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How was Islam changed by the influence of Persia?

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In a Nutshell:

Islam arrived in Persia as a conquering force, but a beautiful exchange blossomed. Persian culture deeply influenced Islam, fostering a vibrant Islamic civilization rich in philosophy, science, art and literature. This exchange also shaped the development of Shia Islam and Sufism.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of How Was Islam Changed by the Influence of Persia?
FAQs on How Islam Was Changed by the Influence of Persia?


Persia, with its rich cultural heritage, played a pivotal role in shaping Islamic civilization. While Islam arrived through conquest, a remarkable cultural exchange ensued. This exchange had a profound impact on various aspects of Islam, fostering a flourishing of knowledge, arts and spirituality.

This answer explores how Persia's influence transformed Islam, delving into intellectual discourse, artistic expression, the rise of Shia Islam and the development of Sufism.


The Quran emphasizes the importance of knowledge and learning, urging Muslims to read, contemplate and seek understanding (e.g., Surah Al-Alaq, 96:1-5). Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) encouraged the pursuit of knowledge even if it be in China (Sahih Muslim). These Islamic principles provided fertile ground for the intellectual and cultural exchange that blossomed with Persia's influence.

How Was Islam Changed by the Influence of Persia?

Persia's influence on Islam can be seen in several key areas:

Intellectual Discourse:

Translation Movement:The Abbasid Caliphate, established in Persia, undertook a massive translation movement. Greek philosophical and scientific works were translated into Arabic, enriching Islamic scholarship and stimulating intellectual discourse.
Flourishing of Islamic Philosophy and Theology:Scholars like Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Al-Ghazali emerged, engaging with Greek thought and Islamic theology, leading to a vibrant philosophical and theological tradition within Islam.

Artistic and Literary Influence:

Development of Islamic Calligraphy and Illumination:Inspired by Persian styles, Islamic calligraphy and illumination flourished, transforming the written word into a beautiful art form.
Rise of Persian Literature:Persian literature blossomed, with poets like Rumi and Firdausi leaving an enduring legacy. This rich literary tradition also influenced Islamic mysticism.

The Rise of Shia Islam

Persia's influence played a significant role in the development of Shia Islam. Here's how:

Historical Context:Following the Prophet's (saw) passing, a disagreement arose concerning his successor. Shia Muslims believe leadership rightfully belonged to the Prophet's (saw) descendants, specifically his cousin and son-in-law, Imam Ali (ra) and the subsequent Imams from his lineage. This belief stemmed from their understanding of certain hadiths and their reverence for the Ahl al-Bayt (the Prophet's (saw) household).
Ali is from me and I am from Ali; and Ali is the wali (guardian) of every believer after me. (Sahih Muslim)
The Concept of Imamate:Shia theology emphasizes the concept of Imamate, where the Imam is seen as the divinely- chosen successor to the Prophet (saw), possessing religious and political authority. This concept is central to Shia beliefs and practices.

Development of Sufism

Persia also played a crucial role in the development of Sufism, a mystical tradition within Islam:

Influence of Persian Mystical Traditions:Sufism emerged from the desire for a more direct experience of the divine. Persian mystical traditions, emphasizing love, devotion and spiritual yearning, significantly influenced the development of Sufism.
O Allah, make the love of You obligatory upon me and make the love of those who love You obligatory upon me and make my deeds to be wholly for Your sake. (Hadith Qudsi)
The Concept of Divine Love and Spiritual Yearning:Sufi mystics, like the renowned poet Rumi, expressed a deep love for God and a yearning for spiritual connection. This emphasis on love and spiritual experience resonated with Persian culture and became a hallmark of Sufism.


Here are some common misunderstandings about Persia's influence on Islam:

Islam was purely Arab and rejected foreign influences.This misconception fails to recognize Islam's universality and its ability to adapt and integrate with diverse cultures. Islam's encounter with Persia led to a rich cultural exchange, enhancing the dynamism of Islamic civilization.

The influence of Persia corrupted or weakened Islam.Instead of undermining Islam, Persian influences enriched various aspects of Islamic thought, scholarship and artistic expression. This exchange broadened Islamic perspectives and demonstrates the ability of Islam to engage with different intellectual and cultural traditions.


Some objections raised against Persia's influence on Islam include:

The focus on philosophy and mysticism contradicts the purity of Islamic teachings.While some may argue this, the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual exploration are encouraged in Islam. Persian influences facilitated further understanding of Islamic principles and allowed for a more multifaceted engagement with faith.

The emphasis on artistic expression goes against Islamic aniconism.Islamic artistic expression is diverse. While figurative representations are discouraged in some contexts, Islamic art forms like calligraphy, geometric patterns and arabesques flourished due to Persian influence, demonstrating alternative forms of aesthetic beauty within Islamic principles.

FAQs on How Islam Was Changed by the Influence of Persia

How did the Persian language impact the development of Islamic scholarship?Persian became a prominent language of Islamic scholarship, alongside Arabic. Persian scholars contributed significantly to Islamic literature, particularly in philosophy, theology and poetry.

What are some of the remaining tensions between Persian and Arab cultures within Islam?Historical and political differences have sometimes led to tensions between certain groups within the broader Muslim community. Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that Islam transcends cultural divides and unites people of diverse backgrounds.


Persia's influence on Islam stands as a testament to the dynamic and enriching nature of cultural exchange within Islamic civilization. It wasn't a one-sided transformation, but rather a reciprocal process that shaped both Persian culture and expressions of Islamic thought. Persia's contributions in philosophy, science, arts and spirituality left a lasting legacy on the Islamic world.

By understanding Persia's influence, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and richness of Islamic history and the remarkable ability of Islam to engage with and enrich different cultural contexts.


Morgan, Michael. (2007). The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Islamic World
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. (2006). Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present: Philosophy in the Land of Prophecy.
Lapidus, Ira M. (2002). A History of Islamic Societies.

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