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How to set Intentions and make dua during salah (prayer)?

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In a Nutshell:

Performing Salah (prayer) with the correct intention and incorporating heartfelt supplication (Dua) are essential for a complete and spiritually enriching prayer experience.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Setting the Intention Before Commencing Prayer
  • Renewing Intention During Salah (if necessary)
  • Supplication Throughout the Prayer
  • Specific Duas in Different Parts of Salah
  • Maintaining Focus (Khushu) While Making Dua
  • Misconceptions about Setting Intentions and Making Dua in Salah
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah (prayer) is one of the five pillars of Islam and a direct connection between a believer and Allah (swt). Muslims perform Salah five times a day, at prescribed times, to express their devotion, servitude and seek Allah's (swt) guidance and blessings.

An essential aspect of a valid and spiritually fulfilling prayer is having the correct intention (Niyyah) from the outset and incorporating sincere supplication (Dua) throughout the Salah.


Quranic Verses on Intention and Actions:

The importance of intention in all actions, including Salah, is emphasized in the Quran:

"Verily, actions are only by intentions and for every one is what he intended." (Quran 49:1)

This verse highlights that the outward action itself holds less significance than the underlying intention behind it. Therefore, having the correct intention to perform Salah for the sake of pleasing Allah (swt) is crucial for a valid prayer.

Hadiths on Setting Intention and Making Dua in Prayer:

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) emphasized the importance of both intention and Dua in Salah through his sayings and actions. Here are two narrations:

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The key to prayer is cleanliness and its beginning is Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar) and its conclusion is taslim (salutations)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith establishes the importance of setting the intention for prayer at its very beginning, alongside pronouncing the Takbir.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) would often raise his hands in supplication during his Salah (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet's (saw) practice demonstrates the importance of incorporating Dua throughout the prayer.

Scholarly Opinions on the Significance of Intention and Dua:

Islamic scholars throughout history have unanimously emphasized the importance of intention and Dua in Salah. Imam Nawawi (rahimahullah), a renowned scholar, states:

Intention is a condition for the validity of prayer according to the consensus of the scholars.

Scholars have also highlighted the importance of Dua in prayer, encouraging believers to make sincere supplications throughout Salah.

Setting Intentions and Making Dua During Salah

The Power of Intention

Setting the correct intention (Niyyah) before commencing Salah is fundamental for a valid prayer. It purifies the action and directs your focus towards worshipping Allah (swt) with sincerity.

Setting the Intention Before Commencing Prayer:

The intention for Salah should be formulated in the heart. There is no requirement for verbalization. Scholars recommend a simple yet clear intention, such as I am performing two Rakat of Zuhr prayer (or any other prayer) solely for the sake of Allah (swt).

Renewing Intention During Salah (if necessary):

While maintaining the intention throughout prayer is ideal, unforeseen interruptions can occur. If a worshiper becomes unsure about their intention due to a distraction, they should renew their intention silently while continuing the prayer. This ensures the Salah remains valid.

Making Dua During Salah

Incorporating Dua (supplication) throughout Salah elevates the prayer experience and allows believers to directly connect with Allah (swt).

Supplication Throughout the Prayer:

There are designated moments throughout the prayer for Dua, including during ruk?? (bowing), ???? (prostration) and ???? ?????? (the sitting position after the second prostration in each Rak'ah). These moments offer opportunities to express gratitude, seek forgiveness and make personal supplications.

Specific Duas in Different Parts of Salah:

While supplications can be personal and heartfelt, there are also specific Duas recommended for various parts of the prayer. These can be found in authentic hadiths and Islamic prayer manuals. Reciting these Duas is encouraged, but not obligatory.

Maintaining Focus (Khushu) While Making Dua:

Maintaining focus (Khushu) during Salah is essential for a meaningful prayer experience. This includes focusing on the recitation of Quran, the physical postures and most importantly, the act of supplication. Here are some tips for maintaining Khushu while making Dua:

  • Be present:Strive to be mentally present during prayer and avoid letting your mind wander.
  • Lower your gaze:Focusing on the spot of prostration helps maintain concentration.
  • Internalize the meaning:Contemplate the meaning of the supplications you recite to deepen your connection with the words.

By following these tips, worshippers can enhance their focus and ensure their Duas during Salah are heartfelt and sincere.

Misconceptions about Setting Intentions and Making Dua in Salah

Here are some common misconceptions about intentions and Dua in Salah, along with clarifications:

  • Intention is a mere formality.No; intention is the very foundation of a valid prayer. Without proper intention, the act of prayer loses its spiritual significance and reward.
  • Duas must be memorized in Arabic.While Duas in Arabic carry special blessing, you can express yourself in your native language during prayer. Allah (swt) understands all languages and the sincerity of the heart matters most.
  • Only specific Duas are acceptable in Salah.You can make sincere personal supplications in any language alongside recommended Duas. Allah (swt) welcomes and hears all heartfelt prayers.

  • I find it difficult to formulate my own Duas during prayer.Begin with simple Duas, such as those found in authentic hadiths. As you become familiar with these, your personal supplications will naturally flow.
  • My mind wanders during Dua in Salah.This is a common experience. Renew your focus by visualizing yourself standing before Allah (swt) and conversing with Him. Regular practice enhances concentration.

FAQs about Setting Intentions and Making Dua in Salah

Can I make Dua in my native language during Salah?

Absolutely yes. While Arabic Duas hold special merit, Allah (swt) understands all languages and welcomes sincere prayer in any form.

What if I forget to set an intention before starting prayer?

If you forget to set an intention at the very beginning, do so as soon as you remember. The remainder of your prayer will be valid from that point onwards.

Are there specific Duas for each obligatory prayer?

Yes, there are recommended Duas for each obligatory prayer that you can find in authentic hadith collections and prayer manuals. However, these are not mandatory and you can make additional personal supplications.


Setting the correct intention and incorporating heartfelt Duas into your Salah transforms it into a spiritually enriching and profound experience. Drawing upon the Quran, the example of the Prophet (saw) and the guidance of Islamic scholars, this article has explored the significance and practicalities of these aspects of prayer.

Intention is the foundation of a valid prayer, while Dua allows you to directly connect with Allah (swt) and express your needs, hopes and gratitude. By understanding and applying the principles and practices discussed here, you can enhance your prayer experience and strengthen your relationship with your Creator.

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