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How to rectify omitting the second Tashahhud by mistake in salah?

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In a Nutshell:

If you forget the second tashahhud in your prayer unintentionally, simply perform two prostrations of forgetfulness (sajdah al-sahw) after completing your final salam. This rectifies the mistake and completes your prayer.

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Evidences from Sharia
Analysis of Omitting the Second Tashahhud by Mistake
FAQs (Omitting the Second Tashahhud)


Salah (prayer) is a cornerstone of Islam, a direct connection between a believer and Allah (SWT). Performing prayer correctly is essential and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) demonstrated the proper form (Sunnah) through his actions and teachings. This article addresses a common mistake: accidentally omitting the second tashahhud during prayer. We will explore how to rectify this situation and delve into the relevant Islamic rulings.

Evidences from Sharia

Muslims are obligated to follow the Prophet's (saw) guidance in prayer, as the Quran emphasizes:

{Quran 24:68}...And obey Allah and the Messenger...

Hadiths narrate the Prophet's (saw) specific actions during prayer, including the tashahhud. Here's an example:


Abu Dawud narrated that the Prophet (saw) used to sit in the final tashahhud until one could say something easily memorized (referring to supplications after tashahhud).

While there is scholarly discussion regarding the specific ruling on omitting the second tashahhud (details in the next section), all schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree on the importance of rectifying mistakes in prayer.

Omitting the Second Tashahhud by Mistake

There's a crucial distinction between forgetting and intentionally omitting the second tashahhud. If you forget unintentionally, Islam provides a remedy. Universally, upon realizing a mistake in prayer, one performs two prostrations of forgetfulness (sajdah al-sahw).

Here's how to rectify omitting the second tashahhud by mistake:

Complete your prayer with the final tashahhud and salam.
After the salam, while still seated, perform two prostrations of forgetfulness (sajdah al-sahw) just like regular prostrations in prayer.
Recite the tasbih (subhanallah) formula during each prostration.
Sit upright briefly after each prostration.
Conclude with another supplication (if desired).

There's some scholarly discussion on the exact location of the sajdah al-sahw (before or after the salam). Consulting a qualified Islamic scholar can provide specific guidance based on your chosen school of jurisprudence.


Here are some common misconceptions regarding omitting the second tashahhud:

Myth 1: The prayer is invalid if you forget the second tashahhud.

This is incorrect. Forgetting the second tashahhud is a mistake, but Islam provides a way to rectify it through sajdah al-sahw.

Myth 2: You need to repeat the entire prayer.

There's no need to repeat the entire prayer if you forget the second tashahhud unintentionally. Performing sajdah al-sahw after completing the prayer with the final tashahhud and salam rectifies the mistake.

Myth 3: Only specific mistakes require sajdah al-sahw.

Sajdah al-sahw is performed to rectify various mistakes in prayer, not just omitting the second tashahhud. This includes adding an extra unit (???? - ruk'ah) of prayer or forgetting ?????? ????? (al-tashahhud al-awwal - the first tashahhud).


Here are some potential objections regarding omitting the second tashahhud:

What if you forget you forgot the second tashahhud?

If you don't realize you omitted the second tashahhud until after you've finished your prayer, there's no need to go back and perform sajdah al-sahw. The Prophet (saw) said:


Verily, Allah forgives the mistakes of the Ummah (community) of Muhammad (saw) what they forget and what they do under compulsion. (Sahih Muslim)Is sajdah al-sahw necessary for minor mistakes?

While some scholars considered sajdah al-sahw only obligatory for major mistakes, the majority view - and the stronger opinion - is that it's recommended (mustahabb) for all types of mistakes in prayer, including minor ones. This serves as a precautionary measure and ensures one completes the prayer perfectly.

FAQs (Omitting the Second Tashahhud)

Can you perform sajdah al-sahw for other mistakes in prayer?Yes, sajdah al-sahw is performed to rectify various mistakes in prayer, such as adding or forgetting a part of the prayer, reciting incorrectly, or changing the order of actions.

What if you remember the omission after finishing your prayer?If you've completed your prayer and then realize you forgot the second tashahhud, there's no need to perform sajdah al-sahw. Omissions or mistakes done unintentionally are forgiven as per the hadith mentioned earlier.

Is sajdah al-sahw required for witr prayer?Yes, sajdah al-sahw is recommended for both regular five daily prayers and witr prayer.


In accordance with Islamic Law (Shariah) accidentally omitting the second tashahhud is an unintentional mistake in prayer. Islam's beautiful characteristic of mercy (????) provides a way to amend such mistakes, demonstrating the ease and flexibility Allah (SWT) intends for his servants. Performing sajdah al-sahw rectifies this omission and allows the believer to complete their prayers in a proper and accepted way.

It's important to remember that Islam emphasizes striving for knowledge. To understand the complexities of ritual practices and the nuanced discussions among scholars, Muslims must actively engage in seeking religious knowledge. This includes consulting reputable Islamic scholars for personalized guidance on specific situations and to deepen their understanding of the Sharia.

May Allah (SWT) accept our prayers and our efforts for attaining perfection. Ameen!


Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Fath al-Bari fi Sharh sahih al-Bukhari
Imam Nawawi, Al-Majmu' Sharh Al-Muhadhdhab
Shurunbulali, Nur al-Idah wa Maraqi al-Falah
'Ala al-Din al-Kasani, Bada'i' al-Sana'i' fi Tartib al-Shara'i'
Ibn Qudamah, al-Mughni

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