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Why do Muslims get married?

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In a Nutshell:

Muslims get married to fulfill a core aspect of their faith, build a loving family unit and achieve spiritual growth together. Marriage is seen as a sacred bond that brings numerous benefits in this life and the hereafter.

Marriage in Islam is a revered institution that holds immense significance for Muslims. It's considered not just a social contract but a sacred bond established before Allah (swt). Muslims get married to fulfill a core aspect of their faith, build a loving family unit based on Islamic principles and achieve spiritual growth together. Marriage brings numerous benefits in this life and the hereafter, fostering love, companionship, emotional support and a halal outlet for intimacy.

Table of Contents:

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences from Quran and Hadith
  • Why Do Muslims Get Married? An
  • 5 Misconceptions about Marriage in Islam
  • 5 Objections to Early Marriage
  • 5 FAQs about Muslim Marriage


Marriage is a fundamental aspect of human life across cultures and religions. Islam offers a unique perspective on marriage, emphasizing its spiritual and social importance. This answer delves into the reasons why Muslims get married, exploring the rich tapestry of Quranic verses, prophetic hadiths and scholarly opinions.

Evidences from Quran and Hadith

The Quran and the teachings of The Prophet (pbuh) provide a clear foundation for the importance of marriage in Islam. Here are some key evidences:

  • Quran (Surah Rum, 21:30): And among His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find peace in them. And He placed between you love and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for those who reflect. [Quran 30:21]
  • Hadith (Sahih Bukhari): The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'The best of your possessions is a righteous wife who pleases you when you look at her and obeys you when you give her a command.' [Sahih Bukhari]
  • Hadith (Sahih Muslim): The Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Whoever desires Paradise, let him desire marriage.' [Sahih Muslim]

These verses and hadiths highlight the core purposes of marriage in Islam: finding peace and tranquility, building love and mercy within the family unit and fulfilling one's religious obligations.

Why Do Muslims Get Married?

The Quran and hadith emphasize numerous reasons why Muslims get married. Let's analyze these in detail:

Half of One's Faith: The The Prophet (pbuh) declared, When a man marries, he has completed half of his religion. [Bayhaqi] This powerful statement illustrates how marriage plays a fundamental role in fulfilling one's Islamic duties and nurturing spiritual development.

Building a Strong Foundation for Family: Marriage establishes the basis for a loving and secure family, the core unit of Islamic society. Islam encourages the creation of harmonious homes where children can learn Islamic values and practice their faith.

A Source of Support and Mutual Growth: Spouses become partners in both worldly and spiritual matters. They offer emotional support, protect one another from harm and encourage each other to be the best versions of themselves.

Establishing a Halal Outlet for Procreation and Intimacy: Islam promotes a healthy and fulfilling intimacy exclusively within the bounds of marriage. Procreating within a loving union is considered an honorable act blessed by Allah (swt).

Protection from Sin: Marriage provides a halal (permissible) way to fulfill natural desires, protecting oneself from temptations and sins. The Prophet (pbuh) said, O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty. [Bukhari]

Social Stability: As the family unit expands, it contributes to greater social cohesion and stability. Muslims are encouraged to develop strong bonds with relatives and play an active role in their communities.

Pleasing Allah (swt): Ultimately, marriage is seen as an act of worship that pleases Allah (swt). By adhering to Islamic guidelines and fulfilling their roles as spouses, Muslims seek to earn Allah's (swt) rewards in this life and the hereafter.

Misconceptions about Marriage in Islam

Forced Marriage: Islam prohibits forced marriages. Both partners must freely give their consent.

Lack of Women's Rights: Islam grants women significant rights in marriage, including the right to choose a spouse, receive a dowry and initiate divorce under certain circumstances.

Oppression of Women: Islam advocates for justice and kindness towards women. Abuse or oppression within marriage is a violation of Islamic principles.

Polygyny is Mandatory: While permitted, polygyny is not mandatory in Islam. It carries strict conditions, aiming to be a means of supporting widows, orphans and protecting vulnerable women within society.

Temporary Marriages: Islam does not recognize temporary marriages (mut'ah). Marriage is a commitment intended to be lifelong.

Objections to Early Marriage

Maturity: Concerns exist around the emotional maturity of young individuals entering into marriage.

Education and Career Goals: Early marriage can potentially interfere with a person's pursuit of education or career aspirations.

Risk of Abuse: Young individuals might be more vulnerable to abuse or exploitation in marriages where there is a significant age gap.

Health Concerns: Early marriage, especially for women, can have potential health risks related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Child Brides: Islam prohibits forced marriage or marrying prepubescent girls. Marrying someane who has not reached puberty is abhorrent and violates Islamic principles.

FAQs Why Do Muslims Get Married?

Is there an ideal age for marriage in Islam?Islam doesn't specify a fixed age; it emphasizes maturity. The Prophet (pbuh) married Khadijah (ra) when she was older than him. Both partners should be physically, emotionally and mentally prepared for the responsibilities of marriage.

Can Muslims marry outside their faith?Muslim men are permitted to marry women from the 'People of the Book' (Christians and Jews). Muslim women, however, are required to marry Muslim men. This is to ensure that the head of the family is Muslim and children are raised according to Islamic principles.

Is love a prerequisite for marriage in Islam?While romantic love isn't the sole basis for marriage, love, compassion and respect are encouraged to develop between spouses over time. The Prophet (pbuh) and his wives provide numerous examples of loving relationships.

What is the role of the dowry (mahr) in Muslim marriage?The dowry is a gift given exclusively to the woman by the groom. It symbolizes his commitment and is intended to provide her with financial security. The woman has complete ownership and control over her dowry.

What happens if a marriage doesn't work out?
While divorce is discouraged in Islam, it is recognized as a permissible option in situations where reconciliation is impossible. Islam outlines fair and just procedures for divorce to protect the rights of both spouses and their children.

Misconceptions About Muslim Marriages

Muslim women have no rights or agency. Islam explicitly grants women rights within marriage, including the right to financial independence, education and inheritance. Many misconceptions stem from cultural practices that deviate from true Islamic teachings.

Arranged marriages are forced marriages. While arranged marriages are common in some Muslim cultures, they are different from forced marriages. In traditional arranged marriages, prospective spouses have the ultimate right to consent or refuse a match.

Islam condones domestic violence. Domestic violence is a serious sin and a violation of Islamic principles. The Quran advocates for kindness and compassion between spouses.

Marriages in Islam are purely for procreation. While procreation is encouraged and seen as a blessing, Muslim marriage emphasizes building loving, compassionate and spiritually fulfilling unions that extend beyond childbearing.

Muslim marriages lack romance and intimacy. There are numerous examples in the Quran and the life of The Prophet (pbuh) that showcase love, tenderness and playful affection between spouses as integral aspects of a healthy Islamic marriage.


Marriage in Islam is not merely a social contract but a profound religious and spiritual act. It fulfills a key element of a Muslim's faith by providing a foundation for building a stable family and fostering individual growth. Islam offers a balanced framework for marriage that encourages love, protection, companionship and mutual support between spouses.

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