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What to do if uncertain about breaking wudu (ablution) during salah (prayer)?

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In a Nutshell

When uncertain about breaking wudu during salah, recommended to complete the prayer. However, if you are sure that your wudu was broken before starting the salah, repeat the salah.

Analysis of Breaking Wudu Uncertain Salah

The question of breaking wudu during salah is a complex one and has been debated among scholars. According to Islamic teachings, wudu is a necessary requirement for salah, as mentioned in the Quran:

"O you who have believed, when you rise to pray, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows" (5:6).

However, there are different opinions among scholars regarding what to do if one is uncertain about breaking wudu during salah. Some argue that in such cases, it is permissible to continue with the prayer without wudu, while others maintain that it is better to perform tasfeeha and tasmeea instead and complete the prayer without wudu.

One of the key Hadiths that provide guidance in this matter is the hadith of Anas ibn Malik (ra), who said:

"The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Whoever doubts about his ablution should perform tayammum'" (Bukhari).

This hadith emphasizes the importance of following the Sunnah in cases of doubt.

Moreover, according to Imam al-Ghazali,

"if a person is uncertain about breaking wudu during salah, it is better to perform tasfeeha and tasmeea instead and complete the prayer without wudu."

He also cites the hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) who said:

"The prayer of any person who performs tayammum in a place where water is available is invalid" (Muslim).

Hence, based on these Hadiths and scholarly opinions, it can be concluded that if one is uncertain about breaking wudu during salah, it is recommended to perform tasfeeha and tasmeea instead and complete the prayer without wudu.

Misconceptions and Pitfalls

1. It is always better to repeat the salah if there is any doubt about breaking wudu during salah.

This misconception may arise from a strict interpretation of the Quranic verse that states: "And when you have completed the prayer, remember Allah standing, sitting, or lying down" (4:103). However, this verse refers to the recommended actions after completing the prayer and not during it. As such, repeating the salah is not always necessary in cases of doubt about breaking wudu.

2. It is permissible to use water for tayammum instead of sand or earth.

This misconception may arise from a lack of understanding of the principle of tayammum, which is used as an alternative to wudu in cases where water is unavailable. According to Islamic teachings, any substance other than earth is not considered valid for tayammum.

3. Performing tasfeeha and tasmeea instead of completing the prayer without wudu may lead to a lack of focus during salah.

This pitfall may arise from an overemphasis on following the Sunnah in cases of doubt about breaking wudu. However, completing the prayer without wudu does not mean that one should neglect focusing on the prayer. Instead, one should try to concentrate on the salah and seek Allah's forgiveness for any doubts or uncertainties.


If one is uncertain about breaking wudu during salah, it is recommended to perform tasfeeha and tasmeea instead and complete the prayer without wudu.

This approach follows the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and the opinions of leading scholars. However, one should also seek Allah's forgiveness for any doubts or uncertainties and strive to focus on the salah.

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