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What is the purpose of saying salam in Islam

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In a Nutshell:

Saying As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you) is far more than a greeting in Islam. It's a powerful Sunnah, a prayer for peace and a way to strengthen bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood in the Muslim community.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • The Purpose of Saying Salam in Islam
  • Misconceptions about Saying Salam
  • FAQs


Muslims greet each other with the beautiful phrase As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you). This seemingly simple greeting holds profound significance within Islam. It's not just a courtesy; it's a powerful Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and a way to cultivate peace, both individually and communally. This article delves into the purpose of saying Salam in Islam, exploring its rich tapestry of meanings and practical applications.


Quranic Verses:

Surah An-Nisa (4:86): When you are greeted with a greeting, respond with a better one or return it with its equivalent. Indeed, Allah is keeping account of everything.

Surah Al-Furqan (25:68): And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk on the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them with [harsh words], they say [words of] peace.

Surah Al-Hajj (22:70): And if you are greeted with a greeting of peace, then greet with a better one or return it [with what is equivalent]. Indeed, Allah is over all things, Knowing.


Sahih Bukhari (Hadith No. 6262): The Prophet (pbuh) said, Spread (the greeting of) Salaam amongst yourselves.

Sahih Muslim (Hadith No. 2197): The Prophet (pbuh) said, The most stingy of people with the greeting of Salaam is the one who withholds it from those whom he knows.

Sunan an-Nasai (Hadith No. 5314): The Prophet (pbuh) said, "When two Muslims meet, shaking hands erases their sins that came between them."

Companions' Opinions

Imam Ali (ra): Greet people with Salaam, for it increases love.

Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (ra): Nothing increases love except for spreading Salaam.

Abdullah ibn Masud (ra): One of the rights of the Muslim upon the Muslim is to greet him with Salaam when he meets him.

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

Imam An-Nawawi (ra): Saying Salaam is obligatory according to the majority of scholars, based on the aforementioned hadiths and the practice of the Prophet (pbuh).

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (ra): As-salaamu alaykum is one of the names of Allah (swt) and Allah has commanded spreading it amongst the earth.

The Purpose of Saying Salam in Islam

The evidences presented make several aspects of the purpose of saying As-salamu alaykum clear.

Spreading Peace:

Its literal meaning of 'peace be upon you' embodies the Islamic value of peace. It acts as a verbal declaration of safety and security.

Initiating Brotherhood and Sisterhood:

The greeting transcends the boundaries of familiarity. Saying Salam to a fellow Muslim, even a stranger, fosters a sense of kinship.

Cultivating Humility:

The Quran emphasizes responding with a better greeting or at least returning it equally. This promotes humility and discourages arrogance.

Divine Attribute:

The word Salam is one of Allah's (swt) names, signifying His attribute of peace and serenity. By spreading Salam, Muslims disseminate the qualities of their Creator.

A Supplication:

Saying As-salamu alaykum is essentially a supplication (dua) for peace and blessings upon another person.

Earning Rewards:

The Sunnah makes clear that spreading Salam leads to immense spiritual rewards, forgiveness of sins and increased love between Muslims.

Social Obligation:

Traditional scholars underscore that saying Salam holds the status of an individual obligation. This establishes it as a fundamental societal expectation in Islam.

FAQs about Saying Salam

How should I respond to As-salamu alaykum?

The ideal response is Wa alaykum as-salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh (And upon you, peace and the mercy of Allah and His blessings).

Is it permissible to shorten the greeting to just Salam?

While shorter versions are common in informal settings, it's preferable to use the complete greeting to realize the full blessings.

Should I say Salam when entering a gathering?

Yes, it's sunnah to initiate the greeting of peace upon entering a gathering of Muslims.

Must I greet a Muslim I do not know?

Yes. Spreading Salam even to strangers cultivates unity and brotherhood within the Muslim community.

Does As-salamu alaykum have any other benefits?

Spreading Salam creates a positive atmosphere, deters animosity and fosters a culture of peace and understanding.

Misconceptions about Saying Salam

Saying Salam is just a formality: In reality, it's far more profound, carrying spiritual benefits and embodying Islamic values.

Saying Salam is reserved for specific occasions: Spreading Salam is encouraged at all times, whether in everyday encounters, when entering a gathering, or departing from it.

Non-Muslims should not be greeted with Salam: Saying Salam is a universal invocation of peace and can be extended to people of all faiths as a gesture of goodwill.

It's okay to greet only friends and family with Salam: The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged spreading Salam to foster community bonds, even with those we don't know.

Saying Salam is less important than other Islamic practices: It holds a significant place as a Sunnah, an individual obligation and a source of immense reward.

Non-Muslims initiate Salam with me and the expectation to reply causes me discomfort: The beauty of Salam is its universal message of peace. Returning the greeting promotes understanding and a positive perception of Islam.

I'm shy and struggle to initiate Salam: Start with small steps, like greeting those you know. Practice will build confidence to extend Salam more widely.

In my culture, saying Salam might be misconstrued as religious proselytization: You can explain that it's a traditional greeting expressing peace and goodwill. Most people appreciate learning about different cultures.

As a woman, I sometimes feel uncomfortable initiating Salam with non-mahram men: A subtle nod or smile while acknowledging their greeting conveys courtesy and fulfills the spirit of Salam.

I forget to say Salam, especially when in a hurry: Make a conscious effort to incorporate it into your daily interactions. Set reminders if it helps.


Saying As-salamu alaykum is not a mere customary phrase but a profound and meaningful act in Islam. It fosters peace, brotherhood, sisterhood, humility and spiritual rewards.

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