in category Other Beliefs

Will Allah forgive me for disbelief?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, Allah (swt) has the power and infinite mercy to forgive anyone for not believing, as long as they sincerely repent and embrace Islam before the end of their life.

Table of Contents

  • In a Nutshell
  • Introduction
  • Evidences from Quran and Hadith
  • Will Allah Forgive Me for Not Believing?
  • Misconceptions about Forgiveness for Disbelief
  • Objections to the Possibility of Forgiveness
  • FAQs on Forgiveness for Disbelief


Disbelief in Allah (swt) is undoubtedly a grave sin. However, Islam is a religion that emphasizes Allah's (swt) infinite mercy and forgiveness.

This answer reviews the possibility of forgiveness for those who haven't believed in Allah (swt) and seeks guidance from the Quran and Hadith.


  • Quran 39:53:Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, theMost Merciful.'"
  • Quran 4:17:And whoever seeks forgiveness from Allah - He is indeed Forgiving, Merciful.
  • Hadith (Sahih Muslim):The Prophet (pbuh) said, Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has said: 'O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and ask forgiveness of Me, I will forgive you. That is how I forgive. Do not let insignificant worries overcome you.'"
  • Hadith (Sahih Bukhari):The Prophet (pbuh) said, Three are the people for whom Allah (swt) has guaranteed Paradise: a man who migrates for the sake of Allah (swt), a freed slave who fears Allah (swt) and a believer in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (pbuh) who worships Allah (swt) sincerely and gets along well with the Muslims." (This Hadith indicates that even after not believing for a period of time, one can enter Paradise through belief and good deeds)

Companions' Opinions:

Many companions, including Ibn Abbas (ra) and Ibn Umar (ra), emphasized the importance of conveying the message of Islam to non-believers and inviting them to Allah (swt)'s mercy.

The famous scholar Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) said:

The door of repentance is always open until the moment the sun rises from the west.

Will Allah Forgive Me for Not Believing?

The Quranic verses and hadiths in the Evidences section highlight the boundless nature of Allah's (swt) forgiveness. He (swt) is All-Forgiving and His mercy extends to every sin, including disbelief, as long as the individual sincerely repents.

Sincere repentance, or tawba, requires acknowledging the wrong and feeling genuine remorse, intending to discontinue the sin and seeking forgiveness from Allah (swt). It also involves embracing Islam and striving to live by its principles.

Scholars agree that if someone was a disbeliever then embraced Islam sincerely, believing in Allah (swt) and fulfilling the tenets of faith, then previous sins of disbelief are washed away. This emphasizes Allah's (swt) grace and demonstrates that even those who were misguided have a path towards forgiveness and salvation.

The hadith mentioning Paradise for a person who embraces Islam after a period of disbelief further solidifies this principle. It underscores the opportunity for immense reward through genuine repentance.

While disbelief is certainly a major sin, the core of the Quran and hadith emphasize the possibility of forgiveness and the transformative power of sincere repentance. Allah's (swt) mercy is vast. However, there's always a risk of death before repenting, so procrastinating repentance is incredibly unwise.


  • Only certain sins are forgiven:Islam teaches that Allah (swt) has the power to forgive all sins, without exception, if there's true repentance.
  • It's too late for forgiveness":Allah's (swt) mercy and the offer of forgiveness remains available until the moment of death.
  • "I'm too sinful to be forgiven":No sin is greater than Allah's mercy.
  • Simply repenting isn't enough:True repentance requires a change in heart, intention never to return to the sin and an act of seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness.
  • "After disbelief, I'm destined for Hell":This is incorrect, as sincere repentance can lead to forgiveness and ultimately, the possibility of Paradise.

Objections to the Possibility of Forgiveness

  • Allah (swt) calls disbelief unpardonable (Quran 4:48):This verse refers to those who die in a state of disbelief and reject faith until their death.
  • Certain sins are punished eternally:Yes, some sins, if unrepented for, carry the risk of eternal punishment.
  • Disbelief negates good deeds:Previous good deeds may lose their value in the afterlife if unrepented disbelief leads to death.
  • Allah's (swt) will is supreme:Allah (swt) can forgive or punish. Sincere repentance increases the chances of forgiveness but does not guarantee it.
  • Hypocrites and insincere believers are warned of severe punishment:Those who falsely claim faith will face severe consequences.

FAQs Will Allah Forgive Me for Not Believing?

  • What is the sin of disbelief and why is it serious?Disbelief (kufr) is the rejection of Allah (swt), His messengers, or fundamental tenets of Islam. It is a grave sin as it negates the foundation of faith.
  • Is there a specific prayer for forgiveness of disbelief?While there isn't one designated prayer, sincere repentance, including acknowledging one's sins, turning to Allah (swt) in remorse and asking for forgiveness, is central.
  • How do I sincerely repent from disbelief?True repentance involves admitting to having disbelieved, embracing Islam in heart and actions, performing good deeds and seeking Allah's (swt) forgiveness.
  • What if I have doubts after repenting from disbelief?Doubts are natural. Continuously strengthen your faith through learning, prayer and good company.
  • What if I was born into a non-Muslim family?Allah (swt) is Just. He (swt) tests people according to their knowledge. Strive to learn about Islam sincerely and pray for guidance.

Omissions and Misconceptions

Importantly, the concept of forgiveness for previous disbelief should not be misinterpreted to mean:

  • Permission to delay or neglect embracing Islam.
  • Justification to commit sins with the expectation of later forgiveness.
  • License to take one's salvation for granted.
  • Underestimating the seriousness of disbelief.


The message resounding through the Quran and Sunnah is that Allah's (swt) mercy is immense and that the doors of repentance remain open for all sins until the very end of one's life. For someone who didn't believe in Allah (swt), repentance is the key to erasing past sins and paving the way toward salvation.

While there are no guarantees, sincere repentance, a commitment to change and faith in Allah's (swt) infinite mercy significantly increase the chances of forgiveness. Remember, Allah (swt) is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful and He loves those who turn to Him in sincere repentance, regardless of their past.

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