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Does Islam allow withdrawal during sex?

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In a Nutshell:

Many Muslim couples considering family planning wonder about the permissibility of withdrawal, also known as coitus interruptus. The good news is that Islam generally allows withdrawal with a spouse's consent. There are, however, some important points to consider from the Quran, hadiths and scholarly interpretations.


Marriage in Islam is a sacred bond built on love, respect and mutual fulfillment. Spouses have the right to enjoy intimacy and plan their family according to their circumstances.


Quranic Verses

While the Quran doesn't explicitly mention withdrawal, it does emphasize planning and spacing between children. For instance, Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

And do not have relations with them while they are in their menstrual period. But withdraw from them and seek not intimacy with them until they have become pure.(Quran 2:222)

This verse highlights the importance of conscious planning within marital intimacy.


Several hadiths discuss withdrawal, suggesting its permissibility with a spouse's consent. Here's a famous example:

Jabir ibn Abdullah (ra) reported: We used to practice 'azl (withdrawal) during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and the Quran was being revealed at that time. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not forbid us from doing it.(Sahih al-Bukhari)

This hadith indicates that the Prophet (pbuh) did not condemn withdrawal during his lifetime, even when the Quran was being revealed.

Companions' Opinions

Many companions of the Prophet (pbuh) also considered withdrawal permissible. Narrations from prominent companions like Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) support this view.

Scholars' Opinions:

The majority of Islamic scholars from various schools of thought view withdrawal as permissible with a wife's consent. However, some scholars have differing opinions regarding its frequency and specific circumstances.

Withdrawal During Sex Analysis

The permissibility of withdrawal in Islam is based on a combination of the Quranic emphasis on planning, hadiths about the practice, the opinions of the Prophet's (pbuh) companions and scholarly interpretations. Several factors are considered:

Wife's Consent:

The wife's consent is crucial for practicing withdrawal. Islam emphasizes mutual fulfillment within marriage, prioritizing a spouse's right to sexual pleasure and reproduction. Withdrawing without a wife's agreement would violate her rights.

Reasons for Withdrawal:

Scholars discuss the validity of reasons for withdrawal. Preventing pregnancy, protecting the wife's health and financial considerations are generally justifiable reasons, whereas some scholars discourage frequent use of withdrawal simply to avoid responsibility or solely for a husband's pleasure.

Potential Harm:

Scholars consider the potential for harm associated with withdrawal. Some scholars suggest that since a certain amount of pre-ejaculatory fluid might contain sperm, there is still a chance of pregnancy.

Alternative Contraceptive Methods:

While withdrawal is permissible, modern contraceptive methods may offer more reliable family planning options. Consulting with a medical professional and discussing choices within the framework of Islamic teachings is advisable.

Intention and Purpose:

Scholars emphasize the importance of intention behind practicing withdrawal. Its use should be rooted in understanding, mutual agreement and valid reasons within Islamic principles.


Misconceptions About Withdrawal In Islam

It's completely forbidden (haram):

This is a common misconception. Withdrawal is generally permissible in Islam with consideration of the factors discussed above.

It diminishes sexual pleasure:

While it might require some adjustment, withdrawal shouldn't diminish overall sexual intimacy between a couple when practiced with understanding, openness and alternative forms of expressing affection.

It is as effective as modern contraceptives:

While withdrawal can be used for contraception, it's not as reliable as modern medical methods. It's best to see it as a permissible option rather than a primary method of birth control.

It requires perfect timing:

While proper timing is important, some scholars acknowledge the potential for involuntary pre-ejaculate, emphasizing that the intention of avoiding pregnancy matters.

The wife's consent is unnecessary:

Islamic teachings unequivocally emphasize the wife's right to consent when practicing withdrawal.

Objections to Withdrawal

Potential for unintentional pregnancy:

Some object to withdrawal as it doesn't guarantee complete against pregnancy due to pre-ejaculate that might contain sperm.

Decreased pleasure for the husband:

Some argue that withdrawal can impact the husband's full level of sexual pleasure.

Unnatural intervention:

A minority view considers withdrawal an unnatural interruption of the sexual act that should lead to its natural consequence.

Moral concerns:

Some suggest that withdrawal might lead to a potential focus on avoiding responsibility rather than embracing parenthood as a blessing in Islam.

Alternative methods are better:

Others argue that the availability of modern, more reliable contraceptive options renders withdrawal less desirable.


Is it okay to practice withdrawal every time?

While permissible, scholars differ in opinion on whether withdrawal should be used as the primary method of contraception or only within certain circumstances. Consultation with a religious scholar is advisable.

Does practicing withdrawal reduce the reward of the sexual act?

No, engaging in permissible sexual intercourse with one's spouse with good intention and seeking Allah's (swt) pleasure carries its own rewards.

If I get pregnant after withdrawal, was it meant to be?

Belief in Allah's (swt) plan is fundamental in Islam. However, couples also have the agency to plan and make choices, including using more effective methods if avoiding pregnancy is the goal.

I'm confused by the different opinions on withdrawal. What should I do?

It's natural for differing opinions to exist within Islamic scholarship. Consult a reliable scholar and consider your specific circumstances for personalized guidance.


Islam offers a comprehensive framework for family planning which aims to balance the rights of spouses, encourages healthy spacing of children and allows flexibility in accordance with individual circumstances. Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) is a permissible method of birth control with caveats regarding a spouse's consent.

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