in category Writers and Interns

Write for Our Muslim Community - Guest Post?

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( 43.1k points):

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Share Your Perspective - Write for Our Muslim Community

We welcome diverse Muslim voices and thoughtful Islamic analysis that aligns with our core values of compassion, justice, and empowerment.

If your Muslim guest post submission is selected, we will invest time in developing Muslim writers and amplifying important Islamic ideas. Our volunteer Muslim editors provide constructive feedback to help Muslim authors find their voice.

Please note that as a Muslim platform we receive many Islamic submissions and are only able to publish a fraction of them. Priority is given to pieces written by Muslims that are well-written, relevant to modern Islamic issues, and capture nuances of the Muslim experience.

While our Muslim writers are not financially compensated, they have a platform to impact other Muslims and reach new Muslim audiences. Articles may be republished elsewhere after 3 weeks.

We wish you the very best in your Islamic writing journey.

Guest Post FAQs

What types of articles are you looking for?

We welcome diverse Muslim perspectives and thoughtful analysis of issues relevant to our community. This includes topics like Islamic spirituality, social justice, family, identity, current events etc.

What is the word count?

We ask that submissions be at least 750 words or more. Shorter pieces are less likely to be accepted.

Do you pay writers?

We currently do not offer monetary payment as we are a volunteer-run nonprofit. However, we invest extensive time in developing writers by providing feedback and giving them a platform to reach new audiences. Writers retain rights to republish after 3 weeks.

What is the review and selection process?

We receive lots of pitches and submissions. Our editors review them and select pieces that align with our editorial guidelines and community standards. The review process can take 4-6 weeks before hearing back. Only a small percentage are accepted.

Can I get feedback if my piece is not selected?

Due to the high volume we receive, we are unfortunately unable to provide feedback on declined pitches or submissions. Please know that spaces are limited and doesn't reflect the quality or merits of any one piece.

Who owns the rights to published pieces?

Writers retain ownership. Pieces cannot be republished elsewhere for the first 3 weeks they are on our platform. After that window expires, writers have full rights to republish as they choose.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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