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Why are specific dhikrs recited during bowing and Prostrating in salah?

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In a Nutshell:

In Salah, specific phrases of glorification (dhikr) are recited during bowing (ruku') and prostration (sujud) to magnify Allah's (swt) majesty and express submission in a structured manner, following the guidance of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Table of Contents

Background and Context
Analysis of Why Specific Dhikrs are Recited
FAQs (Why Are Specific Dhikrs Recited During Bowing and Prostration in Salah?)


Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah (swt), is a cornerstone of Islamic practice. It encompasses various forms of remembering and glorifying Allah (swt), including supplication, recitation of the Quran and reflection on His creation. Salah, the five daily prayers, is a specific act of worship that integrates dhikr throughout its postures.

Bowing (ruku') and prostration (sujud) are two crucial postures in Salah that involve specific recitations of dhikr. These specific phrases hold deep meaning and serve a vital purpose in expressing submission and magnifying Allah's (swt) greatness.


The Quran (2:156) emphasizes the importance of glorifying Allah (swt) in all aspects of worship:

Say, 'Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.'

Hadiths from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provide specific guidance on the dhikr recited during bowing and prostration. Sahih Bukhari, a collection of authentic hadiths, narrates:

The Prophet (pbuh) used to say in ruku': 'Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem (Glorified be Allah, the Greatest),' and in sujud: 'Subhana Rabbiyal-A'la (Glorified be Allah, the Most High).'(Sahih Bukhari, Book of Prayer)

These hadiths establish the Sunnah, the prophetic practice, of reciting specific dhikr during bowing and prostration.

Why Specific Dhikrs are Recited

The wisdom behind reciting specific dhikr in ruku' and sujud lies in several aspects:

Expressing Allah's Immense Greatness:The dhikr Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem in ruku' emphasizes Allah's (swt) overwhelming majesty and power. The bowing posture itself signifies humility before this greatness.
Glorifying Allah's Highest Status:In sujud, the state of complete prostration, the dhikr Subhana Rabbiyal-A'la highlights Allah's (swt) supreme position and absolute authority.
Emphasizing Humility and Submission:The specific postures and accompanying dhikr reinforce the act of complete submission to Allah (swt).
Maintaining Uniformity and Following the Sunnah:Reciting the established dhikr ensures uniformity within the Muslim community and adherence to the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings.
Historical Context and Consistency in Dhikr:These specific phrases likely have historical roots and ensure consistency in dhikr throughout the prayer.

These elements combine to create a profound experience of glorifying Allah (swt) and expressing complete submission within the structured framework of Salah.


There are some common misconceptions regarding the specific dhikr recited during bowing and prostration in Salah. Let's address two of them:

Any Dhikr is Permissible During Bowing and Prostration:

While dhikr in general is encouraged throughout Salah, there are specific narrations in hadiths that mention the recommended dhikr for ruku' and sujud. Here, following the Sunnah and reciting the established phrases ensures uniformity and adherence to the Prophet's (pbuh) practice.

Specific Wording is Not Important:

The specific wording of the dhikr carries significance. Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem and Subhana Rabbiyal-A'la encapsulate profound meanings related to Allah's (swt) greatness and high status. Using these established phrases ensures the intended message is conveyed and the act of glorification is performed as instructed by the Prophet (pbuh).


Some may raise objections regarding the use of specific dhikr in Salah. Let's consider two of these:

Why Limit Dhikr to Specific Phrases? Can't We Use Our Own Words?

While personal supplication is an important aspect of worship, the structured postures of Salah have established forms of dhikr. This ensures uniformity within the prayer and emphasizes the importance of following the Prophet's (pbuh) guidance. Additionally, the chosen phrases in ruku' and sujud are concise yet comprehensive, expressing profound messages of glorification.

Isn't Personal Supplication More Meaningful? What about Inner Reflection?

Personal supplication and inner reflection are encouraged throughout Salah, including during standing (qiyam) and sitting (qa'dah). The specific dhikr in ruku' and sujud complements these aspects by providing a structured form of glorification within these postures. Inner reflection can and should accompany the recitation of dhikr, deepening the experience of submission and connection with Allah (swt).

FAQs (Why Are Specific Dhikrs Recited During Bowing and Prostration in Salah?)

Can I Recite Different Dhikrs in Different Languages?:While the primary emphasis is on understanding the meaning, reciting the dhikr in Arabic is preferred to maintain the Sunnah (prophetic practice). If one doesn't know Arabic, they can focus on learning the Arabic pronunciation along with understanding the meaning.

What if I Forget the Specific Dhikr?:If you forget the specific dhikr, it's recommended to substitute with other phrases of glorification like Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah) or Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) until you recall the established dhikr.

Is Maintaining Proper Posture Important During Dhikr?:Yes, maintaining the correct posture of ruku' and sujud is crucial while reciting the dhikr. The postures themselves are acts of submission and complementing them with the specific glorification amplifies the worshiper's devotion and state of humility.


Reciting specific dhikr during the bowing and prostration postures in Salah is an integral part of Islamic worship, rooted in Quranic injunctions and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). These phrases serve as profound expressions of glorifying Allah (swt), emphasizing His greatness and reinforcing the act of submission in the act of prayer.

By understanding the significance of these dhikrs, their historical context and the importance of following the Sunnah, we gain a deeper appreciation for the structured beauty of Salah. Furthermore, the established dhikr doesn't contradict personal supplication and inner reflection, but rather complements them, creating a comprehensive spiritual experience of worship and connection with Allah (swt).


Al-Hakeem, Sayyid M.S. (2023). Ruling on Prayer. Retrieved from: https://www.alhakeem.com/en/questions/855
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