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Is it halal to have a crush?

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In a Nutshell:

Having a crush in Islam is permissible, as natural feelings of admiration and attraction can develop. However, Islam sets clear guidelines on how Muslims should manage these feelings. It prioritizes lowering the gaze, avoiding unnecessary interactions and channeling any attraction towards pursuing marriage within the bounds of Islamic law. Ultimately, crushes must be handled with maturity and a focus on protecting oneself from behavior that transgresses Islamic values.

Table of Contents

Quranic Verses
Companions' Opinions
Scholarly Opinions
Is it Halal to Have a Crush?
5 Misconceptions about Crushes in Islam
5 Objections to the Concept of Halal Crushes
FAQs: Is it Halal to Have a Crush?


The concept of a crush, referring to brief, intense feelings of admiration or infatuation towards another person, is not foreign to Islamic tradition. However, Islam places a strong emphasis on modesty, self-restraint and channeling emotions in ways that align with divine guidance. Muslims are expected to be mindful of their thoughts, actions and interactions with those they may find attractive.

This article delves into the question, is it halal to have a crush? exploring relevant scriptural sources, scholarly opinions and practical considerations for navigating such feelings within the bounds of Islamic principles.


Quranic Verses

Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.(Surah An-Nur, 24:30)

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity and not to reveal their adornment except what normally appearsthereof...(Surah An-Nur, 24:31)

And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a great sin and an evil way.(Surah Al-Isra, 17:32)

...and those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for then, they are free from blame.(Surah Al-Ma'arij 70:29-30)


The Prophet (pbuh) said: The eyes commit zina (adultery) and their zina is looking.(Sahih al-Bukhari)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: It is written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery. The adultery of the eyes is looking...(Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

Jarir ibn Abdullah (ra) said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) about a sudden glance and he commanded me to turn my gaze away.(Sahih Muslim)

"O young men! Whoever among you can afford to marry, let him do so, for it will lower his gaze and guard his chastity."(Sahih al-Bukhari)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "There is no blame on you if you cast a casual glance, but you must not follow it up with a deliberate stare."(Sunan Abi Dawud)

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, Do not follow a glance with another, for you are allowed the first but not the second.(Sunan al-Tirmidhi)

Companions' Opinions

Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra):Emphasized the importance of lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity.
Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra):Advised Muslims to avoid staring at others, particularly those of the opposite gender.
Fatimah bint al-Khattab (ra):A role model of modesty who would cover her face in the presence of unrelated men.

Scholarly Opinions

Imam al-Ghazali:Stressed the importance of self-discipline and avoiding situations that could lead to temptation. He saw lowering the gaze as a means of protecting the heart and soul.
Ibn Taymiyyah:Emphasized the need to avoid mixing with the opposite gender unnecessarily, recognizing this as a safeguard against improper desires and actions.
Ibn al-Qayyim:Explained the dangers of indulging in desires and encouraged focusing on spiritual development instead of fleeting attractions.
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Contemporary):Acknowledges the natural occurrence of crushes but stresses the need to channel those feelings constructively and pursue marriage if the intention is sincere.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen (Contemporary):Emphasized the importance of seeking Allah's (swt) help in overcoming desires and remaining steadfast on the path of righteousness.

Is it Halal to Have a Crush?

The provided Quranic verses, ahadith and scholarly opinions present a clear Islamic perspective on crushes. While the natural feeling of attraction itself is not inherently sinful, Islam places great emphasis on managing these emotions and channeling them in a way that safeguards one's morality and spirituality.

Key principles emphasized include:

Lowering the Gaze:Actively avoiding unnecessary or lingering glances at those who might be attractive. This protects the heart from distractions and potential attachment.
Guarding Chastity:Protecting oneself from engaging in any actions that could lead to immoral behavior.
Seeking Marriage:If the attraction is strong and there is a sincere intention, Islam encourages pursuing marriage as a legitimate and halal way to fulfill those feelings.
Prioritizing Self-Discipline:Cultivating inner strength and seeking Allah's (swt) help in overcoming any temptations that may arise.
Focusing on Spiritual Growth:Directing one's energy towards developing a close relationship with Allah (swt) and strengthening one's faith.

Therefore, having a crush in itself could be considered permissible within the Islamic framework. However, it is the way a Muslim handles those feelings that determines whether it remains within the boundaries of halal. Crushes should be seen as a test of self-control and a reminder to turn towards Allah (swt) for guidance and protection.

5 Misconceptions about Crushes in Islam

Crushes are inherently sinful.Having fleeting feelings of attraction is natural and not necessarily a sin. However, dwelling on these feelings or allowing them to lead to inappropriate behavior is where the issue lies.

Islam prohibits any interaction with the opposite gender.While unnecessary mixing is discouraged, Islam does allow for respectful and purposeful interactions with the opposite gender in situations of necessity, such as education, work, or seeking medical advice.

You cannot control your feelings, so it's okay to indulge in them.Islam emphasizes self-discipline and taking responsibility for one's thoughts and actions. Muslims are expected to actively guard their hearts and minds against influences that could lead them astray.

If you have a crush on someone, you must marry them.Having a crush doesn't necessitate marriage. It can simply be a passing admiration or a signal to explore a person's suitability for marriage through proper Islamic channels.

Crushes are a modern, Western concept.The concept of fleeting attraction has been recognized throughout history and across cultures and Islamic texts address the potential challenges associated with such feelings.

5 Objections to the Concept of Halal Crushes

It opens the door to temptation and sin.While a valid concern, this emphasizes the need to be even more vigilant in guarding one's heart, lowering the gaze and actively avoiding situations that could lead to temptation.

It promotes infatuation over true love based on compatibility and faith.Crushes can sometimes be based on superficial qualities. Islam encourages individuals to look beyond mere attraction and prioritize character, piety and compatibility when seeking a potential spouse.

It distracts from spiritual growth and worship.A strong spiritual foundation is key to managing any desires and staying focused on Allah (swt). Seeking Allah's (swt) help and engaging in acts of worship can strengthen one's resolve.

It undermines the sanctity of marriage by devaluing emotional commitment.Within the Islamic context, crushes should ideally lead to exploring the possibility of a halal marriage, where emotional commitment and long-term bonding are the ultimate goals.

It leads to heartbreak and emotional distress.Acting upon a crush without careful consideration and following Islamic guidelines could lead to disappointment. It's important to manage expectations and approach potential relationships with a tempered heart.

FAQs: Is it Halal to Have a Crush?

What if I accidentally develop a crush on someone?Recognize it as a natural feeling, but actively lower your gaze, avoid dwelling on the thought and seek Allah's (swt) help in managing your emotions.

Can I act on my crush and pursue a relationship?Acting on a crush is discouraged unless done through proper Islamic channels. If considering someone for marriage, involve family and follow the Islamic guidelines of courtship.

What if the person I have a crush on isn't Muslim?Islam prohibits marriage outside of the faith. Focus on strengthening your connection to Allah (swt) and seek a spouse who shares your Islamic values.

I'm constantly struggling with my feelings for someone. What should I do?Increase acts of worship, make dua, seek advice from a trusted elder or scholar and focus on self-improvement to redirect your energy.

What if my crush leads to inappropriate thoughts or actions?Repent sincerely, seek Allah's (swt) forgiveness, strive to strengthen your faith through prayer and good deeds and actively avoid situations that could tempt you further.


The idea of having a crush in Islam is not explicitly haram, but requires a mindful and responsible approach. Natural feelings of admiration can arise, but Islam teaches the importance of self-control and channeling those emotions in ways that align with divine guidance. Prioritizing lowering the gaze, avoiding unnecessary interactions and protecting one's chastity are key principles to uphold.

If a crush develops, it should be seen as a test of faith and an opportunity to strengthen one's relationship with Allah (swt). The ultimate goal remains to pursue any potential relationship through the halal means of marriage if intentions are sincere. Ultimately, managing infatuations in line with Islamic values helps Muslims preserve their spiritual well-being and cultivate meaningful relationships based on piety, compatibility and mutual respect.

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