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What is the purpose of nafl prayers in Islam?

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In a Nutshell:

Nafl prayers are voluntary prayers performed by Muslims to seek Allah's (swt) pleasure and draw closer to Him. These prayers are not obligatory but offer additional rewards and benefits.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Evidences
  • Fulfilling Imperfections in Fard Prayers
  • Intercession on the Day of Judgement
  • Gratitude and Seeking Forgiveness
  • Specific Nafl Prayers and their Purposes
  • Misconceptions about Nafl Prayers
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Prayer (Salah) is one of the most important pillars of Islam. Muslims perform five obligatory prayers throughout the day. However, Islam also encourages voluntary prayers known as Nafl prayers, Sunnah prayers, or supererogatory prayers. These prayers offer an opportunity to deepen a connection with Allah (swt) and gain additional rewards in the hereafter.


Quranic Verses:

Quran 73:20: So establish prayer at the decline of the sun [sunset] until the darkness of the night and [recite] the Quran of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed. (This verse can be interpreted to encourage additional prayers beyond the five obligatory ones).

Quran 20:132:And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and near the approach of the night. And good deeds dispel evil deeds. That is a reminder for those who remember. (This verse can be seen as an encouragement for voluntary prayers throughout the day and night).


Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 525:The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: 'The most beloved of optional prayers to Allah (swt) are the ones performed at night.'

Sahih Muslim, Hadith 666:Whoever observes twelve rak'ahs of voluntary prayer during the day and night, a house will be built for him in Paradise. (This Hadith highlights the rewards associated with Nafl prayers).

Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 476:Aisha (ra) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) used to pray Duha prayer while the sun had risen considerably high. (This Hadith provides a specific example of a Nafl prayer).

Companions' Opinions

Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra): Do not neglect the Nawafils, for they are the bridges to the night prayers. (This emphasizes the role of Nafl prayers in establishing a consistent prayer practice).

Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra): The Nafl prayers are the completion of the obligatory prayers. (This highlights the way Nafl prayers can supplement any shortcomings in the obligatory prayers).

Traditional Scholars' Quotes

Imam Ibn Qudamah (ra):The purpose of the Nafl prayers is to draw near to Allah (swt) with acts of obedience in addition to the obligatory prayers.

Imam An-Nawawi (ra):The Nafl prayers are a means of attaining great reward and spiritual station with Allah (swt).

Nafl Prayer Analysis

Based on the evidences presented, we can understand the multifaceted purpose of Nafl prayers in Islam:

Seeking Allah's Pleasure and Nearness:

The core purpose of Nafl prayers is to express devotion and love for Allah (swt). By performing additional prayers, Muslims can dedicate more time to connect with Him in supplication and recitation.

Fulfilling Imperfections in Fard Prayers:

Hadith suggests that Nafl prayers can compensate for any shortcomings or distractions that might occur during the obligatory prayers. They provide an opportunity to perfect one's prayer practice.

Intercession on the Day of Judgement:

Some hadiths mention that Nafl prayers will act as an intercessor for the believer on the Day of Judgement.

Gratitude and Seeking Forgiveness:

Nafl prayers can be offered as a form of expressing gratitude to Allah (swt) for His countless blessings. They can also be performed as:

  • Tahajjud: Performed late at night or before Fajr prayer, seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness and guidance.
  • Duha: Performed after sunrise, seeking blessings and provision.
  • Awwabin: Performed after Maghrib prayer, seeking Allah's (swt) mercy.
  • Salatul Tasbih: A prayer of praise and forgiveness.
  • Witr: Typically the final odd-numbered prayer of the night.

Misconceptions about Nafl Prayers

  • Nafl prayers are mandatory: Nafl prayers are voluntary. They are not obligatory prayers and one will not be held sinful for not performing them.
  • Nafl prayers have to be performed perfectly: While one should strive for excellence in all prayers, it is recognized that Nafl prayers may contain some minor mistakes, unlike the obligatory prayers.
  • Nafl prayers are only for the elite: Nafl prayers are for all Muslims from all walks of life. The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged this practice amongst his companions (ra), highlighting their significance for every believer.
  • Nafl prayers replace obligatory prayers: Nafl prayers cannot replace the five obligatory prayers. While they are supplementary in nature, they shouldn't be prioritized over fulfilling the obligatory prayers.
  • Nafl prayers only benefit the person praying: Nafl prayers may contain prayers for others including family members, the community and the Ummah as a whole.

Objections to Performing Nafl Prayers

  • Time constraints: A busy lifestyle can make it appear difficult to prioritize Nafl prayers. However, several Nafl prayers consist of only a few rakats and can be performed within a short duration.
  • Lack of knowledge: Some may lack knowledge about how to perform Nafl prayers and the significance associated with them.
  • Procrastination: Putting off acts of worship can become a habit. It is vital to overcome procrastination and prioritize Nafl prayers within one's daily routine.
  • Lack of motivation: Developing a strong spiritual connection and understanding the immense rewards associated with Nafl prayers can provide the needed motivation to make them a consistent practice.
  • Prioritizing worldly pursuits: It is important to remember that while worldly goals may seem urgent, prioritizing our spiritual needs is of paramount importance for our success in this life and the hereafter.


Can Nafl prayers compensate for missed obligatory prayers?

Nafl prayers cannot directly substitute for missed obligatory prayers. However, they can increase one's good deeds and potentially lessen the sin associated with missing obligatory prayers. It is crucial to always prioritize the obligatory prayers.

What is the best way to begin incorporating Nafl prayers into one's routine?

Start by adding a manageable number of Nafl prayers. Perhaps begin by praying the Sunnah prayers associated with the obligatory prayers and gradually include other Nafl prayers that can be performed in short durations.

Can one perform Nafl prayers while sitting?

Yes, there are certain circumstances where Nafl prayers can be performed while sitting, such as due to illness or disability. It is important to consult Islamic scholars for proper guidance regarding adjustments to prayer in specific situations.

Are there specific days or times when Nafl prayers are more rewarding?

Certain times are considered particularly virtuous for performing Nafl prayers, such as the last third of the night (for Tahajjud), after sunrise (for Duha) and after Maghrib (for Awwabin). Some Nafl prayers are also linked to specific events like rainfall or seeking guidance.

What if I find it difficult to concentrate during Nafl prayers?

Improving concentration in prayer takes time and practice. Shortening the Nafl prayers initially, focusing on the meaning of the recitations and finding a quiet space can help improve concentration. Seeking forgiveness for distractions and continually striving to improve are key.


Nafl prayers are a precious gift embedded within Islamic tradition. These voluntary prayers allow us to cultivate a deeper spiritual bond with Allah (swt) beyond the five obligatory prayers.

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