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What should one do if they yawn while performing salah (prayer)?

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In a Nutshell:

When a yawn disrupts your focus during prayer, Islam encourages gentle suppression to maintain attentiveness. This practice is believed to hinder Satan's attempts to distract worshippers.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Evidences
  • Analysis of Yawning During Salah
  • FAQs (FAQs on Yawning During Salah)
  • Conclusion


Maintaining focus and presence of mind during Salah (prayer) is a core principle in Islam. This allows worshippers to fully connect with Allah (swt). However, distractions can arise, including yawning. This answer explores the Islamic perspective on yawning during prayer and how to best manage it.


Quranic Verses:

The importance of attentiveness in prayer is emphasized in the Quran: And be ever mindful of (the obligations of) prayer and be patient in (your prayers): For prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.(Al-Baqarah 2:183)


A specific Hadith from Jamiat-Tirmidhi (Book 2, Hadith 222) addresses yawning in prayer:

When one of you yawns while engaged in prayer, he should try to restrain himself as far as it lies in his power, since it is the Shaytan that enters therein. (Jamiat-Tirmidhi) This Hadith indicates that suppressing yawns is encouraged to prevent distractions and potential influence from Satan (Shaytan).

These evidences establish the importance of focus during prayer and the recommendation to suppress yawns as a means to achieve this.

Yawning During Salah

Yawning during prayer can be disruptive in two ways:

Breaking Focus:Yawning naturally draws attention away from prayer and towards bodily needs. This disrupts the deep connection sought with Allah (swt) during Salah.

Symbolic Connection to Forgetfulness:In Islam, yawning is sometimes associated with forgetfulness. Suppressing a yawn can symbolize resisting distractions and maintaining mindfulness during prayer.

It's important to distinguish between intentional and unintentional yawns. Unintentional yawns are a natural reflex and seeking forgiveness from Allah (swt) is sufficient. However, making a conscious effort to suppress yawns demonstrates commitment to focus and attentiveness in prayer.

Here are some additional points to consider:

Etiquette:While suppressing a yawn, one should cover their mouth with their right hand and remain silent. This demonstrates respect for the prayer and avoids disturbing others.

Minimizing Yawns:Strategies to minimize yawning before prayer include avoiding overeating, getting enough sleep and proper hydration.

FAQs (FAQs on Yawning During Salah)

  • What if I yawn unintentionally during prayer?

Unintentional yawns are a natural reflex and there's no blame for them. If you yawn unintentionally, simply seek forgiveness from Allah (swt) and refocus your attention on your prayer. Here's a relevant supplication you can recite after yawning:

SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)(Sahih al-Bukhari)

  • Is there a specific supplication for yawning during prayer?

There's no specific supplication mentioned in the hadiths solely for yawning during prayer. However, the general supplication for seeking refuge in Allah (swt) from distractions is recommended:

A'udhu bi Allahi min ash-shaytanir-rajim (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan)(Sahih al-Bukhari)

This supplication can be recited silently while suppressing a yawn during prayer.

  • Can tiredness be an excuse for excessive yawning during prayer?

While tiredness can contribute to yawning, it's important to prioritize attentiveness in prayer. Taking steps to ensure proper sleep hygiene before prayers can help minimize excessive yawning. This demonstrates a sincere effort to be present during Salah.

  • Is using a miswak helpful to reduce yawning during prayer?

The miswak is a small twig traditionally used for cleaning teeth and the mouth. While there's no specific hadith mentioning the miswak and reducing yawns, some scholars suggest it may be beneficial. Using a miswak promotes good oral hygiene, which can contribute to a feeling of freshness and potentially reduce the urge to yawn.


Maintaining focus during prayer is essential for a fulfilling connection with Allah (swt). Yawning can be a natural distraction, but Islamic teachings encourage gentle suppression as a way to preserve attentiveness. Remember, the key is to strive for mindfulness and seek Allah's (swt) refuge from distractions. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can minimize disruptions caused by yawning and enhance your prayer experience.


Here are some common misconceptions about yawning in prayer:

Yawning is a sign of disrespect during prayer.Remember, yawning is primarily a natural physiological response. However, intentionally allowing loud or disruptive yawns can show a lack of proper etiquette during prayer.

Suppressing yawns is physically impossible.While yawning might feel uncontrollable, subtle physical techniques can help minimize a yawn at its onset. Techniques include pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth or taking deep breaths through your nose.

Yawning indicates a lack of faith.Focus and attentiveness are important aspects of prayer, but yawning doesn't reflect upon the strength of one's faith. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: The Shaytan comes between a man and his prayer and his Lord - he whispers into his heart, saying, Remember such and such and such and such, in order to make him forget how many rak'as he has prayed.(Sahih al-Bukhari) This indicates that distractions are common and should be overcome with focus and dedication.

Only loud yawns are problematic.All yawns cause some degree of distraction from prayer, whether loud or silent.


Here are some potential objections to the advice of suppressing yawns during prayer:

What if suppressing a yawn is too difficult and more distracting?In such cases, gently cover your mouth, do your best to minimize sound and seek Allah's (swt) forgiveness for any unintentional disruption.

Does suppressing yawns make the prayer invalid?Focus and attentiveness are essential aspects of prayer, but suppressing yawns doesn't directly affect the prayer's validity. However, intentionally allowing disruptive yawns shows a disregard for proper prayer etiquette.


  • Al-Baghawi, Mushkil Al-Athar (4/191)
  • Al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari
  • Ibn Khuzaymah, Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah (3/81)
  • Tirmidhi, Jami' at-Tirmidhi

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