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Can I repeat the salah (prayer) twice if I erred?

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In a Nutshell:

Performing the same obligatory prayer twice within its designated time is generally not permissible. However, if an error invalidates your prayer, you must perform it again. There are also situations where an optional prayer can be offered even if you've already prayed the obligatory prayer for that time.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Background and Context
  • Hadiths
  • Scholarly Opinions
  • Analysis
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion


Salah (prayer) is one of the five pillars of Islam and holds immense importance in the life of a believer. It's a direct connection between a worshipper and Allah (swt). Performing prayer correctly requires following specific steps and guidelines. This answer explores the question of whether you can repeat the same Salah if you make an error during prayer.


Quranic Verses

Rectifying Errors:

Several hadiths illustrate the Prophet's (pbuh) teachings on rectifying errors in prayer. For instance, a hadith narrated by Ibn Mas'ud (ra) describes the Prophet (pbuh) performing Sujud al-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) after forgetting a portion of the Qur'an during prayer [Sahih al-Bukhari]. This indicates that minor errors can be rectified within the prayer itself.

Repeating Prayer for Invalidations:

Other hadiths mention the need to repeat the prayer if a major error occurs. Jabir ibn Hayyan (ra) narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, Whoever forgets a rak'ah (unit of prayer) of prayer, let them complete it when they remember and there is no prostration of forgetfulness for it [Sahih Muslim]. This hadith indicates that forgetting a complete rak'ah invalidates the prayer, necessitating its repetition.

Optional Prayer After Obligatory:

The hadith of Yazid bin Al-Aswad (ra) demonstrates the permissibility of optional prayer after an obligatory prayer in congregation. The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged those who had already prayed at home to join the congregational prayer, considering it an additional voluntary prayer for them [Sunan an-Nasa'i].

Scholars' Opinions:

Islamic scholars across different schools of thought concur that unintentionally repeating an obligatory prayer is not valid. However, they acknowledge the importance of rectifying errors and repeating the prayer if a major error renders it invalid.

Repeating Salah on Error

The permissibility of repeating Salah hinges on understanding the nature of the error and its impact on the prayer's validity. Here's a breakdown:

Differentiating Between Repetition and Rectification:

Intentionally praying the same obligatory Salah twice within its designated time period is not allowed. This is because the five daily prayers have specific allocated times. However, rectifying an error within the prayer itself is encouraged. This can be done through actions like Sujud al-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness) for minor forgetfulnesses.

Sujud al-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness):

The practice of Sujud al-Sahw is a mercy from Allah (swt) that allows worshippers to rectify minor errors or uncertainties during prayer. It involves prostrating twice after completing the Tashahhud (sitting position) at the end of the prayer [Sahih al-Bukhari].

Errors that Invalidate Prayer:

Certain errors can invalidate the prayer, necessitating its complete repetition. These include forgetting a complete rak'ah (unit of prayer) as mentioned in the hadith of Jabir ibn Hayyan (ra) cited earlier. Similarly, actions that break the continuity of the prayer, like talking without a valid excuse, would also render it invalid [Sahih al-Bukhari].

Permissibility of Voluntary Prayer After Obligatory:

The Hadith of Yazid bin Al-Aswad (ra) clarifies that optional prayers (nawafil) can be performed even after fulfilling the obligatory prayer for that time slot. This demonstrates that additional prayers do not constitute a repetition of the obligatory prayer, but rather an act of seeking extra reward and closeness to Allah (swt).

In essence, while intentionally repeating the same obligatory prayer is not valid, Islam provides mechanisms to rectify errors and repeat the prayer if necessary. Additionally, offering voluntary prayers after obligatory prayers is a praiseworthy act.


Minor Mistakes Invalidate Prayer:

While striving for excellence in prayer is important, it's easy to become overly concerned about minor mistakes. Usually, such errors do not invalidate the prayer and can be rectified through means like Sujud al-Sahw.

You Cannot Pray an Optional Prayer After an Obligatory Prayer:

The hadith of Yazid bin Al-Aswad (ra) clarifies that offering an optional prayer after the obligatory prayer is permissible and considered a virtuous act.

What if Someone Doubts the Validity of Their Prayer?

In cases of excessive doubt or waswasa (insinuating whispers), it's best to follow one's predominant assumption and not endlessly repeat the prayer out of mere doubt. The Prophet (pbuh) advised someone plagued by doubts in prayer to consider whatever they think is most likely to be correct [Sahih al-Bukhari].

Doesn't Repeating Prayer Go Against the Concept of Five Daily Prayers?

Repeating prayer due to an error is not considered contrary to the five daily prayers. Instead, it's a means to ensure the validity of one of the pillars of Islam.


What if I miss a rak'ah (unit) of prayer due to forgetfulness?

You should add the missed rak'ah and complete your prayer. Afterward, perform Sujud al-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness).

Can I pray again if someone disturbs my prayer?

If the disturbance significantly disrupts your prayer, you may have to repeat it. However, if it's a minor interruption, try to regain focus and continue.


Understanding the rules regarding repeating Salah is crucial for every Muslim seeking to perfect their worship. While intentionality and valid reasons are essential, Islam emphasizes ease and mercy over undue hardship.

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