in category Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

What is the correct position for placing hands on the chest during salah (prayer)?

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In a Nutshell:

The most emphasized position for placing hands during Salah (prayer) is on the chest, with the right hand resting gently over the left wrist or forearm. This practice aligns with the strongest Hadiths narrating the Prophet's (saw) prayer posture and is the preferred approach of many prominent Islamic scholars.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Hand Position in Salah
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs about Hand Position in Salah
  • Conclusion


Salah, the formal Islamic prayer, is a cornerstone of Muslim practice. Performing Salah in the way Prophet Muhammad (saw) demonstrated, following the Sunnah, is essential for Muslims. This includes aspects of posture and movement during prayer. One aspect that has seen some discussion among scholars is the placement of the hands during the standing posture (Qiyam).

Evidences from Sharia


The strongest Hadiths regarding hand placement in Salah support placing them on the chest. Here's a key narration:

Hazrat Wa'il ibn Hujr (ra) narrated: I prayed with the Messenger of Allah (saw) and he placed his right hand on his left hand on his chest. (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah)

While there are Hadiths mentioning alternative hand positions, these are generally considered weaker in their chains of narration.

Companions' Opinions

The practices of the Prophet's (saw) companions (Sahabah) offer further guidance. Prominent companions like Uthman ibn Affan (ra) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) were known to place their hands on their chests during Salah.

Scholarly Opinions

The four major Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (Madhhabs) have varying opinions on hand placement in Salah. However, the Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali Madhhabs all have narrations supporting the placement of hands on the chest. The Hanafi Madhhab traditionally places the hands below the navel, but some Hanafi scholars also consider the chest placement to be valid.

Hand Position in Salah

Here's a deeper look at the factors surrounding hand placement in Salah:

Historical Context:

While there may have been some variation in practice during the early centuries of Islam, placing hands on the chest emerged as the preferred position based on the strongest Hadiths.

Strength of Hadiths:

The Hadith of Wa'il ibn Hujr (ra) and similar narrations hold strong chains of transmission, lending credibility to the practice of placing hands on the chest.

Varying Scholarly Views and Reasoning:

The differing opinions among scholars stem from the interpretation of various Hadiths and the juristic principles applied. The Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali schools prioritize the clear narration of the Prophet's (saw) practice in the Hadith of Wa'il ibn Hujr (ra).

Importance of Following the Sunnah:

Muslims strive to emulate the Prophet's (saw) actions in all aspects of worship, including his prayer posture. Placing hands on the chest during Salah reflects a sincere attempt to follow the Sunnah in prayer.


Misconception: Placing hands anywhere during Salah is acceptable.

It's important to strive to follow the Sunnah as closely as possible. While the validity of prayer may not be compromised by other hand positions, there is strong evidence indicating the virtue of placing hands on the chest.

Misconception: Placing hands below the navel is a stronger Sunnah.

The Hadiths supporting this position are generally considered weaker than those indicating the chest position.

Misconception: Hand position doesn't affect the validity of prayer.

While hand placement may not directly invalidate Salah, it directly impacts one's efforts to emulate the Prophet (saw) in this essential act of worship.

Misconception: Following a specific Madhhab opinion is sufficient

While respecting Madhhab rulings is important, seeking knowledge and understanding the roots of differing opinions is a mark of a responsible Muslim.

Misconception: It's a minor detail that shouldn't be overemphasized.

Each part of Salah carries significance and a Muslim's sincerity is reflected in their attention to detail in their worship.

Objections to Placing Hands on the Chest

Objection: There are Hadiths mentioning other hand positions.

While some Hadiths have been used to support alternative positions, they are generally considered weaker in authenticity compared to the Hadiths emphasizing the chest position.

Objection: It might be uncomfortable or impractical for some people.

If physical conditions present challenges, adjusting hand position may be considered, always in consultation with an Islamic scholar.

Objection: Focusing on outward actions is less important than inner devotion.

While inner devotion is paramount, the physical aspects of Salah are not separate from one's overall state of submission to Allah (swt) during prayer.

Objection: This is a cultural practice rather than a religious requirement.

The practice of placing hands on the chest in Salah stems directly from the Prophet's (saw) teachings and actions.

Objection: It creates unnecessary division among Muslims.

Respectful discussion among Muslims on matters of practice is healthy. Rigid insistence on one particular approach in non-essential matters can create divisions.

FAQs about Hand Position in Salah

FAWhat if I find it difficult to keep my hands on my chest?

If there are physical difficulties, consult an Islamic scholar for advice and consider alternative positions that are comfortable for you.

FACan I change hand positions during different parts of Salah?

It's best to maintain the same hand posture throughout the standing portion of Salah, for consistency and to avoid unnecessary movements.

FAIs it okay if my hands move slightly during prayer?

Minor adjustments are natural and don't detract from the focus of Salah. Excessive movements that break concentration and composure should be avoided.

FAShould women place their hands differently than men?

There's no strong indication in the Hadiths for differing hand placements based on gender.

FAWhat if I see someone praying with their hands in a different position?

Offer gentle guidance if appropriate, always with respect and understanding that there may be differences in scholarly opinions.


The issue of hand placement within Salah speaks to the broader emphasis within Islam on following the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw) in acts of worship. While variations in practice might exist, the strongest Hadiths and the practice of the sahabah point towards placing hands on the chest in Salah. This approach reflects a sincere dedication to praying in the manner of the Prophet (saw).

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