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Where should the hands be placed when standing up after Rukoo' in salah?

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In a Nutshell:

When rising from rukoo' (bowing posture) in salah (Islamic prayer), the hands are placed on the thighs, slightly above the knees, with fingers spread apart and pointing towards the Qiblah (direction of the Kaaba).

This hand placement is part of the Sunnah and contributes to maintaining a respectful and balanced posture during prayer.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Hand Placement After Rukoo'
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah is one of the most important pillars of Islam and performing it correctly requires following the guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad saw. Proper posture throughout the prayer is essential, not only for physical respect but also for demonstrating focus and submission to Allah (swt).


Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir (ra): "I saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) placing his hands between his knees, his fingers spread and directing his gaze towards the ground." (Sahih Bukhari)

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (ra): "The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to place his right hand on his left thigh, his fingers spread and pointing towards the Qiblah, while reciting Sami'a Allahu liman hamida (Allah listens to whoever praises Him)." (Sahih Muslim)

These hadiths clearly demonstrate the Prophet's (saw) practice of placing his hands on his thighs with specific details about finger position and direction. Following the Prophet's (saw) Sunnah in prayer is obligatory for all Muslims.

Scholars' Opinions:

The prominent scholars of the four major Sunni madhhabs are in unanimous agreement regarding the hand placement after rukoo' as described in the hadiths. They emphasise the importance of following the Sunnah in all aspects of prayer.

Hand Placement After Rukoo'

The placement of the hands on the thighs after rukoo' serves several purposes:

  • Following the Sunnah: As mentioned earlier, adhering to the Prophet's (saw) practice in prayer is a core principle in Islam.
  • Maintaining a Respectful Posture: The hand placement helps maintain a balanced and respectful stance during prayer, reflecting humility and submission to Allah (swt).
  • Focus and Concentration: Proper posture, including hand placement, contributes to focusing on the prayer and avoiding distractions.

Description of Hand Placement:

  • Position on the Thighs: The hands should be placed slightly above the knees, on the upper part of the thighs.
  • Finger Position and Direction: The fingers should be spread apart and pointing towards the Qiblah.
  • Variations in Madhhabs: While there is consensus on the general placement, there might be slight variations in hand position between the madhhabs regarding the exact placement on the thighs or the way the fingers are spread. It is recommended to follow the madhhab you adhere to for specific details.

Maintaining a Balanced and Respectful Posture:

The hand placement is just one aspect of maintaining a respectful posture throughout prayer. Muslims should strive to stand straight, keep their back aligned and avoid fidgeting or looking around excessively.


There are some common misconceptions regarding hand placement after rukoo' in salah:

Hands Should Be Clasped Together

Some people mistakenly believe that the hands should be clasped together after rising from rukoo'. However, as evidenced by the hadiths mentioned earlier, the Prophet (saw) placed his hands separately on his thighs with fingers spread apart. Clasping the hands is not part of the Sunnah and might hinder maintaining a balanced posture.

Hand Placement Doesn't Matter

Another misconception is that the specific placement of the hands is not important. However, as discussed previously, following the Prophet's (saw) Sunnah in all aspects of prayer, including posture, is crucial. Proper hand placement contributes to maintaining focus, expressing respect and adhering to the established Islamic practice of prayer.

Focusing on Posture Takes Away from Prayer's Spirituality

While maintaining proper posture is important, it should not overshadow the spiritual essence of prayer. The core of salah lies in connecting with Allah (swt) through sincere recitation, supplication and contemplation. However, proper posture, including hand placement, serves as a physical manifestation of that inner focus and respect. It's a way of embodying our submission to Allah (swt) with our entire being, both physically and spiritually.

Difficulty Maintaining the Hand Position Due to Physical Limitations

Some individuals might have physical limitations that make it challenging to maintain the traditional hand placement. In such cases, scholars advise prioritizing comfort and performing the prayer in a way that does not cause undue hardship. The core intention of prayer remains paramount and Allah (swt) is Most (Ar-Rahman - The Most Merciful) and will understand any limitations. It is recommended to consult with a knowledgeable Imam or scholar for guidance on modifications that can be made while adhering to the core principles of prayer.

FAQs (Hand Placement After Rukoo')

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding hand placement after rukoo':

What if I forget the hand placement?

If you forgetthe specific hand placement during prayer, don't worry. Simply continue your prayer and strive to remember it for the next time. There is no need to repeat the prayer due to this forgetfulness.

Are there situations where the hand placement can differ?

The core hand placement described earlier is the general practice. However, there might be slight variations in specific situations, such as while traveling or praying in a crowded space. In such cases, prioritizing comfort and performing the prayer in a way that doesn't cause inconvenience to yourself or others is acceptable.


Performing salah with proper posture, including the placement of hands after rukoo', demonstrates a commitment to following the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw).

The hands placed on the thighs, with fingers spread and pointing towards the Qiblah, signify a respectful posture and contribute to focus and humility in prayer. While there might be slight variations in the exact hand placement between the madhhabs, the core principle of following the Sunnah remains the same.

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