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In a Nutshell:

Yes, Allah, in His infinite mercy, can forgive you for stealing. However, sincere repentance and taking steps to rectify the situation are crucial for seeking forgiveness.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Scholarly Opinions
  • Will Allah Forgive Me for Stealing?
  • 5 Misconceptions about Stealing and Forgiveness
  • 5 Objections to Seeking Forgiveness for Stealing
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


As Muslims, we understand the severity of theft and the need to seek forgiveness when we fall into sin. Stealing is a major violation in Islam, going against the principles of honesty, trust and the sanctity of property.

However, it's important to remember that Allah (swt) is Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) and Ar-Raheem (The Especially Merciful) and forgiveness is always possible with genuine repentance.

This answer looks at the Islamic perspective on forgiveness for stealing, examining the conditions for repentance and addressing common misconceptions and objections.


Quranic Verses

And whoever repents and reforms, then indeed, Allah will accept his repentance. (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:37)

And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islamic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him (in Islam) before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.(Surah Az-Zumar 39:54)

Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainlyfabricated a tremendous sin.(Surah An-Nisa 4:48)

And those who do not invoke anyone besides Allah and do not kill the soul (person) which Allah has forbidden (to be killed), except by right and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever does this shall receive the punishment. (Surah Al-Furqan 25:68)


The Prophet (pbuh) said: Every son of Adam sins and the best of those who sin are those who repent. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2499)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: Allah accepts a slave's repentance until the rattle (comes at the time) of death." (Sunan Al-Tirmidhi 3537)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "The one who repents from sin is like one who did not sin." (Sunan Ibn Majah 4250)

The Prophet (pbuh) said: One who repents from sin is like one who has no sin. (Sunan Ibn Majah 4250)

Opinions of the Companions (Sahaba)

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra) said:

Verily, I saw the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) on the Day of Badr and we were looking for something from him, so I looked at him while he was praying. He continued to raise his hands, supplicating to his Lord until he threw his cloak off his shoulders. Then he knelt down and prostrated himself. Then he raised his hands and supplicated to his Lord until he threw his cloak off his shoulders. Then he knelt down and prostrated himself. Then he continued to raise his hands and supplicate to his Lord until he threw his cloak off his shoulders, so I came forward to him. (Musnad Ahmad 86)

Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) said:

Some prisoners were brought to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), and there was a woman among the prisoners who was searching (for her child). When she found her child she embraced himand put him to her breastand breastfed him. The Messenger of Allah said: 'Do you think that this woman would throw her child in the fire?' We said: 'No, by Allah, not if she is able to stop herself from doing so.' The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: 'Allah is more merciful to His slaves than this woman is to her child.' (Sahih al-Bukhari 5999)

Scholarly Opinions

Imam al-Ghazali: The one who steals something must give it back to its rightful owner if possible. If the owner has died, the thief should give it to the heirs. If the thief can't locate the owner or heirs, the item's value should be given in charity with the intention of paying it back.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah: There is no punishment in the Hereafter for the thief who repents to Allah (swt) and returns the stolen property.

Ibn Qudamah: It is the duty of the penitent thief to do all that is within his power to return the thing stolen or its equivalent to its owner. But if he is unable to do that and repents sincerely, then it is hoped that Allah will forgive him.

Will Allah Forgive Me for Stealing?

The answer is a resounding yes, provided specific conditions are fulfilled:

Sincere Repentance (Tawbah):

True repentance involves remorse for the sin, a firm resolve not to repeat it and seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness.

Returning Stolen Property:

Returning the stolen property to its owner is essential. If this isn't possible (e.g., the owner is unknown or deceased), giving the equivalent value in charity with the intention of recompense is necessary.

Seeking Forgiveness from the Person Wronged:

If feasible, directly apologizing to the person one has stolen from is encouraged for complete repentance.

Reforming One's Character:

Repentance extends beyond just abstaining from theft. It mandates developing honesty, integrity and respect for others' belongings.

Fulfilling Religious Obligations:

Maintaining regular prayers, fasting, charity and other Islamic duties demonstrate a commitment to reform and strengthen one's connection with Allah (swt).

Remember Allah's (swt) mercy is boundless. He desires our repentance and welcomes us back. Even if the sin of stealing feels heavy, sincere repentance and a commitment to change can lead to forgiveness and spiritual growth.

5 Misconceptions about Stealing and Forgiveness

My sin is too great to be forgiven:

Allah's (swt) mercy is boundless. No sin is unforgivable if sincere repentance is sought.

I'll repent when I'm older:

Delaying repentance is dangerous; death can come at any time. Repentance should be immediate.

Simply asking for forgiveness is enough:

Returning stolen property (or its equivalent) and reforming one's behavior are crucial components of repentance.

Stealing small things is permissible:

Stealing is a major sin, regardless of the item's value.

Allah won't forgive me for repeated sins:

Allah's (swt) forgiveness is vast. One must keep repenting and strive for improvement, no matter how often past mistakes are repeated.

5 Objections to Seeking Forgiveness for Stealing

Fear of social repercussions:

Prioritize seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness, even if it entails potential consequences.

They won't forgive me:

Even if the person wronged doesn't forgive, Allah's (swt) forgiveness is most important.

Fear of embarrassment:

The embarrassment of confessing is temporary; the consequence of unrepented sin is eternal.

Difficulty in returning stolen property:

Seek guidance and try one's best to rectify the situation, even if complex.

It was a necessity:

Stealing for survival should be the last resort. Explore all other avenues for assistance first.

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