in category Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

What does Islam say about marriage between two women (lesbians)?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam defines marriage as a contract between a man and a woman. Passages from the Quran and narrations from the Prophet (pbuh) establish heterosexuality as a core requirement for marriage.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Analysis
  • 5 Misconceptions about Same-Sex Marriage in Islam
  • 5 Objections to the Islamic View on Same-Sex Marriage
  • FAQs on Same-Sex Marriage in Islam
  • Conclusion


Marriage is a fundamental pillar of Islamic society, providing a sacred and legal framework for procreation, intimacy and mutual support between spouses. Muslims seeking knowledge about marriage naturally turn to the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) for guidance. This answer explores the Islamic perspective on same-sex marriage, examining key Quranic verses, hadiths and scholarly opinions.


  • Quran 2:221: [Lawful unto you are] women still unmarried if you desire to marry them... (Quran 2:221) - This verse specifies marriage as being between a man and a woman.
  • Quran 7:189: ...And We have created you in pairs... (Quran 7:189) - This verse emphasizes the complementary nature of men and women in creation.
  • Quran 25:54: ...And who do not approach men - if they are chaste... (Quran 25:54) - This verse, referring to prohibitions for male believers, is understood by scholars to imply a heterosexual norm for marriage.
  • Sahih al-Bukhari: The Prophet (pbuh) said, A woman is married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her religion. So seek one who is religious, may your hand be blessed. (Sahih al-Bukhari) - This Hadith highlights the purpose of marriage within a heterosexual framework.
  • Sunan an-Nasa'i: The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, Whoever imitates a people is from them. (Sunan an-Nasa'i) - This Hadith, understood in context, is used by scholars to argue against same-sex marriage as not following the established norm.
  • Musnad Ahmad: Narrated Ibn Abbas (ra): The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) cursed effeminate men and masculine women. (Musnad Ahmad) - This Hadith, though requiring further by scholars, is seen as pointing towards the importance of gender binary in Islamic marriage.

Companion and Scholarly Opinions on Same-Sex Marriage

  • Ibn 'Abbas (ra): One of the most renowned companions of the Prophet (pbuh), Ibn 'Abbas held the view that same-sex acts were forbidden (haram) in Islam.
  • Imam Abu Hanifa: The founder of the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence, Imam Abu Hanifa, considered same-sex marriage to be impermissible in Islam.
  • Imam Malik: The founder of the Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, Imam Malik, held a similar view as Imam Abu Hanifa and considered same-sex activity a major sin.
  • Imam Shafi'i: The founder of the Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence, Imam Shafi'i, condemned same-sex relationships in his writings.
  • Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal: The founder of the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, regarded same-sex relationships as a grave sin and emphasized the heterosexual nature of marriage.

What Does Islam Say About Marriage Between Two Women?

Islam's foundations lie in a divinely revealed worldview that recognizes marriage as a sacred covenant between a man and a woman. The Quran and the life of the The Prophet (pbuh) establish several conditions and principles for marriage that are not compatible with a same-sex union:

  • Procreation: One of the primary purposes of marriage in Islam is procreation and the continuation of the human race. This concept emphasizes family lineage and the preservation of generations. A same-sex union inherently lacks the capacity to fulfill this fundamental purpose.
  • Complementarity: The Quran highlights the complementary nature of men and women in marriage, both physically and emotionally. Same-sex unions lack this complementary element inherent to the Islamic vision of marriage.
  • Legal and Social Framework: Islamic jurisprudence outlines a legal and social framework for marriage, including stipulations on inheritance, lineage, custody, support and divorce. These are all based on heterosexual marriage dynamics.
  • Intimate Companionship: The Quran and Sunnah stress the importance of intimate companionship between spouses. This companionship finds its most natural and intended expression within a heterosexual union.

It's imperative to note that a compassionate approach is mandated by Islam. Those who experience attraction toward the same sex are not necessarily condemned or punished based on their feelings alone. However, acting upon these impulses is where Islamic guidance draws a line.

Misconceptions about Same-Sex Marriage in Islam

The Quran doesn't directly condemn same-sex marriage. While the Quran doesn't explicitly use the term same-sex marriage, its overall message and principles clearly address sexuality and marital relationships in a heterosexual context.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is about inhospitality, not same-sex relationships. While the story does have other important lessons, the Quranic and Hadith portrayals consistently indicate that the primary sin of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah was their insistence on sexual acts with the same gender.

There were same-sex relationships in Islamic history. While isolated reports of same-sex activity may exist, these do not equate to condoned practice or the concept of same-sex marriage. Islamic jurists have always condemned same-sex relationships.

Muslims should be tolerant of diverse lifestyles. Islam advocates for tolerance, justice and compassion for all people, regardless of their sexualities. However, tolerance does not equate to acceptance of practices that contradict Islamic teachings.

Love justifies any type of union. Islam teaches that deep love should exist within marriage. However, this love must be expressed within the bounds set by divine guidance for the benefit of individuals and society.

Objections to the Islamic View on Same-Sex Marriage

Islam's stance causes psychological harm to those who identify as LGBTQ. While it's understandable for those with same-sex desires to experience emotional difficulty, Islam urges struggling believers to turn to Allah (swt) for guidance. It promotes inner peace through adherence to divine law. True well-being is not necessarily about fulfilling all earthly desires.

The Islamic view is outdated and incompatible with modern values. Islam maintains a set of timeless values based on divine guidance. While social norms may evolve, the core tenets of Islam remain rooted in the Quran and the Prophet's (pbuh) example, providing a constant ethical and spiritual compass.

Personal relationships should be free from religious dictates. Islam views all aspects of life as interconnected with one's faith. Marriage is not solely a personal affair, but an institution with societal implications and spiritual significance.

Focus on love, not gender. Islam recognizes love as a core component of a successful marriage. However, the form that marriage takes is also divinely ordained and the love between spouses must be expressed within the established bounds.

Comparing same-sex unions to incest or bestiality is offensive. Islam does not equate same-sex relationships with incest or bestiality. However, it recognizes the importance of clearly defined moral boundaries and considers all sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage to be harmful deviations that disrupt social order.

FAQs: What Does Islam Say About Marriage Between Two Women?

Can two women get married in Islam? No, Islamic law does not recognize same-sex unions. Traditional Islamic scholarship is unanimous in this regard, basing its stance on the Quran, Sunnah and scholarly consensus.

What should Muslims who are attracted to the same sex do? Muslims are advised to seek guidance from Allah (swt). They are encouraged to exercise discipline, remain chaste and focus on strengthening their relationship with their Creator. Marriage to a person of the opposite sex is the only valid form of sexual relationship permitted in Islam.

Can someone be transgender in Islam? Islam recognizes the biological reality of male and female genders. While addressing complex cases compassionately, Islam does not approve of attempts to transition or identify with a gender opposed to a person's biological sex.

Is it okay to be friends with LGBTQ individuals? Islam teaches compassion towards all humans. Muslims are encouraged to maintain respectful interactions with all and engage in respectful dialogue about differences.

What about Muslim countries that criminalize same-sex relationships? Laws of Muslim countries are diverse and reflect a blend of Islamic ideals and local customs. While Islam categorically forbids same-sex relations, it also emphasizes justice and proportionality in punishment.


Islam offers a comprehensive and unambiguous view regarding the nature of marriage. The Quran and the life of the The Prophet (pbuh) clearly establish marriage as a legal and sacred contract between a man and a woman. This perspective draws on core principles like procreation, gender complementarity and the creation of a divinely sanctioned environment for building families.

While Islam advocates for compassion and understanding towards all humans, it remains steadfast in upholding its divinely ordained limits regarding marriage and sexuality. Those who find themselves struggling with same-sex desires are encouraged to find solace and guidance through their relationship with Allah (swt) and commitment to Islamic practice.

Despite evolving social norms and legal landscapes in different societies, Islam's principles on marriage offer Muslims around the world a timeless and dependable source of guidance rooted in the Quran and the Prophet's (pbuh) example.

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