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What are the top 10 best ways of improving khushu' in salah (prayers)?

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In a Nutshell:

Khushu' is a state of humility, reverence and present-mindedness during prayer. It is a core element of a meaningful and spiritually fulfilling salah. This answer explores ten key ways to cultivate and improve khushu' in your prayers, drawing upon evidence from the Quran and hadiths and providing practical tips for implementation.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Praying in Congregation (Jama'ah)
  • Performing Wudu' with Presence of Mind
  • Removing Distractions and Preparing the Prayer Area
  • Supplicating for Khushu' before and during Salah
  • Cultivating Humility and Submission in Prayer
  • Maintaining Proper Posture and Manners in Salah
  • Consistency and Regular Reflection on Your Prayer
  • FAQs on Improving Khushu' in Salah
  • Conclusion

Introduction: The Importance of Khushu' in Salah

The Arabic term khushu' carries a profound meaning in Islamic prayer. It encompasses a state of humility, reverence and present-mindedness before Allah (swt). When we achieve khushu' in salah, our hearts are filled with awe and submission, allowing us to truly connect with our Creator.

The Quran emphasizes the importance of prayer throughout its verses and achieving khushu' is a central aspect of fulfilling this obligation. Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

"Successful indeed are the believers who have khushu' in their prayers(Quran 23:2)"

This verse highlights the connection between khushu' and true success in prayer. It is not merely about going through the motions but about experiencing a deep connection with the Divine.

Many hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) also illustrate the significance of khushu' in salah. In one narration, the Prophet (pbuh) said:

The coolness of my eyes is in prayer.(Sahih Bukhari)

This hadith indicates that prayer served as a source of solace and peace for the Prophet (pbuh) and achieving khushu' likely played a key role in this experience.

While striving for khushu' is essential, it's important to acknowledge that it may fluctuate over time. This answer explores practical ways to cultivate and strengthen khushu' in your prayers, drawing from the wisdom of the Quran and Sunnah.

Khushu' goes beyond simply focusing during prayer. It's a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects:

  • Humility:Recognizing one's own shortcomings and standing before Allah (swt) with a sense of submission and dependence.
  • Reverence:Feeling awe and respect for Allah's (swt) majesty and greatness.
  • Present-mindedness:Being fully engaged in the act of prayer, with minimal distractions from external thoughts or worries.

These elements combine to create a profound spiritual experience that connects the worshiper with Allah (swt) on a deeper level.

The importance of khushu' lies in the numerous benefits it brings to our prayers and our overall well-being:

  • Deeper Connection with Allah (swt):Khushu' allows us to transcend the physical act of prayer and enter a state of spiritual communion with the Divine.
  • Increased Focus and Mindfulness:The focus cultivated during khushu' can positively impact other aspects of our lives, enhancing our concentration and mindfulness in daily activities.
  • Inner Peace and Tranquility:Achieving khushu' can bring a sense of inner peace and tranquility as our hearts find solace in connecting with Allah (swt).
  • Greater Enjoyment of Prayer:When we experience khushu', prayer becomes a source of joy and fulfillment rather than a routine obligation.


The Quran and hadiths offer invaluable guidance on achieving khushu' in prayer. Here are a few key examples:

  • Quranic Emphasis on Contemplation (Tadabbur):Allah (swt) instructs us to contemplate the meaning of the Quran while reciting it:

"Do you not then contemplate the Quran?" (Quran 4:82)

Reflecting on the profound messages of the Quran during prayer can deepen

Ways to Improve Khushu' in Salah

Supplicating for Khushu' before and during Salah:The Prophet (pbuh) himself used to make du'a for khushu' before and during his prayers. One supplication he would recite is:

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from a heart that does not feel khushu', from a du'a that is not answered, from a soul that is never satisfied and from knowledge that does not benefit.(Sunan al-Tirmidhi)

Sincerely asking Allah (swt) for help in achieving khushu' reminds us of our reliance on Him for guidance and creates a receptive state within our hearts.

Cultivating Humility and Submission in Prayer:Khushu' is inseparable from a sense of humility and submission before Allah (swt). Realizing our own limitations and dependence on Allah (swt) creates a fertile ground for khushu' to take root. The Prophet (pbuh) said:

The closest a servant is to His Lord is while prostrating. So increase in supplication during it.(Sahih Muslim)

The act of prostration - placing our foreheads on the ground - is a powerful symbol of our humility and surrender before our Creator.

Maintaining Proper Posture and Manners in Salah:While inner focus is paramount, our outward actions and behavior also influence our inward state. Ensuring proper posture, stillness and composure during salah can promote a receptive and focused mind.

Consistency and Regular Reflection on Your Prayer:Like any skill, developing khushu' requires practice and self-reflection. Consistency in prayer and regular evaluation of your focus and engagement will allow you to identify areas for improvement and gradually deepen your experiences of khushu'.

FAQs on Improving Khushu' in Salah

I struggle with distractions during prayer. What can I do?

  • Start with short prayers and focus on being fully present for those few minutes.
  • Choose a quiet prayer space and minimize any external distractions as much as possible.
  • If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your prayer without self-judgment.

Sometimes I don't feel anything during salah. Does this mean I'm doing something wrong?

  • Khushu' can ebb and flow. Don't focus on your lack of emotional response, but strive for a sincere heart during prayer.
  • Continue practicing the techniques mentioned above and trust that your efforts are valued by Allah (swt).

Is it possible to achieve khushu' in every prayer?

  • While we should always aim for khushu', it's normal to experience some fluctuations in our level of concentration.
  • Strive for consistency and don't be discouraged by moments of lesser focus.


Cultivating khushu' in salah is a lifelong journey that requires commitment, patience and a sincere desir⁶e to connect with Allah (swt). However, even small steps towards greater focus and reverence can significantly enhance the quality of our prayers and bring us closer to the essence of worship.

The strategies outlined in this article provide a practical framework to help you deepen your connection with Allah (swt) through prayer. While the primary goal is to attain khushu', it's essential to remember that Allah (swt) rewards our sincere efforts and intentions.


  • Ibn Rajab, Jami' al-'Ulum wa al-Hikam
  • Al-Ghazali, Ihya' Ulum al-Din
  • Al-Nawawi, Riyadh as-Salihin

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