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How should you proceed if fajr (dawn prayer) time arrives while praying witr (odd numbered prayer)?

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In a Nutshell - If Fajr time arrives while praying Witr, immediately stop the Witr prayer and perform only two Rak'ahs of Fajr prayer.

You can then complete the remaining odd-numbered prayers of Witr later during the day. This approach follows the opinion of Imam Shafi'i, which is widely followed by Muslims around the world.

Analysis of Fajr Witr Overlap

The issue of what to do if Fajr time overlaps with Witr prayer has been a subject of debate among Islamic scholars throughout history. Two main opinions have emerged:

The opinion of Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad: According to this view, if Fajr time starts while praying Witr, one should stop the Witr prayer immediately and perform only two Rak'ahs of Fajr prayer. The remaining odd-numbered prayers of Witr can be completed later during the day. This opinion is based on the hadith narrated by Abu Huraira (ra), who said:

"The Prophet (pbuh) used to offer Witr prayer in all ten rak'ahs before retiring to bed." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol 1 Book 11 No 697)

The opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa and some other scholars: According to this view, if Fajr time starts while praying Witr, one should complete the remaining odd-numbered prayers of Witr before performing Fajr prayer. This opinion is based on a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas (ra), who said:

"The Prophet (pbuh) used to offer Witr prayer in seven rak'ahs." (Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol 1 Book 12 No 2048)

In addition, there is a view that if Fajr time starts while praying the last Rak'ah of Witr, one should stop the Witr prayer immediately and perform two Rak'ahs of Fajr prayer. This opinion is based on the hadith narrated by Abu Huraira (ra), who said: "The Prophet (pbuh) used to offer Witr prayer in all ten rak'ahs before retiring to bed." (Sahih al-Bukhari, 1.11.697)

Misconceptions and Pitfalls

There are several misconceptions and common pitfalls related to the issue of what to do if Fajr time overlaps with Witr prayer:

1: Performing the remaining odd-numbered prayers of Witr before Fajr prayer.

This misconception may arise from a misunderstanding of the principle that Fajr prayer takes precedence over any other prayer. According to Islamic teachings, one should always prioritize performing Fajr prayer on time.

2: Performing only one Rak'ah of Fajr prayer if Fajr time starts while praying Witr.

This misconception may arise from a lack of understanding of the principle that if Fajr time starts, one should immediately stop the current prayer and perform Fajr prayer. According to Islamic teachings, performing only one Rak'ah of Fajr prayer is not sufficient to fulfill the obligation of praying Fajr on time.

3: Performing tasmeeha and tasbeeh instead of completing the prayer without wudu may lead to a lack of focus during salah.

This pitfall may arise from an overemphasis on following the Sunnah in cases of doubt about breaking wudu. However, completing the prayer without wudu does not mean that one should neglect focusing on the salah. Instead, one should try to concentrate on the prayer and focus on Allah (swt).

FAQs re Witr/Fajr Prayers

1: What is Witr prayer?

  • A: Witr is a voluntary Islamic prayer performed at night with an odd number of units (rak'ahs). Muslims often pray it after the final obligatory prayer of the night (Isha) or before the dawn prayer (Fajr).

2: Why is the timing of Witr important?

  • A: While Witr can be prayed earlier in the night, Islamic teachings generally stress delaying it towards the end of the night, with preference for the final third. This aligns with the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) practices.

3: What if I'm still praying Witr and dawn begins?

  • A: If dawn arrives while you're performing Witr, you have two options:
    • Complete Witr: Quickly finish the Witr prayer as intended, even if the time for Fajr has started.
    • Pray Fajr: Stop Witr immediately and offer the obligatory Fajr prayer. You can make up the missed Witr later in the day.

4: Is it better to complete Witr or pray Fajr first?

  • A: If you realize dawn is approaching but have time to complete your Witr prayer quickly, it is generally considered preferable to do so. However, if dawn is imminent, the primary obligation is to pray Fajr on time.

5: What if I habitually miss Witr due to oversleeping?

  • A: There's significant scholarly allowance for making up a missed Witr prayer during the daytime (up until the next obligatory prayer). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have done this himself.

6: Can I make up Witr after sunrise?

  • A: The majority of scholars consider it permissible to make up a missed Witr after sunrise but believe it's best to make it up as soon as possible before midday.

Conclusion - Stop praying Witr and Pray Fajr

According to the widely followed opinion of Imam Shafi'i, if Fajr time starts while praying Witr, one should stop the Witr prayer immediately and perform only two Rak'ahs of Fajr prayer. You can then complete the remaining odd-numbered prayers of Witr later during the day.

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