's mercy and justice, which necessitates providing guidance to all peoples through the sending of prophets and messengers.

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