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Can a Muslim perform Tahajjud salah (Night Prayer) after witr?

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In a Nutshell:

Yes, Muslims can perform Tahajjud prayer after Witr prayer. Witr is ideally prayed last at night, but it's not obligatory. Tahajjud offers a special opportunity for spiritual connection in the later hours.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Evidences
  • Scholarly Debates
  • Integrating Tahajjud and Witr into a Meaningful Night Routine
  • Balancing Sleep and Night Prayers
  • Misconceptions
  • FAQs: Tahajjud Prayer After Witr


Night prayers hold immense significance in Islam. The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the spiritual rewards of seeking forgiveness and communing with Allah (SWT) during the quiet hours. Notably, Surah Al-Muzzammil (73) instructs the Prophet (PBUH) to rise for prayer during the night (verse 1-2).

This article addresses a specific question regarding the order of night prayers: Can a Muslim perform Tahajjud prayer after Witr prayer?


Surah Al-Muzzammil (73:1-2): O you who are enfolded (in sleep), Arise and pray through the night, except for a little - Half of it, or a little less than that, Or a little more than that, And recite the Qur'an (with slow and melodious recitation) in measured tone.

Surah As-Sajdah (32:16): They used to forsake their sleep at night and implore forgiveness from their Lord.

Hadith narrated by Aisha (RA): The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to pray at night eleven or thirteen rak'ahs, making Witr from them. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA): The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: 'The best of prayers after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer.' (Sahih Muslim)

There are different opinions among Islamic scholars regarding the preferred order of Tahajjud and Witr prayers. However, the majority view allows for performing Tahajjud after Witr.

Performing Tahajjud Prayer After Witr

Historical Context: Practices of Early Muslims and Companions

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions (RA) observed a variety of night prayer routines. While some might have prayed Witr last, there's no evidence suggesting a strict order was mandated.

  • Aisha (RA) reported the Prophet (PBUH) praying Witr at various points during the night, sometimes incorporating it within Tahajjud prayers (Sahih al-Bukhari).
  • Other companions like Ibn Mas'ud (RA) and Ibn 'Umar (RA) are narrated to have prayed Witr towards the end of the night (Musnad Ahmad).

Scholarly Debates

Arguments for Praying Witr Last:

  • Following the Sunnah: Some scholars emphasize the importance of emulating the Prophet's (PBUH) practice whenever possible. Narrations suggest he often ended his night prayers with Witr (Sunan an-Nasai).
  • Marking the Conclusion of Night Prayers: Witr's odd number of rak'ahs signifies its role as the final night prayer, similar to how Maghrib (dusk) marks the end of daytime prayers.

Arguments for Flexibility in Order:

  • Focus on Spiritual Connection: The core objective of night prayers is to connect with Allah (SWT). As long as one performs both prayers with sincerity, the order holds less significance.
  • Practical Considerations: Some individuals might find it easier to wake up for Tahajjud in the earlier part of the night.

Integrating Tahajjud and Witr into a Meaningful Night Routine

Ultimately, the ideal approach depends on your individual circumstances and spiritual goals. Here are some tips for establishing a balanced night prayer routine:

  • Consistency is Key: Aim for regularity in your night prayers, even if it's just a few rak'ahs. Consistency fosters habit and deepens your connection with Allah (SWT).
  • Listen to Your Body: Don't overexert yourself by trying to replicate long night prayers immediately. Gradually increase the duration as you establish a sustainable routine.
  • Focus on Quality over Quantity: A few heartfelt rak'ahs prayed with presence and focus hold more value than numerous hurried prayers.

Balancing Sleep and Night Prayers

Night prayers should complement, not replace, adequate sleep. Insufficient sleep can negatively impact your health, focus and overall well-being. Here's how to strike a balance:

  • Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you get enough restful sleep for optimal daytime functioning. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep as a general guideline.
  • Adjust Gradually: If you're a new night prayer, start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your sleep patterns adjust.
  • Short Power Naps: Consider taking a short nap in the late afternoon if you struggle with waking up for Tahajjud.


Witr Must Always Be the Last Prayer of the Night

While praying Witr as the final prayer is recommended, it's not strictly mandatory. The Prophet's (PBUH) own practice varied, demonstrating flexibility in night prayers.

Praying Tahajjud Before Witr Makes Witr Invalid

Praying Tahajjud does not nullify Witr or diminish its rewards. As long as one prays Witr before Fajr, both prayers are considered valid.

Prioritizing Sleep for Strength in Daily Life and Prayers

While sleep is essential, night prayers shouldn't be seen as disruptions. Short prayer sessions with focus can refresh and spiritually energize you for the day.

Difficulty Waking Up Multiple Times for Prayers

Start with short intervals of Tahajjud and gradually increase the duration. Consider setting alarms and utilizing sleep management techniques to ease the process.

FAQs: Tahajjud Prayer After Witr

How many rak'ahs should be performed in Tahajjud prayer?

There's no fixed number. The Prophet (PBUH) typically prayed eight rak'ahs; however, a minimum of two rak'ahs is sufficient.

Can women pray Tahajjud and Witr?

Yes, night prayers are strongly encouraged for both men and women. Women can also pray Tahajjud and Witr during menstruation.

What dua should be recited after Tahajjud prayer?

You can recite any supplication you like. No specific dua is prescribed for Tahajjud. Seek forgiveness, express gratitude and make heartfelt requests.


It's permissible to pray Tahajjud after performing Witr. While making Witr the final prayer aligns with the Prophet's (PBUH) frequent practice, the focus remains on cultivating a consistent and sincere connection with Allah (SWT).

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