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In salah (prayer), which is better: longer standing in prayer or more rakahs (Units of Prayer)?

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In a Nutshell:

Neither prolonged standing in prayer nor performing a large number of rak'ahs is inherently better. The ideal practice, as demonstrated by the Prophet (saw) and emphasized by Islamic scholars, is to strive for a balanced prayer that incorporates both elements while maintaining focus and presence in your prayer (khushu'). This ensures you fulfill the obligatory elements of prayer while also deriving spiritual benefit from the experience.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Balancing Length and Concentration in Prayer
  • Misconceptions about Prayer Length and Rakahs
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah (prayer) is one of the five pillars of Islam and a direct connection between a believer and Allah (swt). It is a form of worship that expresses gratitude, seeks forgiveness and strengthens one's faith. We are encouraged to strive for excellence in their prayer, seeking ways to improve their focus, recitation and overall experience.

Balancing Length and Concentration in Prayer

The ideal practice in prayer is not about prioritizing either prolonged standing or a large number of rak'ahs. Here's a breakdown of key points to consider:

  • Following the Prophetic Sunnah: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) established a balanced approach to prayer length. He (saw) would recite at length in certain prayers but also observed conciseness in others. We strive to emulate his (saw) practice as a guide.
  • Balancing Length with Concentration (Khushu'): The core objective of prayer is to connect with Allah (swt) with presence and devotion (khushu'). Overly long prayers that compromise focus may become counterproductive.
  • Considerations for Individual Circumstances: Factors like health, time constraints and individual capacity for focus should be taken into account. Someone who can maintain khushu' in longer prayers may find them beneficial, while others might prioritize shorter prayers with better focus.


Both the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) emphasize the importance of prayer and maintaining focus during it. Here are some key pieces of evidence:

  • Quran 2:238: Guard strictly (five obligatory) prayers, especially the middle prayer and stand before your Lord in humility. (This verse emphasizes the importance of observing prayers attentively and with humility.)
  • Sahih Bukhari - Actions in Prayer: The Prophet (saw) said, The best of prayer is that which is lengthened in qiyam (standing), with much bowing and prostration and done properly with tranquility. (This hadith highlights the importance of a balanced approach to prayer length, incorporating proper recitation and postures while maintaining calmness.)
  • Sahih Muslim - Avoiding Excessive Talking in Prayer: The Prophet (saw) said, Let your prayer be a conversation between you and your Lord (swt). (This hadith emphasizes the importance of focus and mindfulness during prayer, prioritizing connection with Allah (swt) over lengthy recitations.)

These evidences together guide us towards a prayer practice that balances recitation length, proper postures and most importantly, maintaining presence and devotion in one's prayer (khushu').


Several misconceptions surround the ideal length of prayer and the number of rak'ahs performed. Here are two common ones addressed:

Longer standing automatically leads to more reward.

While longer prayers with proper focus can be rewarding, simply extending the standing position without maintaining khushu' does not necessarily translate to more reward.

Performing a large number of rak'ahs is always preferable.

The obligatory number of rak'ahs for each prayer is set and fulfilling those obligations is essential. However, exceeding the obligatory rak'ahs through voluntary prayers (nafl) is encouraged, but only if one can maintain focus and proper form.

Some scholars emphasize lengthy prayers. How does this fit in?

It is true that some scholars encourage optional (nafl) prayers that encompass longer recitation and standing. These voluntary prayers offer an opportunity for deeper spiritual connection for those able to maintain focus and devotion throughout them.

What about busy schedules? Can't we prioritize shorter prayers?

Absolutely. It is better to pray shorter prayers with khushu' than to rush through longer ones without proper presence. The obligatory prayers are designed to fit into even busy schedules.

How can someone maintain focus during extended prayer?

Several techniques help, such as understanding the meaning of recitations, visualizing the presence of Allah (swt), breaking the prayer into smaller segments and making dua for increased focus.

Isn't there more reward for reciting more of the Quran in prayer?

Indeed, reciting more Quran is praiseworthy. However, focusing on understanding and contemplating what is recited is equally, if not more important than simply increasing the quantity of recitation without proper focus.

What if someone finds it difficult to stand for long periods?

Islam accommodates people with various abilities. Those who find it difficult to stand may pray sitting or even lying if necessary.


How can I improve my khushu' in prayer?

  • Learn the meanings of the recitations.
  • Avoid distractions.
  • Pray in a quiet environment.
  • Set realistic expectations for focus.
  • Make dua to Allah (swt) for help in establishing khushu'.Is it okay to shorten my prayer due to tiredness or illness?

Yes, Islam allows flexibility and shortening or combining prayers is permissible in such cases.

Can I make up for shorter prayers with additional voluntary prayers?

You cannot make up for obligatory prayers, but additional voluntary prayers (nafl) are always welcomed.

How can I find a balance between work and longer prayers?

  • Perform obligatory prayers on time.
  • Offer longer optional prayers later with more focus, when you have time.

What are some tips for maintaining proper posture during extended standing in prayer?

  • Adjust your stance occasionally for comfort.
  • Engage in strength training for better support.
  • Seek medical advice if experiencing persistent physical limitations.


The question of whether longer standing or more rak'ahs in prayer is better finds its answer neither in length nor quantity alone.

True excellence in prayer lies in striking a balance between the two while prioritizing khushu' (focus and presence).

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