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Where should one place one's hands when standing up from rukoo in salah?

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In a Nutshell:

When rising from rukoo' in Salah, Muslims place their hands on their thighs, just above the knees, with fingers together and pointing towards the Qiblah. This practice follows the established Sunnah.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Hand Placement After Rukoo'
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah, the Islamic prayer, is a cornerstone of Muslim practice. Performing Salah in a proper and respectful manner is essential and this includes maintaining the correct posture throughout the prayer. One crucial aspect of posture involves hand placement during transitions between different positions.

This answer explains the appropriate placement of hands when rising from rukoo' (bowing) and transitioning back to a standing position (qiyam) in Salah.

Background and Context

Rukoo' is a posture in Salah where one bows from the waist with their back straight, placing their hands on their knees. Qiyam is the standing posture that forms the starting and ending positions of each rak'ah (unit) of prayer.

Transitioning smoothly between these postures is part of following the Sunnah of the Prophet (saw).


The placement of hands after rukoo' is established by the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) narrated in the hadiths. Here are some key examples:

  • Sahih al-Bukhari: Multiple narrations describe the Prophet (saw) placing his hands between his knees or on his thighs when rising from rukoo'.
  • Sahih Muslim: Similar narrations from Sahih Muslim depict the Prophet (saw) placing his hands above his knees after rukoo'.

These hadiths establish the Sunnah of placing hands on the thighs, just above the knees, when rising from rukoo' in Salah.

Hand Placement After Rukoo'

Following a clear and established Sunnah is crucial in performing Salah correctly. The hadiths mentioned above provide a clear picture of the Prophet's (saw) practice regarding hand placement after rukoo'. This placement serves several purposes:

  • Following the Sunnah: By adhering to the reported traditions, Muslims demonstrate their commitment to emulating the Prophet's (saw) way of prayer, a core principle in Islam.
  • Maintaining Proper Posture: Placing hands on the thighs helps maintain a balanced and respectful posture during the transition from rukoo' to qiyam.
  • Focus and Concentration: Keeping the hands positioned on the thighs during this movement encourages focus and prevents unnecessary distractions during prayer.

It's important to note that there might be slight variations in hand placement across different madhhabs. For instance, the Hanafi madhhab allows placing the hands slightly below the kneecaps on the thighs while rising from rukoo'. However, the core principle of placing hands on the thighs remains consistent across all major schools of thought.

FAQs on Hand Placement After Rukoo'

What if I forget the hand placement?

Everyone makes mistakes during prayer. If you forget the specific hand placement while rising from rukoo', simply continue your prayer without dwelling on the mistake. The core requirement is to complete the prayer with the intention of fulfilling this obligation to Allah (swt).

Can I place my hands elsewhere due to discomfort?

If you have a valid excuse, such as physical limitations that prevent you from placing your hands on your thighs comfortably, you can adopt an alternative position that allows you to complete the prayer with minimal discomfort.

The key principle is to strive to follow the Sunnah as closely as possible, but with due consideration for genuine limitations. In such cases, consulting with a qualified Islamic scholar for specific guidance is recommended.

Raising hands after rukoo' is a common practice in my community. Why is that not considered valid?

While some local customs involve raising hands after rukoo', there's often no strong basis for this practice in the established Sunnah. It's essential to prioritize authentic evidence from the Prophet's (saw) teachings when determining correct prayer postures. Following the Sunnah ensures adherence to the purest form of worship.

Some people clasp their hands together during the transition from rukoo'. Isn't that acceptable?

The narrations describing the Prophet's (saw) practice focus on placing the hands on the thighs with fingers relaxed, not clasped tightly. Clasping hands might hinder focus on prayer, while open palms on the thighs maintain a relaxed and attentive posture.


Proper hand placement when rising from rukoo' in Salah is a significant detail that contributes to the overall performance of prayer. Adhering to the authentic Sunnah of Prophet (saw) ensures the correct and respectful execution of this central act of worship. While variations exist across madhhabs, the principle remains focusing on following the Prophet's (saw) teachings and maintaining a respectful posture throughout the prayer.

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