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What is the ruling on hanging Quranic verses on walls?

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In a Nutshell - What is the ruling on hanging Quranic verses on walls?

Hanging Quranic verses on walls is generally permitted, although there are certain conditions to be met. The practice has been supported by some scholars who believe it can serve as a constant reminder of Allah (swt) and His teachings. However, others argue that it may lead to disrespect or misinterpretation of the holy text, so caution should be exercised.

Ruling on Hanging Quranic Verses on Walls

The ruling on hanging Quranic verses on walls is not universally agreed upon among Islamic scholars. Some scholars argue that it is permissible as long as certain conditions are met.

These include:

  1. The verse must be a complete and accurate translation of the original Arabic text. It should also be written in clear, legible script to avoid confusion or misinterpretation.
  2. The wall on which the verse is hung should be clean and free from any impurities.
  3. The verse should not be displayed in a manner that suggests it is being worshipped or venerated. It is essential to remember that only Allah (swt) deserves our worship and devotion.
  4. The verses should be chosen with care, ensuring they are appropriate for the setting in which they will be displayed. For example, verses related to warfare may not be suitable in an educational environment.

Several Quranic verses and Hadiths support this practice:

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (Quran 13:28)

This verse emphasizes the importance of constantly remembering Allah (swt), which can be achieved through displaying Quranic verses in one's surroundings.

"The Prophet (saw) said, 'The best of your deeds are those which are most regular, and the best of your actions are those which you perform regularly.'" (Sahih Muslim 2637)

This Hadith highlights the value of consistency in practicing one's faith, which can be facilitated by having reminders of Allah (swt) and His teachings around us.

One prominent scholar who supported this practice was Imam al-Ghazali, who wrote:

"It is recommended to write the verses of the Quran on the walls of one's house. This will serve as a constant reminder for the residents and can instill a sense of reverence for Allah (swt)."

However, other scholars have expressed concerns about this practice:

"The Prophet (saw) said, 'Those who leave behind their homes for Allah's cause and their wealth and do not take with them any worldly pleasure will enter Paradise.'" (Sahih Bukhari 4903)

This Hadith suggests that true devotion to Allah (swt) should not be limited to material displays such as hanging Quranic verses on walls. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of actions and intentions that are motivated by a sincere love for Allah (swt).

Misconceptions and Pitfalls

There are several common misconceptions about the ruling on hanging Quranic verses on walls:

  1. Misconception: Hanging Quranic verses is prohibited by Islam. This is not true; some scholars consider it to be permissible under certain conditions.
  2. Misconception: Displaying Quranic verses on walls will automatically lead to increased piety or spirituality. While it can serve as a reminder, it is ultimately our actions and intentions that determine our level of devotion to Allah (swt).
  3. Pitfall: Choosing inappropriate verses or displaying them in an improper manner can potentially lead to disrespect for the holy text. It is essential to select verses that are relevant to the setting and ensure they are displayed with reverence.
  4. While hanging Quranic verses on walls may serve as a constant reminder of Allah (swt) and His teachings, it is essential to be aware of the potential pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding this practice. It is ultimately up to each individual to determine whether or not they feel comfortable engaging in this practice.

FAQs re Hanging Quranic Verses on Walls

  1. What's the core argument against hanging Quranic verses?

    • Quran was revealed as guidance to be lived by, not primarily decor.
    • Risk of verses becoming ignored when displayed passively.
    • Certain contexts (like bathrooms) are certainly inappropriate.
    • Historically, this practice is tied to periods of Muslim weakness.
  2. What if I just find it beautiful or inspirational? There are other ways to express love for the Quran:

    • Displaying bookshelves with the Quran prominently placed.
    • Quranic art featuring themes rather than direct quotations.
    • Supporting initiatives fostering Quran study and understanding.
  3. Does this mean it's absolutely forbidden (haram)? Many scholars would avoid using this term due to the lack of explicit Quran or Hadith prohibition. Most settle on it being disliked or contrary to the Quran's best treatment.

  4. Are there instances where it could be more acceptable? Some opinions deem it potentially less problematic when:

    • The space is primarily for religious learning.
    • Verse meanings are prominent, encouraging active contemplation.
    • Utmost respect in handling and placement is prioritized.
  5. What if this is common in my culture? It's important to learn about the differing scholarly views. Weigh them while mindful of intent: are you prioritizing the Quran's message or the act of display?

  6. I see this done in mosques/holy sites – why is that different? Those may fall under more nuanced rulings due to special status. Also, there's usually emphasis on active recitation and teaching within those spaces.

  7. Is there a better alternative? Focus on active Quran engagement; read, learn, reflect. Supporting the work of those who do this is another way to show love for it.

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