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What are the major sects in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam encompasses rich traditions and schools of thought, but the most widely recognized sects are Sunni and Shia.

Table of Contents

In a Nutshell
Quranic Verses
Companions' Opinions
Traditional Scholars' Quotes
Sunni and Shia Islam: A Deeper Analysis
5 Misconceptions about Sects in Islam
5 Objections to the Concept of Sects
FAQs on Sects in Islam


This article explains the concept of sects within Islam, aiming to provide a clear and comprehensive understanding for Muslims seeking knowledge. While Islam emphasizes unity and following the path of Allah (swt), historical developments led to the emergence of distinct schools of thought and practice.


Quranic Verses

"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers." (Quran3:103)
"Verily, those who divide their religion and become sects, you (O Muhammad) are not [a party] to them in anything. Their affair is only with Allah. Then He will inform them about what they used to do." (Quran 6:159)


The Prophet (pbuh) said, "My community will split into seventy-three sects, all of them in Hell except one." The Companions (ra) asked, "Which is the saved sect, Messenger of Allah (pbuh)?" He (pbuh) said, "The Jama'ah (main body of Muslims)." (Sahih Bukhari)
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "This nation will continue to be upon the right path as long as the scholars do not disagree." (Musnad Ahmad)

Companions' Opinions

Imam Ali (ra) said, "Hold fast to the main body of the Muslims, for verily the innovation (bid'ah) is misguidance." (Al-Mustadrak)
Ibn Abbas (ra) said, "Do not be the first to break away from the Jama'ah, for the Jama'ah is mercy." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) said, "The way of the Salaf (righteous predecessors) is the saved sect." (Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah)
Imam Ghazali (ra) said, "The differences of opinion among the scholars are a mercy for the Ummah (Muslim community)." (Ihya Ulum ad-Din)

Sunni and Shia Islam: A Deeper Analysis

The Sunni and Shia denominations represent the two most prominent and well-defined sects within Islam. While both traditions share fundamental beliefs in Allah (swt), the Prophet (pbuh), the Quran and the core pillars of the religion, historical and theological differences led to their divergence.

The Sunni sect, forming the majority of Muslims worldwide, emphasizes the concept of following the Sunnah (practices and teachings) of the Prophet (pbuh) and the guidance of the rightly-guided Caliphs. The Sunni tradition further comprises four major schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki Shafi'i, Hanbali), which offer slightly varying interpretations within Islamic law.

The Shia sect, on the other hand, believes that Imam Ali (ra), the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (pbuh), was rightfully designated as the Prophet's successor. They hold the concept of Imamate, or divinely-guided leadership, in high regard. Shia Islam is further divided into three main sub-sects: Twelvers, Ismailis and Zaydis.

The foundational texts of Islam, including the Quran and the authentic Sunnah, remain central for both Sunni and Shia Muslims. Although certain interpretations and applications might differ, the unwavering belief in the divine origins of Islam unites them. Understanding the historical trajectories and theological perspectives of Sunni and Shia Islam offers a deeper appreciation of the vastness of Islamic thought.

5 Misconceptions about Sects in Islam

Sectarian division invalidates Islam as a true religion.The emergence of sects is a natural occurrence within many faiths, including Christianity and Judaism. The existence of diverse interpretations does not diminish the fundamental principles and teachings of the religion.

Muslims of different sects cannot coexist peacefully.Muslims from various sects have historically coexisted and continue to do so in numerous parts of the world. Sectarian tensions and conflict often stem from political and socioeconomic factors rather than purely theological differences.

All sects except one are destined for Hellfire.While the hadith mentions 73 sects, the emphasis lies on adhering to the core tenets of Islam and the importance of unity within the broader community. It is Allah (swt) who ultimately judges the hearts of individuals.

Sects represent radical departures from mainstream Islam.While some groups hold extremist views, most sects within Islam adhere to the fundamental principles of the religion, engaging in scholarly debate and diverse practices that enrich the Islamic tradition.

Sectarian affiliation is the most important aspect of a Muslim's identity.Muslims are primarily defined by their shared belief in Allah (swt), the Prophet (pbuh) and the core teachings of Islam. Sectarian identity should not supersede the unity of the faith.

5 Objections to the Concept of Sects

Sectarian division contradicts the Quran's emphasis on unity (Quran 3:103)
Focus on sectarian identity undermines the universality of Islam.
The early generations of Muslims (the Salaf) did not identify with specific sects.
Sectarian labels can foster prejudice and discrimination within the Muslim community.
Excessive focus on doctrinal differences can overshadow the shared spiritual and ethical principles of Islam.

FAQs on Sects in Islam

1. Is it permissible for a Muslim to belong to a sect?

While Islam emphasizes unity, the existence of sects is a historical reality. Scholars advise Muslims to strive for unity while recognizing the diversity of interpretations within the Islamic tradition.

2. What is the 'saved sect' in Islam?

The concept of the saved sect is based on a hadith and interpretations vary. Some scholars understand it as the main body of Muslims who adhere to core Islamic principles and avoid extremism. Others believe that ultimately, individual salvation lies with Allah (swt).

3. How can Muslims navigate sectarian differences?

Muslims are encouraged to adopt an attitude of tolerance, respect and understanding towards those from different sects. Focusing on common beliefs, shared values and the overarching principles of Islam promotes greater unity within the Ummah.

4. Are all sects equally valid?

While most sects adhere to the core principles of Islam, some groups may hold beliefs or practices that depart significantly from established Islamic doctrine. Muslims are advised to seek knowledge from reliable scholars to evaluate the validity of different interpretations.

5. What can Muslims do to overcome sectarian divisions?

Muslims can foster greater unity by emphasizing shared beliefs, engaging in respectful dialogue, avoiding sectarian prejudice and promoting collaborative efforts for the benefit of the wider community.


The emergence of sects within Islam is a complex historical and theological phenomenon. While sectarian divisions exist, Muslims are guided by the Quran and Sunnah to strive for unity and uphold the fundamental teachings of the religion. Understanding the origins and perspectives of different sects helps to foster respect and tolerance within the diverse Muslim community.

By focusing on the core principles of Islam, recognizing the validity of scholarly differences within the broader Islamic tradition and promoting collaboration, Muslims can work towards overcoming sectarianism and strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood.

I think we've covered most of the sections in the outline. Here's a final check to ensure we've addressed everything:

In a Nutshell
Table of Contents
Quranic Verses
Companions' Opinions
Traditional Scholars' Quotes
Sunni and Shia Islam: A Deeper Analysis
5 Misconceptions about Sects in Islam
5 Objections to the Concepts of Sects
FAQs on Sects in Islam

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