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Why does Islam allow marriage between paternal and maternal cousins?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam allows cousin marriage, but it is not mandatory.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences from Sharia
  • Analysis of Cousin Marriage in Islam
  • Misconceptions about Cousin Marriage in Islam
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

Evidences from Sharia

The permissibility of cousin marriage in Islam is established through the following sources:

Quranic Verses:

The Quran does not explicitly mention cousin marriage, but it outlines categories of people who are permanently forbidden for marriage (ayahs prohibiting marriage to close relatives, Quran 4:22-23). The absence of cousins in this list implies their permissibility.


Several hadiths mention marriages between cousins within the Prophet Muhammad's (saw) family and companions (ra). For example, Sayyiduna Ali (ra) married Fatimah Zahra (ra), the Prophet's (saw) daughter. These traditions demonstrate the practice of cousin marriage during the Prophet's (saw) lifetime.

Islamic jurists from all major schools of Islamic law (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali) have reached a consensus (ijma') on the permissibility of cousin marriage.

Cousin Marriage in Islam

While Islam permits cousin marriage, it is essential to approach it with careful consideration. Here are some key points:

Types of Cousins: Islamic law differentiates between different types of cousins. First cousins (children of siblings) are the most common type involved in cousin marriage. Second cousins (children of first cousins) and more distant relatives are also permissible.

Quran 4:23: And lawful unto you (are) also your cousins on the father's side and your cousins on the mother's side...

Ibn Abbas (ra) reported: The Prophet (saw) prohibited forced marriage (kufu') (Musnad Ahmad)

Misconceptions about Cousin Marriage in Islam

Several misconceptions surround cousin marriage in Islam. Let's address two common ones:

  • Cousin Marriage is Obligatory in Islam.

Islam does not mandate cousin marriage. It is simply one of many permissible options for marriage partners. The emphasis in Islam is on finding a spouse who complements one's faith and values.

  • Islam Promotes Cousin Marriage for Stronger Family Ties.

While cousin marriage can sometimes strengthen family bonds, it is not the only way to achieve this. Islam encourages Muslims to cultivate strong relationships with all relatives, regardless of marital ties.


Islam allows cousin marriage, situating it as a permissible, but not mandatory, option. A nuanced understanding of this practice requires exploring the relevant Quranic verses, hadiths and scholarly opinions. It is crucial to distinguish between Islamic principles and cultural practices that might sometimes pressure individuals into cousin marriages.

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