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What is salah al-Tawbah (the prayer of Repentance) and how is it performed?

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In a Nutshell:

Salah al-Tawbah, also known as the Prayer of Repentance, is a voluntary two-rak'ah prayer performed by Muslims seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) after committing a sin. While not mandatory, it serves as a powerful act of worship that demonstrates remorse and strengthens one's resolve to turn away from sin.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Importance of Repentance in Islam
  • Concept of Salah al-Tawbah
  • Evidences
  • Ruling on Performing Salah al-Tawbah
  • Conditions for Effective Repentance
  • Steps for Performing Salah al-Tawbah
  • Supplications for Forgiveness During Prayer
  • Misconceptions about Salah al-Tawbah​​​​​​​
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Repentance (Tawbah) is a cornerstone of Islam, offering a path back to Allah (SWT) after committing sins. It is a continuous process that involves regret, seeking forgiveness and a sincere commitment to abstain from sin in the future. Salah al-Tawbah is a beautiful Sunnah practice that complements this process and allows believers to express their remorse and resolve through an act of worship.


Quranic Verses

Allah (SWT) emphasizes the importance of repentance throughout the Quran. Here are a few examples:

"Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, theMost Merciful.'" (Quran 39:53)

"And turn to Allah in repentance and be devout to Him. Indeed, Allah is near to the repentant and He is the Most Merciful." (Quran 9:114)


The Prophet (SAW) encouraged believers to seek forgiveness through prayer. Here are a few relevant ahadith:

Abu Bakr (RA) narrated that a man came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, "O Messenger of Allah, my sin is great. Is there any repentance for me?" The Prophet (SAW) said, "Do you worship anything besides Allah?" The man said, "No." The Prophet (SAW) said, "Then perform ablution well, then pray two rak'ahs and then seek forgiveness from Allah and He will indeed forgive you." (Ibn Majah)

It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin 'Umar (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Whoever forgets and commits a sin, then let him perform ablution well and pray two rak'ahs and then ask for forgiveness from Allah and then he will be forgiven." (At-Tirmidhi)

​​​​​​​Salah al-Tawbah

Definition and Purpose

Salah al-Tawbah literally translates to the Prayer of Repentance. It is a voluntary (nafl) prayer consisting of two rak'ahs performed by a Muslim seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) after committing a sin. This prayer serves as a powerful expression of remorse and a renewal of one's covenant with Allah (SWT).

Ruling on Performing Salah al-Tawbah

The majority of Islamic scholars consider Salah al-Tawbah to be a mustahab (highly recommended) practice based on the encouragements found in the hadiths. However, it is not obligatory (fard) and can be performed alongside other forms of repentance.

Conditions for Effective Repentance

While Salah al-Tawbah is a valuable act of worship, true repentance requires more than just prayer. Here are some essential conditions for effective repentance as outlined by Islamic scholars:

  • Sincere Regret (Nadm): The believer must genuinely feel remorseful for their sin and acknowledge its wrongfulness.
  • Abandonment of the Sin (Iqa'): The sinner must make a firm intention and take concrete steps to stop committing the sin.
  • Resolution Not to Repeat (Azm): The individual must sincerely determine to avoid the sin in the future, seeking Allah's (SWT) help for continued guidance.
  • Returning Rights (Radd al- Huquq):If the sin involved violating another person's rights, the stolen item or right must be returned or restitution made. Seeking forgiveness from the wronged individual is also necessary.

Steps for Performing Salah al-Tawbah

  • Perform Wudu: As with all prayers, ensure ritual purity by performing a complete wudu.
  • Pray Two Rak'ahs: Perform two units of prayer with the same intention and structure as any other voluntary prayer. There are no specific recitations required for this prayer.
  • Supplication for Forgiveness: After completing the prayer, raise your hands in supplication (dua) and sincerely beg Allah (SWT) for forgiveness. There is no single prescribed dua for this occasion, but some common supplications include:​​​​​​​ Allahumma aghfirli (O Allah, forgive me)​​​​​​​ and Rabbighfirli wa tubb 'alayya (My Lord, forgive me and accept my repentance).

Misconceptions about Salah al-Tawbah

Salah al-Tawbah is obligatory for every sin.
While Salah al-Tawbah is a valuable act of worship, it is not considered obligatory for every sin. True repentance involves the sincere conditions listed earlier and the prayer complements the process.

Performing Salah al-Tawbah guarantees forgiveness.
Allah (SWT) is the Most Merciful and He forgives those who truly repent. However, sincerity and meeting the conditions for repentance are just as important as the act of prayer. Muslims must always be humble, understanding that ultimate forgiveness resides with Allah (SWT).

Why pray if Allah (SWT) is already All-Forgiving
Prayer and supplication are essential aspects of building a relationship with Allah (SWT). These acts remind us of Allah's (SWT) mercy, increase our humility and strengthen our resolve to strive for righteousness.

Isn't sincere regret enough for repentance
While sincere remorse is a crucial first step, Islam emphasizes that we must express our repentance through both our hearts and our actions. Salah al-Tawbah is a clear act that compliments our inward resolve and helps us reform.

FAQs on Salah al-Tawbah

Can Salah al-Tawbah be performed at any time?
Yes, there are no specific times when Salah al-Tawbah cannot be performed. Some scholars recommend performing it sooner rather than later after realizing a sin.

What if I don't remember the specific supplications?
Any sincere dua and words seeking forgiveness from your heart are valid. Simply asking for Allah's (SWT) pardon is sufficient.

Can Salah al-Tawbah be repeated for the same sin?
Yes, Salah al-Tawbah can be repeated for the same or different sins as long as the other conditions of true repentance are met.


Salah al-Tawbah serves as an important and powerful tool for seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT) after committing sins. Through this prayer, Muslims acknowledge their shortcomings, express heartfelt remorse and reaffirm their commitment to righteousness. When combined with the sincere fulfillment of the conditions of repentance, Salah al-Tawbah provides a beautiful way to turn back to Allah (SWT) and renew our covenant with Him.

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