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What is the Islamic view on suffering?

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In a Nutshell:

Suffering is an undeniable reality of life in this world according to Islam. However, it is not without purpose. Muslims believe that hardships serve as tests of faith, reminders of God's power and opportunities for spiritual growth. By practicing patience (sabr) and trusting in God's plan, Muslims can navigate suffering and emerge stronger, with the promise of immense rewards in the afterlife.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Islamic View on Suffering
  • Misconceptions about Suffering in Islam
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Life inevitably presents challenges and hardships.Islam acknowledges this reality and offers a unique perspective on suffering. This answer explores the Islamic view on suffering, examining its purpose, how Muslims are encouraged to respond and the ultimate reward for those who persevere with faith.


Quranic Verses on Suffering and Patience:

Believers will be tested through trials and tribulations, but also promises that God will provide a way out and grant them patience:

We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, 'Indeed we belong toGod and indeed to Him we will return.'Those are upon whom [are] the blessings of their Lord and His mercy. And it is those who are the guided. (Quran 2:155-157)

Hadiths on Trials and Rewards:

The Prophet (pbuh) said:

The strongest believer is the one who is most severely tested and remains patient. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 5641)

Scholarly Opinions on the Purpose of Suffering:

Imam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya (ra), a renowned Islamic scholar, explained that trials and suffering serve multiple purposes, including refining a believer's character, increasing their dependence on God and expiating their sins.

The Islamic View on Suffering

The Islamic view on suffering is multifaceted and emphasizes several key points:

Suffering as a Test of Faith:
Life's challenges serve as tests to strengthen a believer's faith and commitment to God. Overcoming these tests demonstrates one's sincerity and love for God.

Suffering as a Reminder of God's Power and Mercy:
Difficulties remind us of our dependence on God's power and His ultimate control over our lives. They also highlight God's mercy, as He tests us within our capacity and grants us opportunities for spiritual growth.

Suffering as an Opportunity for Spiritual Growth:
Hardships can cultivate positive qualities like patience, perseverance and reliance on God. They can also lead us closer to God as we seek His help and comfort during challenging times.

The Importance of Patience (Sabr) in Dealing with Suffering:
The Quran and hadiths repeatedly emphasize the virtue of patience (sabr) when facing trials. Sabr involves enduring hardship with a positive attitude, trusting in God's plan and avoiding despair or complaint.

The Role of Prayer and Supplication During Trials:
During difficult times, Muslims are encouraged to turn to God through prayer and supplication. Prayer provides solace and strengthens faith, while supplication allows us to express our needs and seek God's help.

Misconceptions about Suffering in Islam

There are several common misconceptions about suffering in Islam that can lead to confusion and distress. Here, we address two of the most prevalent ones:

Suffering is a punishment from God.

This misconception can cause anxiety and a sense of alienation from God. Islam teaches that suffering is not necessarily a punishment for wrongdoing. While some hardships may be consequences of our actions, others serve a greater purpose in God's plan. As the Quran states (2:155), God tests believers with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits. These trials are not punishments, but opportunities for growth and development.

Suffering means a lack of faith.

This misconception can lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself endured immense hardships throughout his life. He said: > The most afflicted of people with trials were the prophets, then the righteous believers, then those who follow them in goodness. (Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 2398) The fact that someone experiences suffering does not indicate a lack of faith. On the contrary, strong faith allows us to navigate challenges with patience and trust in God's wisdom.

Why does an All-Merciful God allow suffering?

This objection questions the compatibility of God's mercy with the existence of suffering. However, Islamic theology emphasizes God's infinite wisdom and justice. We may not always understand the reasons behind our hardships, but we trust that God allows them for a greater good, even if it is not immediately apparent. As the renowned scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim (ra) explained, Trials are a manifestation of Allah's love for His believing servants, a purification for their sins, an elevation of their degrees (in Paradise) and a cause for their drawing near to Him in love and sincerity.

If suffering has a purpose, why does it seem unfair?

This objection highlights the apparent randomness and unfairness of suffering in the world. However, Islam teaches that God is the Most Just (Al-Adl). While some may experience more hardships than others in this life, God ultimately judges us based on our intentions and actions, not on the circumstances we face. The Quran assures us (40:40):

And whoever wrongs a soul wrongs himself and puts forward no evidence [for this]. And Allah is Knowing, Wise.

In the hereafter, justice will prevail. Those who have suffered patiently in this world will be rewarded abundantly, while those who caused suffering to others will be held accountable.

FAQs: What is the Islamic View on Suffering?

Can suffering bring us closer to God?

Absolutely. Hardships can lead to introspection and strengthen our relationship with God. As we turn to Him for help, guidance and comfort, our bond with Him deepens. In this sense, suffering presents an opportunity to draw closer to God and experience His love, mercy and support.

How can we increase our patience during difficult times?

Increasing our patience (sabr) requires conscious effort and practice. Here are some ways:

What are some practical ways to deal with suffering?

Along with seeking spiritual solace, here are practical tips for coping with suffering:


The Islamic view on suffering acknowledges its inevitability while focusing on its underlying purpose and meaning. While painful experiences are challenging, Islam offers a framework for understanding and coping with them. By understanding suffering as a test of faith, a reminder of God's power and an opportunity for spiritual growth, believers can endure hardships with patience, hope and trust in God's plan.

The Islamic perspective emphasizes the importance of turning to Allah (swt) during difficult times through prayer, supplication and seeking comfort in His words. Furthermore, Islam reminds us that this worldly life is temporary and that our ultimate reward for patient suffering lies in the hereafter. By maintaining a steadfast belief in Allah's mercy and justice, Muslims can find strength and perseverance through life's trials.


  • Al-Qayyim, Ibn. (1997). Patience and Gratitude(trans. Barbour, N.). Kuwait: International Islamic Publishing House.
  • Khan, M. (trans.) (1971). Sahih al-Bukhari. Lahore: Kazi Publishers.
  • Philips, B. (1995). The Purpose of Creation. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House.

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