in category Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

When is a person considered as neglecting salah (prayer) and what are the consequences in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Missing prayers deliberately and habitually without a valid excuse is considered neglecting Salah (prayer) in Islam. This can have severe consequences, with some scholars even considering it a form of disbelief (kufr). However, occasional missed prayers due to forgetfulness or a valid excuse are treated differently.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Definition of Neglecting Salah
  • The Gravity of Neglecting Salah
  • The Importance of Sincere Repentance
  • Misconceptions
  • Objections
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah (prayer) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, the foundational practices that every Muslim must observe. It is a direct connection between a believer and Allah (swt), offering praise, gratitude and submission throughout the day.

The Quran and the sunnah emphasise the importance of performing Salah on time and with sincerity. This answer explores the Islamic rulings regarding neglecting Salah, its consequences and the importance of sincere repentance.


Quranic Verses

The Quran mentions the obligation of prayer in several verses, highlighting its significance in Islamic life:

"And establish prayer and give zakah and bow with the bowing [people]." (Quran 2:43)

This verse commands Muslims to establish prayer and perform it regularly alongside other obligations.

"Guard the prescribed prayers and the midmost prayer and stand before Allah, devoted [in worship]." (Quran 2:238)

This verse emphasizes the importance of performing prayers at their designated timings, including the central prayer (possibly referring to Asr prayer).

"Woe to those who are neglectful of their prayer - Those who are ostentatious [in their religion] and avert [others] from the collection [of zakat]." (Quran 107:4-6)

These are some verses that warn against neglecting prayer and highlight the negative consequences associated with such behavior.


The Prophet (pbuh) emphasized the importance of prayer throughout his life and teachings. Here are some relevant hadiths:

"The first matter that will be accounted for from a person's deeds on the Day of Judgement is the prayer." (Sahih Bukhari 570)

This hadith indicates the seriousness with which Salah will be judged in the Hereafter.

"The covenant between me and them is prayer; whoever abandons it is a kafir (disbeliever)." (Musnad Ahmad 4/121)

This hadith, while requiring further explanation from qualified scholars, suggests the potential severity of neglecting prayer altogether.

"Whoever forgets a prayer or misses it due to sleep, then let him make it up as soon as he remembers." (Sahih Muslim 631)

This hadith clarifies the ruling for those who miss a prayer unintentionally.

More hadiths can be included to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings on Salah.

When is one considered as neglecting Salah (prayer) and consequences?

Definition of Neglecting Salah

Defining what constitutes neglecting Salah is a complex issue within Islamic jurisprudence. Scholars have differing opinions due to the severity of labeling someone a disbeliever (kafir). Generally, neglecting Salah implies deliberately and habitually missing prayers without a valid excuse (such as illness or forgetfulness).

Scholars differ on whether neglecting Salah altogether equates to disbelief (kufr), with some believing it takes a person outside the fold of Islam while others consider it a major sin but not necessarily disbelief. This debate is rooted in the interpretation of the hadith mentioning the covenant and disbeliever, as well as other hadiths and examples from the early Islamic community.

The Gravity of Neglecting Salah

Despite differences in scholarly interpretations, everyone agrees that deliberately neglecting Salah is a serious sin with significant consequences. Prayer is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam and its neglect demonstrates a lack of commitment to one's faith. The Quran and hadiths mention warnings and potential punishments for those who are negligent in their prayers.

The Importance of Sincere Repentance

Islam emphasizes the path of repentance for even major sins. If someone has neglected Salah, sincere repentance (tawba) is crucial. This requires acknowledging the sin, seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness with remorse, resolving to establish prayers regularly and making amends for any missed prayers.


Missing a prayer due to forgetfulness is equivalent to neglecting Salah. Islam acknowledges that humans can be forgetful. There are rulings for making up missed prayers due to forgetfulness or sleep, demonstrating the difference between deliberate neglect and unintentional mistakes.

Slightly delaying prayers due to work or studies is permissible. Prayers have specific timings for a reason. While some flexibility exists for combining prayers in certain cases (such as travel), intentionally delaying prayers without valid reasons is not in line with Islam.


The Quran doesn't explicitly mention punishment for neglecting Salah. While the Quran doesn't outline a specific punishment for neglecting Salah, it emphasizes the importance of prayer in numerous verses and warns against turning away from Allah's (swt) commands.

Focusing on ritualistic prayer neglects the importance of developing good character. Prayer is not merely a ritual; it is a profound act of spiritual and ethical development. When performed with sincerity and consciousness, it cultivates humility, reminds one of Allah (swt) and encourages good deeds.


Can missing prayers due to unavoidable circumstances be excused?
Yes, there are valid excuses for missing prayers, such as illness, travel and certain unavoidable life circumstances. It is important to make up for missed prayers as soon as possible.

What can I do if I've neglected prayer for a long time?
Turn to Allah (swt) with sincere repentance, seek forgiveness and establish regular prayer habits. If you are unsure about how to make up missed prayers or want further guidance, consult a qualified Islamic scholar.


Salah (prayer) is a cornerstone of Muslim faith and practice. Neglecting Salah is a serious matter with potential spiritual consequences.

Scholars debate the implications of complete abandonment of prayer. However, they universally agree that deliberate neglect is a major sin. Sincere repentance and recommitting to Salah are essential for those who have fallen short in their obligations.

Muslims must prioritize Salah, striving to perform it consistently and with mindfulness. By doing so, they strengthen their relationship with Allah (swt) and cultivate spiritual growth.

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